New Trippy Inception Poster Online

I hear that Inception is going to be so trippy that if you watch it on Acid, it looks normal.

If this new poster is any indication of the reality warping surreal world, I believe it.

I am itching to see this. Love this poster.


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6 Responses to “New Trippy Inception Poster Online”
  1. Lawrence says:

    I think this movie is a whole lot cooler on IMAX.

  2. thematticus says:

    It rocks riding your bike there, but man does it suck going back.

  3. ken says:

    Sorta makes the world look like it could be square.

  4. Lily says:

    It looks like several members of the Heroes cast forgot to turn up to the shoot because they were at the pub.

  5. Roy says:

    Poster reminds me of L4D lol.

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