Archive for April, 2010

Leonard Nimoy Announces Retirement from Acting

Leonard Nimoy has filmed his final appearance on Fringe, and plans to make an appearance at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, followed by a trip to the small town of Vulcan (which has taken the coincidental name of their town to make it a Star Trek tourist stop) and then plans on hanging up his actors hat.

Those could be the very last public appearances for Mr Nimoy as an actor as he plans to now retire from acting.

FilmJunk shares:

79-year-old Leonard Nimoy has just finished shooting his final appearance as Dr. William Bell on the TV show Fringe, and he feels that it’s time to go out on a high note. This almost certainly means he will not be making an appearance in J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Star Trek sequel either.

I think this is an appropriate time for Nimoy to step away. Its not like he will be hurting for the money, and his iconic character has passed the torch to his younger self. His story in the Star Trek world is done as he hovers off into the sunset, and his appearance on Fringe, while very interesting is not going to kill the show when his part is done.

Nimoy has earned the rest, and I don’t think anyone would fault him for stepping away from the camera after this long and deserving career.

Martin Lawrence says Bad Boys 3 is Happening

Martin Lawrence was chatting up Death at a Funeral, and managed to slip in that he has been talking with Michael Bay and Will Smith about the possibility of doing a Bad Boys 3.

And it looks like if these three have anything to say about it (and they do) there will be a third film.

“It’s real realistic,” the comedian revealed to MTV News, addressing rumors that he’ll re-team with Bay and the former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air once again. “We’ve talked about Bad Boys 3.”

Any time you can get Big Willie to come out and talk about doing a third installment of a hot movie like Bad Boys, you have to take notice, Lawrence explained.

I met with Michael Bay, and he said he’s onboard too — so it’s real.

This is one of the few franchises that I don’t mind Martin Lawrence in. I am not a fan of his headlining stuff, but I like how he plays off of Will Smith.

Smith could be returning to a wave of action hits to pad his career a bit more before taking on serious roles again, and I like Smith in both capacities, so its a win/win for me.

But Martin Lawrence needs the boost.

Sonnenfield talks Men in Black 3

With Will Smith passing on The City that Sailed, the gears got turning fast for Men in Black 3. And it looks like Barry Sonnenfield is hitting the ground running.

The Film Stage shares:

Director Barry Sonnenfield told Showbiz at the Tribeca Film Festival kick-off party that the film is “ready to roll”. It will be in 3D and that both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones have signed on to return. After Spider-Man 4 fell apart at Sony they are looking for a Memorial Day 2011 film and this is the one. Tropic Thunder co-writer Etan Coen is finishing up the script now.

Word has it that there will be a time travel event that will have Agent J going back in time to meet a younger Agent K, who was said to be played by Josh Brolin.

I kind of like that idea, and while it also means that the “something K sees in this guy Edwards” would have been from his own past, it also means that Tommy Lee Jones wouldn’t have to be in the film much.

But its good to hear that he is still in it, and I look foward to seeing what they do with it.

Better Look at Brolin’s Jonah Hex

A new picture of Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex is making the rounds of the internet, and its giving us a much better look at just how scarred they went with his image.

They do keep the unnatural bit that bridges over his mouth, which is true to how the character was drawn in the comic.

I am really looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Seems like we have been hearing about it forever.


Callaghan to write I Dream of Jeannie Adaptation

For a LONG time now, there has been talks about getting a I Dream of Jeannie adaptation made, including one that had Lindsay Lohan as Jeannie (I can see her in the outfit anyways)

Now it seems this adaptation that seems to never get off the ground is setting up for another try. This time with Sheila Callaghan writing the script.

JoBlo says:

A number of writers have been attached to the project including NATIONAL TREASURE writers Cormac and Marianne Wibberley, MULAN’s Rita Hsiao and BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM’s Gurinder Chadha. Jimmy Fallon was allegedly under contract to play the Larry Hagman role. But now Sony wants to blow that all up and start fresh with a new script from Sheila Callaghan, a writer on “The United States of Tara.”

I Dream of Jeannie had a very simple premise that doesn’t have much to go on. Man finds a bottle and discovers that he has “earned” a Genie named… Jeannie. Eventually they fall in love and get married. The End.

But the charm of the whole show was that Jeannie served her master out of duty, and was oblivious to the modern world. I hope they keep that element. But as reported Callaghan would be going with a more of a focus on the relationship of equals with different roles instead of Jeannie being duty bound to call him Master etc.

I just wonder what peice of eyecandy they will get to wear the sexy genie outfit.

DVD Review: New York, I Love You

Thanks for checking out our New York, I Love You Review.

Genre: Drama

Released: DVD and Blu: April 20,2010


This is an interesting project with a heap of directors and actors all set to film their own peice of this film. Each of these short films were stitched together to make one big film, each directed and written by someone different. The task was that they had only 24 hours to shoot, a week to edit and needed to give the sense of a particular neighborhood.

Ten vignettes in New York City: a pickpocket meets his match; a young Hasidic woman, on the eve of her marriage, reveals herself to an Indian businessman; a writer tries a pick-up line; an artist seeks a model; a composer needs to read; two women connect; a man takes a child to Central Park; lovers meet; a couple takes a walk on their anniversary; a kid goes to the prom with a girl in a wheelchair; a retired singer contemplates suicide. There are eight million stories in the naked city: these have been ten of them.


Each of these films is brilliantly brought together with one repetitive encounter with a woman who is randomly filming New York in action for an art project who seems to cross paths with all of these stories. Each story is incredibly different, shows the incredible mix of culture and lives in the busy city.

The most amazing thing about this is that with all these stars, they pull out some impressive performances. Hayden Christiansen was one of my favourites, but he only comes in second to Orlando Bloom. Seriously. These guys blew me away in their bits.

Of course other veterans of the big screen like Robin Wright Penn (beautiful and sexy in this) just knock it out of the park. And on the DVD there is a very artsy segment that was cut from the film, directed by Scarlett Johansson and starring Kevin Bacon (which was in the original ‘08 Toronto International Film Festival presentation) that while interesting on its own just didnt fit with the rest of the stories.


There is a very artsy feel to this movie. If arthouse is not your thing this will drag on. The only segment I didn’t like was the old couple constantly nagging at each other for their entire bit. While endearing that they were still married despite the bickering, the message was lost on me from the constant irritable chatter.


A very enjoyable look at the people and lives of New York City. If you want to get a look at the culture of New York in a very enjoyable showcase of short films, this is perfect.

And if you want to know how people like Hayden Christiansen and Orlando Bloom keep getting work, I think this movie will tell you why. I see them both in a different light here.

Tiny bit of trivia, is that the film runtime is precisely 1:43, and “143″ is a common numerical representation for the phrase “I love you” indicating the amount of letters in each word of the phrase.

I give New York, I Love You a7 out of 10

Comcast offers Tribeca Film Fest titles to New York Residents On Demand

Do you live in New York City, and wish you could be going to the exclusive Tribeca Film Festival? Are you a Comcast customer?

Well here is your chance to snub those press reviewers and cinephiles lining up to catch a handful of the films a day before they do.

Beginning tomorrow, Comcast and Tribeca Film will offer seven films from this year’s Tribeca Film Festival in New York City to viewers’ homes across the United States through Comcast On Demand. This is one day before ANY films are even screened at the exclusive Festival, and it brings the Festival to hundreds of thousands of indie fans who otherwise wouldn’t be able to see the Festival films. In addition, Comcast will feature acclaimed and award-winning films from the 2009 Tribeca Film Festivals, documentaries from ESPN, and extras including behind-the-scenes, outtakes, interviews with actors and directors, DVD extras, wrap-up segments, and more.

All of the Tribeca Film content can be found on Comcast On Demand using the On Demand menu under “Movies” > “Tribeca Film.”

To check out which titles are being offered, go to your OnDemand menu and select movies and then the Tribeca Film menu to see.

Don’t Look Up Trailer Online

Ok, this just looks completely messed up.

Don’t Look Up stars Henry Thomas (Elliot from ET - yeah him!) as a man who has a supernatural ability to see things that no one else can - and what he sees are terrible things.

Now I can’t tell if this is taking place in a modern world and seeing the past or what, but I think it might be comeletely a period film.

I think I was a little too distracted by the baby fetus flinging across the floor in a slip and slide made of its own placenta.


Don’t Look Up hits DVD and Blu on July 2nd.


Beastly Trailer Online

We all know the story of Beauty and the Beast, which was the only thing about this that makes me hesitate about this modern retelling of the tale. Its been done too many times for me. But I have to admit it got me curious.

CBS is stretching out into feature films. When I saw the CBS logo attached to this, I just assumed it was a TV movie, but this is coming out on the big screen. And after seeing Vanessa Hudgens attached to it, I was again hesitant. I am not mad at her, I just don’t automatically think it will be great because she’s in it. Check out the trailer.

It still has a bit of TV Movie feel to it, but I would be willing to give it a shot. It looks pretty decent.

Bond 23 is Delayed Indefinitely

Today we learn a very important lesson. MGM studios are now learning that their Scrooge McDuck swimming pools of money are empty and there is a direct connection between that and the ability to make movies.

Screen Junkies shares the public statement:

Due to the continuing uncertainty surrounding the future of MGM and the failure to close a sale of the studio, we have suspended development on ‘Bond 23′ indefinitely. We do not know when development will resume and do not have a date for the release of ‘Bond 23.’

I am really surprised that someone with deep pockets hasn’t picked up this studio yet. Maybe they will just have to piecemeal sell off the properties themselves.

Would be sad to see MGM not roar any more, but honestly these properties they have the rights for will not die with them.

Diaz and Del Toro sign on for An Ex to Grind

Hopefully this movie will shed some light on how superhot women end up with a troll of a man like Del Toro.

Anyways, it seems that Cameron Diaz will be staring in a romantic comedy with the aforementioned troll called An Ex to Grind.
Total Film reports:

20th Century Fox have picked up the rights for An Ex To Grind, a novel written by Jane Heller, and actors Cameron Diaz and Benicio Del Toro have been linked to the project.

The plot is a bit of a role reversal. Diaz is the trophy wife of then athlete superstar played by Benicio Del Toro. During his successful career, she herself establishes a very profitable business until an injury ends DelToro’s career and he slumps into a lazy mess drinking beer all day.

Now she realizes that if she divorces this deadbeat anchor, she will be the one forking out the money so she tries to find a woman for her Husband to leave her for.

I predict that while cleaning him up and trying to pawn him off on someone else she will see what made her fall in love with him in the first place and then struggles to win back the husband she was trying to discard.

Hilarity ensues.

Solitary Man Trailer and Poster Online

A new poster and Trailer for Michael Douglas’ Solitary Man is out, and it looks like it could be a great film.

Check out the trailer

The cast looks great even if it does have Jesse (Michael Cera the Sequel) Eisenberg in it. And it looks like it could be a real moving film about accepting the life you created for yourself.


Ninth Iron Man 2 TV Spot Online

Iron Man 2 is out in a bit over 2 weeks and I just cant wait.

But it seems they are not done littering the TV with new versions of the trailers.

Ok, there is nothing new about this one, but I can’t resist that scene at the end where Widow makes the inuendo about the dirty martini.


Blu Tuesday: New Releases April 20,2010

Wow, there is quite a lot of films coming out on DVD and Blu this week, and while a handful we are seeing for the first time, the biggest is clearly the release of Avatar, which is setting itself aside for its own big release date separate of all the rest.

Lets see whats on the shelves today.

Crazy Heart
Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a broken-down, hard-living country music singer who’s had way too many marriages, far too many years on the road and one too many drinks way too many times. And yet, Bad can’t help but reach for salvation with the help of Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a journalist who discovers the real man behind the musician. As he struggles down the road of redemption, Bad learns the hard way just how tough life can be on one man’s crazy heart.

Jeff Bridges was awesome in this, and Maggie Gullenhaal is just beautiful. Powerful movie.

Reborn in his avatar form, Jake can walk again. He is given a mission to infiltrate the Na’vi, who have become a major obstacle to mining the precious ore. But a beautiful Na’vi female, Neytiri, saves Jake’s life, and this changes everything. Jake is taken in by her clan, and learns to become one of them, which involves many tests and adventures. As Jake’s relationship with his reluctant teacher Neytiri deepens, he learns to respect the Na’vi way and finally takes his place among them. Soon he will face the ultimate test as he leads them in an epic battle that will decide the fate of an entire world.

A visual triumph, and an epic tale. This is getting a mid-week release separating itself from the rest of the releases this week. No doubt this will dominate sales, and I will be picking up my copy later this week on BluRay.

Young Victoria
On the eve of her 18th birthday and succession to the English throne, young Princess Victoria (Emily Blunt) is caught in a royal power struggle. But it is her blossoming love affair with Albert (Rupert Friend) that will determine the strength of her reign.

Not really my cup of tea, but I can’t resist Emily Blunt and my wife loves these kinds of movies, so its likely to get rented.

New York, I Love You
Since the birth of movies, New York has long been cinema’s dream city—its teeming populace of one-of-a-kind characters, its stone-and-glass skyscrapers rocketing towards the heavens, its subterranean cultures and its rooftop love affairs all making for the perfect backdrop to all manner of action, comedy, drama and poetry. The city has been immortalized on screen in hundreds of different ways in thousands of movies. But now comes a fresh, diverse and unabashedly romantic window into the city, this time seen entirely through the eyes of love—love in all its varieties, from first love, tough love and momentary love to love remembered, love denied, love yearned for and love that lasts forever—from a collaboration of young, impassioned filmmakers from around the world.

My review of this film is going up later today. I have had it for days. This is a collection of short films melted together to be one eclectic tale of New Yorkers. Really decent watch.

Cheech and Chong’s Watch this Moive
The best buds of comedy are back and funnier than ever! In their triumphant return 25 years in the making, Cheech & Chong embark on an all-new trip that will leave you rolling with laughter.

Cheech & Chong’s Hey Watch This is a feature film showcasing the guys’ hugely successful reunion tour, “Cheech & Chong: Light Up America,” where they performed together for the first time in over 25 years.

Their tour was considered a critical success, and I was wondering if they truly hold up to the funny that I seem to remember them being in the early 80s, so I will be renting this one.

Crazy on the Outside
When Tommy (Tim Allen) gets released from the big house, he discovers life on the outside is even crazier than it was behind bars. Tommy’s eccentric sister won’t get off his back, his sexy ex-girlfriend won’t leave him alone, and his former partner in crime won’t take no for an answer. Through it all, Tommy just might find the girl of his dreams and get convicted of love in the first degree.

I am a sucker for these Tim Allen films, and its sad to see them go direct to video. But I will be checking this one out for sure. The cast looks good, and it looks like another slice of Allen style comedy. Interestingly enough Tim Allen is a reform poster as he himself once did jail time.

John Skillpa (Cillian Murphy) is a quiet bank clerk living in tiny Peacock, Nebraska, who lives his life in solitude. Then, in a moment, everything changes. A train caboose runs off its tracks and crashes into his backyard, destroying more than the weathered planks of his wood fence. When neighbors descend on the scene, they discover Skillpa’s other personality, Emma, for the first time and mistakenly believe her to be his wife. This launches him into the glare of the spotlight and eventually shatters the delicate balance of his sanity.

This just looked creepy weird so I don’t know if I want to see it. If someone gets around to it, let me know if its worthwhile.

The Lovely Bones
A young girl (Saoirse Ronan) who has been murdered watches over her family—and her killer—from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal. Based on the critically acclaimed best-selling novel by Alice Sebold.

I liked the movie, thought it was a little dry at times. The scenes in “the inbetween” are visually appealing, and Saoirise Ronan I was sure was going to be in more films coming out. That girl is a fantastic little actress. I dont feel compelled to buy it, but if you haven’t seen it, at least give it a rent.

So what are you picking up today?

Star Wars Collection on BluRay

I love Star Wars, and I own every film and various extended products, but not all the different releases. Releasing multiple versions of films was taken to such an artform that it is now a slang verb from the name of George Lucas.

Lucas - [loo-kuhs]
–verb (used with object)
1. to produce again.
2. Law. to make over property that fans think “belongs to them”
3. to translate property to new media format ignoring past release versions
4. to wait until you finally break down and buy the last release thinking it was the final collection, and bring out a new version
- synonym
5. to JarJar
6. Flannel Papa Smurf

Cinematical shares from the C2E2 announcement:

“We have been at work for a couple of years working on — I won’t call it the Ultimate Set because we keep finding stuff — but, a very full set of all six movies on Blu-ray with lots of extra material. We’re finding all kinds of scenes from dailies that have never been seen before. Beyond all of those things that you know about… there are some real treasures.”

They wont call it the Ultimate set, because there is bound to be another release after Star Wars gets the 3D treatment, is reintroduced to limited theatrical runs in 3D and then ultimately be released in an ULTIMATE SUPER DUPER SPECIAL EDITION in which Greedo and Han shoot simultaneously, MISS and then hug it out before parting ways.

No word on the official release date, but I suspect that “not to distant future” probably means this will be a Christmas release.

Machete to be Released September 3

Seems an official release date is set for the pulp Grindhouse spinoff Machete. September 3rd will mark the day this film his the big screen.

The Film Stage says:

Highly anticipated Robert Rodriguez flick Machete will hit theaters September 3rd, in time for the lucrative Labor Day Weekend. The spin-off of the Tarantino/Rodriguez flop Grindhouse looks to earn a little more gate with the stalled release date.

While other films have a year or more on the promotion circuit, I am surprised that this is being released so soon with so little promotion to it.

Perhaps they are hoping on the cult like following to spread the word, or that we will do the job for them, but not so much as a trailer or teaser for a film due out in a bit over 5 months.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Teaser Poster Online

A new teaser poster for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is online, and I love it.

So simple and minimalist but it has a deeper meaning showing the doe patronis in the woods.



Geoff Johns talks Green Lantern Movie

Before becoming DC Entertainment’s Chief Creative Officer, Geoff Johns was key to defining Green Lantern in a way that no one else had, so his eyes are fixed keenly on Ryan Reynolds and the Green Lantern feature film.

In an interview he shared his feelings on what he has seen so far.
ScreenRant quotes Johns:

“The movie looks fantastic. I’m heading back down to New Orleans in a few weeks, but I just watched the Abin Sur/Hal Jordan dailies, and it’s amazing seeing that ring passed to Hal in live action. Abin Sur looks kick-ass.

They did such a great job. They’ve got Grant [Major] as a production designer. He’s from “Lord of the Rings,” and the visuals on this film are nothing like you could imagine. It’s definitely a Green Lantern fan’s dream. For me, it’s kind of insane to see this stuff come to life.

And Ryan Reynolds is a perfect Hal Jordan. He brings a lot of humor to it, but he also has the humanity that Hal has. And a little bit of the arrogance, so it’s a great match.”

I worry a little when he says that he brings the humor to Hal as I was hoping to see less of Reynolds’ trademark snark to draw a line from this character to Deadpool.

Hopefully its a different kind of humour and he plays him mostly straight.

But still good to see the discerning eye of Geoff Johns giving his thumbs up on this.

Alice in Wonderland Blu and DVD on June 4th

Disney is upping the ante and pushing for an earlier DVD and Blu release of Alice in Wonderland. If they keep shortening the gap between feature films theatrical run and the release, we might go Spaceballs and release the movie before its even finished being made! June 4th will see the film on retail shelves.

Get the Big Picture shares some of the special features on the disc:

Finding Alice – It’s all things Alice. This featurette includes Tim Burton’s vision for the characters, differences from the book and Disney’s version of Alice and how she evolves as both a character and actor as she takes an adventure through Wonderland.

The Mad Hatter – Audiences are provided with a deeper look into the world of the Mad Hatter. Check out Johnny Depp’s early sketches, make-up, costumes and how they digitally enhanced his eyes.

Effecting Wonderland – A behind-the-scenes piece on the different technologies used to create some of the most beloved characters in the film – Stayne, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, Bandersnatch and the Red Queen.

This was one of my favourite movies so far this year and one of the few I went to twice. And I am looking forward to seeing this at home.

Weekend Boxoffice Report April 16th-18th

While I suspected that we might see some great reviews for Kick-Ass (and it did not disappoint) I never thought it would take the top spot. Then I saw what it was up against and figured it stood a shot at it, but in the end, it just didn’t dominate where the fanboys might have wanted. Probably a lot to do with that R rating, but Kick-Ass wouldn’t have been as faithful without it. No movie NEEDS to be rated R, but Kick-Ass surely benefited from it. But its best quality might also have been its own limitation at the boxoffice as well.

EDIT The list is updated with the final numbers instead of the estimates reported this morning. It was that close of a race that Kick-Ass just tipped out on top by less than $200k. Thats a tight race.

Boxoffice Mojo reports:

Kick-Ass - $19,828,687 - Opening
How to Train Your Dragon - $19,633,320 - 4wks
Date Night - $16,720,038 - 2wks
Death at a Funeral - $16,217,540 - Opening
Clash of the Titans - $15,385,491 - 3wks

April is a fickle month for movie releases. The biggest season of the movie industry is the Summer Blockbuster season. The studios save their biggest popcorn flicks for the summer months, and that season officially kicks off the first weekend of May. So that leaves the studios releasing thier modest releases that would get lost in the tidal wave of Blockbuster draws.

Kick-Ass had a narrow target audience, appealing to the teen and beardy gamer demographic, but it had a broader catchment for superhero fans, but then limited it mostly to the over 18 crowd. That’s a tough audience. And while mostly everyone seemed to like it, there just didn’t seem to be enough to put it on top. EDIT Now that finals are in, it looks like it did edge out… but barely.

A 4th week running family film nearly stood in its way of a top spot in a weekend that the top 5 films were less than $5million apart.

Kick-Ass was the only film I caught this weekend. What did you go see?

Stan Lee Thor Cameo Revealed?

The intarwebz are a buzz this morning with news that Stan Lee’s cameo in the Thor movie has been revealed.

If you want to stay in the dark and be surprised when he inevitably shows up, then stop reading now. If this turns out to be true, you will see it coming.

Worst Previews quotes:

“Thor’s hammer (Mjolnir) is found in the middle of a road somewhere inside a crater by the army. The Army tries to remove it but can’t because it’s way too heavy. They decide to bring in a truck to help. The army men tie Thor’s hammer to the back of the truck with chains hoping to pull it off the road. The truck driver accelerates to pull the Hammer. The back half of the truck falls apart from the front and the front keeps going. Finally, there’s a focus on the driver. it’s revealed to be Comic Legion Stan Lee.”

Stan Lee cameos in Marvel films are a foregone conclusion. But I start to wonder if they are going to stop doing it. I hope not.

My point is that having Stan the Man pop up unexpectantly seems to be the fun side game we play watching Marvel films. But now we anticipate that it WILL happen to the point that the information gets leaked online and now its not a fun little surprise, its just going to be there.

Its losing its flair when you know its coming.

Gatchaman Production Trailer Online

With Imagi studios quitting the animation game (at least from their own studios) the Gatchaman movie may never see a silver screen.

But as a glimmer of hope, and a tease of what likely will never be, the footage of an early production trailer has found its way online.

My heart skipped a geeky beat, and when it was over I was washed with sadness that this movie wont likely happen now with Kevin Munroe and Paul Dini leaving the project over creative differences.

This was my first fandom. In North America we got the toned down version titled Battle of the Planets, but everyone I ever knew called it G-Force.

I have a very special spot in my soul for this series, and it was looking to shape up into a hell of an animated feature, appropriately updating the look of the characters to be future cool which I thought was going to be the hardest part of adapting this.

The music sounds a little video gamey, and those badguys have the absolute WORST aim. Like 80s GiJoe aim. Automatic weapons riddling the area where two guys are standing still and not one glancing shot. Were you trying to miss?

Anyways, it looks super cool, but sadly will likely never happen unless Imagi pulls their pants up and gets it finished just so it doesn’t go to waste.


The Movie Blog UnCut Video Podcast - April 16, 2010

Welcome to a special video edition of The Movie Blog Uncut.

Today we talk about a few things:
1- Ferris Beuller’s Ferrari 1961 Sypder California, of which only 100 were ever made

2 - Weinstiens bid for Miramax, Nikki Finke’s poor reaction

3- Avatar hasn’t made enough money yet - Limited IMAX rerelease

4 - Olivia Munn’s Role in Iron Man 2

5 - Green Hornet and Lobo

6 - Whedon Directing the Avengers

7 - Spiderman - No Lerman - not Bieber either

The Audio Edition is available for those who want it by Clicking Here or right click on the link and “save target as”

Review: Kick-Ass

Thanks for checking out our Kick-Ass Review

Genre: Comedy Action
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Staring: Aaron Johnson, Clark Duke, Evan Peters, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Nic Cage
Released: April 16, 2010


Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan with a few friends and who lives alone with his father. His life is not very difficult and his personal trials not that overwhelming. However, one day he makes the simple decision to become a super-hero even though he has no powers or training.


This movie most certainly kicks ass. There is a LOT of incredible action and a great sense of humour about it all. There is a nice contrast between Kick-Ass becoming the hero, and the real capable “heroes” which are more anti-heroes, but they only shoot bad people.

Nic Cage is ON in this. He is incredible here and every bit the caring father and hardcore violent vigilante all at the same time. And if that wasn’t enough, his daughter in this is just freaking amazing.

This movie should have been called Hit-Girl because Hit Girl is awesome. You have to be reminded to stop falling for her because she is like 11 or something. Shes adorable, and she can dish it out. I loved this character. Its all very believable, while incredibly over the top. The blowback alone from those pistols should dislocate her arms, but she doesn’t lift a car or anything silly. When she punches someone they bounce back like you would if an 11 year old punched you in the face.

The story is light, but still works well with the characters involved. Its a unique angle to jump into this world with Kick-Ass leading the way when everyone else is far more fun to watch than Kick-Ass himself.


There are a few dry “story” parts of the movie where things kind of lose their pacing, but when the aciton is on, its ON. The movie seems to stop and go like a track star with a limp. One leg is a little slower than the other.

Another thing I didnt care for was Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and while even he admits that he is milking the nerd roles, he is juts McLovin in a mask in this. Ok, maybe a little less nerdy and not so foul mouthed, but this guy is a one trick pony.


A good fun flick with more good going for it and really no outright bad parts, just less good. But its a lot less good. Its a great rush, but you might have seen all the action from the trailers.

On a side note, much of this was filmed in Toronto Canada, while the Highschool scenes were all done at Churchill Secondary right near my home in Hamilton. The “cruising in the Mistmobile” scene was shot as they drive down Yonge Street in Toronto, and you see signs for Future Shop (only in Canada - it was our Best Buy, now we have both) and when they walk past the theater you see Scotiabank logos on the door, also only in Canada.

I give Kick-Ass a 8 out of 10

Buy the Ferrari Spyder California from Ferris Beuller’s Day Off

This car is “so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up”

Ferris Beuller gets a chubby inspecting Cameron’s dad’s prized possession in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, and now you can have that car. The very one from the movie. Well, one of them.

MSN’s Passing Lane reports:

British auction house Bonhams has one of the surviving movie cars and is putting it on the block during its Motor Cars and Automobilia auction on April 19 at the RAF Museum in Hendon, England. It estimates that the car should fetch somewhere between £30,000-£40,000, and is ready to drive. That’s ridiculously low money for any 250 GT, but there’s a reason…

This car is actually a reproduction, built by the studio during filming to avoid having to destroy one of the 100 original 250 GT Spyder California models that Ferrari built between ’58 and ’63. It’s based on an MG platform and has a fibreglass body, hence the low-ball value. But surely $50,000 for something that looks so pretty can’t be a bad investment, can it?

Clearly this is not the specific reproduction that they tossed out the window, but this is one of the ones that were driven around in the movie.

You could sit where Ferris sat, and to me that has more value than this ultra rare 1961 Ferrari Spyder California.

If you have the means…

Forgotten Friday: Beetle Juice

Thanks for checking out our Forgotten Fridays feature. This is a feature to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share. They may not be old, maybe not forgotten, but they are not new. Just fun to share.

Today, we review Beetle Juice

Genre: Horror Comedy
Directed by: Tim Burton
Staring: Michael Keaton, Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin, Winona Ryder, Catherine O’Hara, Jeffery Jones
Released: March 30th, 1988


Adam and Barbara are a normal couple, who happen to be dead. They have given their precious time to decorate the house and make it their own, but unfortunately a family are moving in, and not quietly. Adam and Barbara try to scare them out, but ends up becoming the main attraction to the money making family. They call upon Beetlejuice to help, but Beetlejuice has more in more in mind than the just helping.


This film is the very statement of Geena Davis’ charm and appeal, and Alec Baldwin although second fiddle in the couple’s charm is great as the supportive and average husband. Michael Keaton steals the show with his comedic timing, snappy banter and exciting portrayal of the “Ghostess with the Mostest” This was the relationship that got Keaton the role of Batman when Tim Burton followed up this success with the caped crusader. We all know Burton is all about relationships.

The film is full of laughs and visual wows that Tim Burton became known for, but at the time his greatest filmatic achievement was Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.


The effects are pretty dated and while a visual thrill ride at the time, by todays standards the stop motion animation effects are just not acceptable unless you are Wallace and Grommit. Aside from that, I have nothing negative to say about this film.


A fun ride, and a lot of goofy laughs. You actually feel for the characters in this and hope they win out in the end. The story is complete and worth the watching, and while we find out today that Geena Davis is up for a sequel, the extent of milking the franchise seemed to have ended with the Saturday Morning cartoon (which portrayed Lydia and Beetlejuice as friends)

TV – If you are at least a little curious, catch it if it comes on TV.
Rent – If it is something you have heard of and forgotten, or just remember enjoying this as much as I did once upon a time, go rent it.
Buy – But if you are like me, and you agree with my review you should go buy it. If its featured here, I already have.

New Iron Man 2 TV Spot Online

There is a quick little TV Spot for Iron Man 2 online, and I wasn’t going to share it, but there are some pretty cool moments in here that we haven’t seen already.

The “New Suit” line seems a little off though. It should be new suitS. Plural. Briefcase suit, MarkIV Suit, and we can count the War Machine suit, and countless US Army cloned suits.

Oh, and dont forget the fanboy plastic mask suit that will get you shot by short sighted face recognition robots.

That was cute.

New Grown Ups Trailer Online

This just looked like a mess right from the get go. While I have had modest levels of enjoyment out of most of this cast, I think that their comedic days are waning, so it seems almost like a desperate attempt to put them all in the same film.

Now that doesn’t look much different than the last trailer except for the Blue Pee scene.

I like Kevin James as a supporting man, and Adam Sandler still has it but doesn’t seem to be using it. David Spade was the revolving point of Just Shoot Me where he peaked, Chris Rock has no material if you tell him he can’t talk about being Black, and Rob Schnieder was never funny.

So yeah, this will go high on my list of anticipated comedies. (note sarcasm)

Geena Davis talks Beetle Juice 2

Geena Davis had an interview with Movie Hole and the topic of a Beetle Juice sequel came up.
DreadCentral shares:

In an interview with Movie Hole Davis dropped the following tasty tidbit on fans — “I would do that!” says Davis of a sequel. “Thing is, do ghosts age? Wouldn’t we be stuck in the age we were? Alec [Baldwin] and I would have to look as we did then - who knows, maybe we could? I better get in touch with Tim Burton.”

Vampires don’t age either, but many shows with them in it had to over look it for the sake of continuity. But of course Davis would want to be in another Beetlejuice, as she hasn’t exactly been in need of spotlight sunscreen lately huh?

I am sure if they did another Beetlejuice, they would probably not go with the same stars anyways (but still keep Michael Keaton). Get someone new dead people to struggle with “hiring” Beetlejuice and get a new dance number.

I would be up for another Beetlejuice movie, but I found the story with the Maitland couple accepting the afterlife was complete, and Beetlejuice was more likely to torment someone new.

Avatar Rereleased to IMAX this Weekend

Remember that record breaking money printing little film called Avatar that raked in $2.7billion worldwide? Well I guess they were running a little short on cash to wipe their collective bottoms with, because they have decided to return the film for an extended IMAX run, even though the film is coming out on DVD and Bluray in the next week.

Worst Previews reports:

James Cameron believes that “Avatar” was kicked-out of IMAX theaters too early, in order to make room for “Alice in Wonderland.” He has stated that the movie needs to be re-released in order to squeeze out more money out of it.

Apparently 20th Century Fox agrees, since “Avatar” has been announced to be re-released in IMAX 3D theaters this weekend (April 16th and 17th) in 61 theaters in 29 cities.

I don’t think even James Cameron is going to deny that this is just letting the cash cow eat more of the pasture. The screenings are limited in the IMAX theaters that are carrying it (once a day and often late at night) but I am sure its going to bring a little more money into their pockets to pad that record.

Frankly, I think that it was out long enough, and if you haven’t seen it already, you don’t want to.

Weinsteins poised to buy back Miramax

Seems activity on the auction for the purchase of Miramax is potentially back in the hands of the guys who started the studio in 1979.

If Disney accepts the bid and negotiations go well, the Weinsteins would have complete control and ownership of the 611 title library and the studio they founded.

THR is reporting:

Miramax founders Harvey and Bob Weinstein had been building enough financial muscle to put together an offer of $600 million or thereabouts, seeking to top bids from such rival suitors as businessmen Alec and Tom Gores and a more controversial one from Hollywood wheeler-dealer David Bergstein.

Harvey and Bob Weinstein have been kibitzing with billionaire financier Ron Burkle throughout the auction process. In addition to Burkle’s Yucaipa group, the duo’s backers include hedge funds Fortress and Colbeck Capital. In effect, Burkle and friends would be the official buyers, but the Weinsteins effectively would run the operation.

Interestingly enough Ron Burkle is the co-owner of the Pittsburg Penguins, and Miramax is a long time home of Kevin Smith who is trying to get his hockey movie Hit Somebody made.

Now Disney denies that there is any deal finalized on it and Nikki Finke at venemously bites back.

Disney is denying The Hollywood Reporter’s claim that the “Weinsteins Take Back Miramax”. The trade sent out an email alert for a story with that headline — to which Disney responded to me on the record just now, “No [Miramax] deal done and reports to the contrary are false”.

While Nikki is snapping, if she read the THR report it says this is the official bid put forward. No where in the article does it say it is already a done deal, or that they are the only bidders.

Nikki also breaks professional decorum calling The Hollywood Reporter “TheCrap” and that “little trafficked website is notoriously inaccurate”. I am sure if you dig you will find stuff Nikki reported on that wasn’t accurate at some point too. Its the nature of the industry.

But I don’t see anything inaccurate about them reporting that the Weinsteins have put together the financial backing to bid on the studio they once ran.

Exhale Nikki.

Olivia Munn Iron Man 2 Rumours: The Wasp?

Olivia Munn, nerdy hot co-host of Attack of the Show, was originally playing a very minor role in Iron Man 2, but her improv scenes didnt fit with the tone of the film, but instead of just cutting her out altogether they offered her the chance to come back and film a more significant named Marvel Character, that is still quite minor.

But now the rumour wheels of wild speculation are not satisfied that she isn’t talking about what role she is playing, so the guessing game is on. Which is fun.

But this speculation says she might play The Wasp? I don’t think so. /Film quotes Munn:

When Zimbo asked if she liked her role more before or after the rewrite, Munn responded:

This is a trick question, right? If I got to walk past Robert Downey Jr.’s trailer and hand him a bottled water, I would’ve been ecstatic! I’m a huge geek, and to have anything more than a passing glance in Iron Man 2 is a dream come true. I don’t need anything big, just a chance to fulfill a little part of my nerd fantasy. If you made me pick, my first role had more improv and was a lot of fun, but for my second one I got to pick a Marvel Comics character. It’s pretty dope that from here on out, I’m that Marvel character.

The top fan speculation pointed towards Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) or Madame Masque (Whitney Frost), but what about Janet Van Dyne aka Wasp? A source told Forces of Geek that Munn plays Janet Van Dyne, who has a small part in Iron Man 2, but a somewhat larger role in The Avengers and the later planned Ant-Man movie.

Now I love Olivia Munn as a personality, and her hosting Attack of the Show for TechTV is what makes that show worth watching. She is a nerd.

An actress? Aside from cameos and bit parts I really haven’t seen much from her that makes me think that she could carry a film, let alone be considered as supporting cast to the leads in The Avengers. I thnk it would be cool for her to play a Marvel character, but I think they let her pick from a list of very minor characters that might show up as cameos here and there, just for fun.

She is a very public nerd, and a hot one at that. But I just don’t see her being cast as a main hero.

Any speculation on what minor Marvel personality she might play that wouldnt dramatically impact the series or require a 3 film deal for her to headline?

New Shrek The Final Chapter Poster Online

A new poster for Shrek The Final Chapter is out, and I find myself growingly uninspired by the publicity.

I really liked the first Shrek movie, the second was ok, Shrek 3 was just not my thing. So with this decline, why should I get pumped about a fourth Shrek movie? I thought I would, and at first I was. But the more and more they show this, the less I care.


Hardwicke Directing Twilight Eclipse Reshoots? No.

The rumour that Catherine Hardwicke was being called in to “save” Twilight Eclipse are tearing up the internet this morning. Well its only part right. They did order some reshoots, but Hardwicke is not the person they asked to take on the job. With her very public falling out with Summit, I doubt she would ever be a fallback director to “save” something.

CinemaBlend has the skinny:

According to their sources Twilight: Eclipse is being reshot but neither Catherine Hardwicke nor Twilight: New Moon director Chris Weitz will have anything to do with it. They’ve spoken to Summit representatives who insist that everything’s peach keen between David Slade and Summit and that he’s going to handle the reshoots himself because Summit is so “happy” with his work on the film that they want him to redo parts of it. That doesn’t make sense and it sounds a lot like PR spin which is only slightly more reliable than the random, anonymous sources circulating in the original rumor.

Now there is a little double talk in there. If they are so happy, then why reshoot? But in the bigger picture, they might be very happy with most of the film, but have a few scenes that could use some tweaking that the cutting room cant fix, and they want them redone. And making the original Director who shot the film do those retakes does show confidence.

Reshoots are more common than we hear about online, but its typically the ones where they have to bring in another director to help that make people worry.

Professor Moriarty Role in Sherlock 2 Written for Brad Pitt

Michele and Kieran Mulroney were already writing Sherlock Holmes 2 before Sherlock was released, and it seems that they had a very specific actor in mind when they wrote the character of Professor Moriarty - Brad Pitt.

MovieWeb shares:

Well, of course, we’re gigantic Brad Pitt fans. I think he’s a brilliant actor and a particularly brilliant character actor. And certainly the role that you’re talking about of Professor Moriarty is a big character to bite off. I hope Brad likes it. Let’s leave it at that. To be political, we should say nothing.

I am not against Pitt playing Moriarty but to me, I always pictured Moriarty to be an older man, wise and crafty due to age and experience rather than someone around Holmes age, but Ritchie’s Sherlock is no stranger to challenging archetypes.

We will have to wait and see if this role ends up in Pitt’s hands or not. They wrote it with him in mind, but that doesn’t mean he will take it.

Tron Legacy Space Paranoids Video Online

Tron Legacy has been running a digital campaign for its marketing that includes such things as the website (a fake site of devotees who are out to expose that Flynn is not dead - just missing) and other promotions around the net.

Well today we get a new video that shows off a re-branding of a classic Encom game called Space Paranoids, which was Flynn’s greatest arcade achievement that Encon stole from him.

Now if this was relaunced in todays market it wouldnt even rank as a budget Nintendo DS game, but still fun to see how it looks in todays standards.

I can’t wait to see the movie!


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be Violent

In an interview by Snitchseeker with Matthew Lewis, who plays Neville Longbottom in the films, Lewis assures fans that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be a darker and more violent film than the first six outtings.

Filmonic shares:

The previous ones have had a formula: You go to school, bad things happen and he [Harry] sorts it out and jobs a good en’ nice ending. But in this year it’s all completely different. They’re [the trio] not in the school for a start and, literally, it’s such an epic battle. It’s like something from the Lord of the Rings. And David [Yates, director] as well and Steve Kloves [screenwriter] haven’t shied away from the more severe stuff in it that was in the book. It’s bloody and it’s gory and it’s very real. But it’s been cool and it’s not like anything I’ve had to do before. So I think you’re going to enjoy it.

“It’s something that we’ve not tried before. We’re trying to keep as much stuff as they can from the book in the film. We want to hit all the points and no one’s making it into a good film everyone enjoys – we’re going to stick to the book and we’re gonna say, ‘Look, some of it is quite harrowing, some of its quite serious. People do die and you’re just gonna have to …’ It’s not sugar-coated. It’s right there, it’s quite raw and all the performances have had to step up.”

Harry Potter did get darker and more mature as the story went on, which was a wonderful if not intentional maturing of the writer as well as the characters. Conveniently this bids well for the fanbase too.

Seven books later and the series followed Harry from his 10th birthday being introduced to the world of Wizardry, to his 17th year battling Dark Wizards and dropping out of school to save the world from Voldemort. (awesome role model that Harry)

But I am glad to hear the sentiments that they will stick closer to the books as that is the greatest criticism of the following chapters. As the books got longer, they cut more out of the movies. Had to happen. But with The last - and longest - of the books being spread over two feature films, hopefully they can fit it all in.

Zac Efron to Remake Snabba Cash

Zac Efron is really surprising me. Not that I didnt think he could, but that he would. Some people discredit him for his teen roles in High School Musical or teen comedy like 17 Again, but he isn’t a teen any more and he doesn’t want to play one.

Efron is set to produce and star in a remake of a Swedish Drug Drama Snubba Cash. Rope of Silicon shares:

Efron is set to co-produce a remake of Snabba cash (trailer to the right), a Swedish film directed by Daniel Espinosa, which itself is an adaptation of Jens Lapidus’s novel. Warner Bros. is set to distribute the thriller which follows three interconnected storylines involving drugs and organized crime, with the main character a young man (Efron) who hopes to strike it rich quickly by becoming a runner for a coke dealer. The title translates to “easy money”.

I like hearing Efron taking on these more serious roles. He has to in order to outrun his boyish good looks and teen charm of the High School Musical franchise, but he is doing a great job of it.

In Me and Orson Welles he stands out very different than his HSM character, and now this? This is dark and gritty and not something I would have expected from him, but certainly something I am looking forward to seeing him develop.

Check out the trailer to the original Swedish film this is based on Snabba Cash

Hayley Atwell joins Captain America

The role turned down by Emily Blunt in Captain America will now go to darling Hayley Atwell.

Worst Previews says:

All the rumors turned out to be wrong, since Marvel Studios has just announced that Hayley Atwell (The Duchess, “The Prisoner”) has been cast as Peggy Carter. In the early comics, the character fell in love with Captain America while they fought together in the war effort.

Maybe when John Krasinski didn’t get the Cap role (thank Zod) Emily Blunt - John’s fiance - backed out on being Caps main girl. But we are hearing in the rumour mill that Emily passed on the role in favour of some mystery role that was better in something else (wild speculation says Catwoman in Batman3)

But Hayley Atwell should suit the role well as the film will take place in World War 2, and she is to play Peggy Carter, a woman who while aging tells stories of Cap’s heroics and their love affair in the war. Atwell plays period roles well, and would fit with that “proper” era and still have enough fireworks in her to be a bold supporter of the War Effort.

I wonder if they are going to follow the comics and have Peggy’s great niece Shannon in scenes where Peggy is much older. Shannon Carter eventually becomes The American Dream - a girl Captain America type hero inspired by his stories.

Astrid Bergès-Frisbey joins Pirates of the Caribbean

Astrid Bergès-Frisbey has joined the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and will be getting wet - she will be playing a mermaid that figures predominately into the plot.

JoBlo says:

Bergès-Frisbey will play “the key role of Syrena, a beautiful and alluring young mermaid.” Unfortunately, the studio reveals nothing else in regards to story. All we know at this point is that the film has something to do with the Fountain of Youth.

Now I know nothing about this actress, but a quick stalking on the googles tells me that she is a very pretty girl, and I always thought of mermaids as having a french accent anyways - kind of gives them a seductive exotic flair. So this works out in my head.

This new story that finally puts to rest all that Elizabeth and Will romance will not feature the couple at all, but instead focuses around the map to the Fountain of Youth seen in the closing moments of the third film.

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