Ridley Scott says Two Alien Prequels in 3D

Looks like Ridley Scott got talking about the Alien Prequel and manages to spill that it will in fact be filmed in 3D, but not only that.

This will be the first of TWO Alien prequels.

DreadCentral confirms:

According to one of many sites on the scene, HitFix, Scott confirmed a couple of things, mainly that it will definitely be in 3D. “Of course it will be in 3D.” said Scott. That’s pretty rock solid confirmation if we ever heard one.

Even more interesting … as the junket was coming to a close, Devin Feraci of CHUD.com and the others mentioned to Scott that they’re all really curious as to what kind of a prequel he has on tap for everyone to which Scott replied, “Prequels. Two films,” leading up to the events in the original Alien.

So there you have it, the prequel leading up to the events of Alien will the first of two.

Given that he talks about how non-digital the effects of Alien were, it would be interesting if he would take on the project using oldschool techniques, but given that he is kicking this off in 3D, I doubt they would go so rough.

Shame really. Would be neat to see a return to oldschool effects, especially for Alien.

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10 Responses to “Ridley Scott says Two Alien Prequels in 3D”
  1. michael says:

    To be honest, I’m not happy there’s going to be two prequels. I’d like to see one prequel to take care of the space jockey and one sequel to end ripleys story.

    As for effects 3-D doesn’t mean lots of special effects just a different filming technique. I’m still not sure what kind of film this will be. Lets just hope russel crowe doesn’t get cast and it ends up being gladiator with Aliens.

  2. 420BAND says:

    If filmed right, the added depth and imagery in the hands of it’s creator, could be somethin’ special again (like the first 2)I know Cameron did the 2nd one so maybee the Rid-man could use his new 3-D toy and make this shit rock!

  3. Thos says:

    Maybe this means James Cameron could come back for another Alien film. When he was asked to direct Alien 3 after Aliens came out, he said he would direct 4 if Ridley Scott directed 3. Instead we got flames on Optimus…

    • Rodney says:

      You do realize that Cameron and Scott had NOTHING to do with Michael Bay’s Transformers right?

      That comment is just so random I have to wonder what you were getting at, because it makes no sense.

  4. AndyS says:

    Worst idea EVER in movie history. Alien was never meant to have a back story and a prequel (especially one involving the SJ) will only ruin the mystery that made the original such a classic.

  5. JP says:

    Hollywood is running out of ideas fast. No more remakes, prequels and all that jazz…Good writing is either hard to come by these days or hollywood is trying to cash in on the baby boomers spawn in a BIG way!!!

    • Rodney says:

      You act like Hollywood is in it for the art.

      Of course its for the cash.

      And saying there are no original ideas left in Hollywood is pure ignorance.

  6. 420BAND says:

    Yeah, they still got em, but there going for the guaranteed cash
    (who wouldn’t). I’m happy to hear Ridley’s back on board, after that CGI crapfest of part 3 in a prison no-less and a lackluster 4, this series needs some seriousness shot back into it.

    I can totally vision it in 3-D. Imagine if we had the original in 3-d? that woulda rocked! the suspense woulda been kicked-up a few notches(if that was possible enough).

    See no issue here.

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