New TV Spots for The Losers Online

The Losers is looking like it will be a pretty fun movie, and a metric pantload of TV spots are making the rounds, which we have gathered all up here for you!

There is a fair amount of overlap with the trailer, but still pretty fun to see!

TV Spot - Revenge

TV Spot - Payback

TV Spot - Marked For Death

TV Spot - Rogue

TV Spot - Pooch

TV Spot - Jensen

TV Spot - Cougar

TV Spot - Clay

TV Spot - Aisha

TV Spot - Call

This is looking so good. I can’t wait to see this!

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7 Responses to “New TV Spots for The Losers Online”
  1. Jon says:

    It looks interesting but its a little questionable. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

  2. tzaylor says:

    stealing A-Team’s thunder?

  3. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    It looks way better than the A-Team, for some reason.

    That reason might just be Zoe Saldana.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Waaaaay too many of these. the 1st 3-4 look the same w/ different editing.

    I’ll stop now, and wait for it.
    Zoe looks fabulous

  5. cloud720 says:

    I’d pick the A-Team over this.

    Liam Neeson is Liam Neeson.

    After hangover I’d like to see more of Bradley Cooper(probably because I didn’t see All About Steve)

    After distract 9 I’d like to see more of Sharlto Copley.

    The Losers has a bunch of people I don’t care for(not necessarily dislike). Not to mention that it just look like another generic action movie to please movie goers with ADD.

  6. Varun Lella says:

    Just an FYI its Roque not Rogue (I know nitpicky, but its true)

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