New Iron Man 2 clip Featuring AC/DC Song

Is it just me, or does Robert Downey Jr and Kevin Smith look a lot alike?

Ok, aside from the obvious neatly groomed gotee on RDJ and Kevin Smith’s Pushin Cushion, the two look like they could be brothers.

There is a new Iron Man 2 clip online exclusively at Apple Trailers to support their iPad release today and give the new owners something to look at whilst surfing the Trailers site.

The clip is the extended opening ceremonies at Stark Expo in which he makes his grand entrance and the suit is removed from him. As the robotic arm pops off his helmet he has a brief stunned look on his face and instantly it reminded me of Kevin Smith’s unruly hairstyle and that crazed genius look he gets at times.

I wish I had made this observation a couple days ago then I could have announced they were starring together in a remake of the classic Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DaVito’s Twins! That would have been a less obvious April Fools Day gag!

Anyways, hop on over to Apple Trailers and check out the new Iron Man 2 clip and get a taste of the AC/DC soundtrack while you are at it.

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12 Responses to “New Iron Man 2 clip Featuring AC/DC Song”
  1. Matt says:

    There definitely is an eerie resemblance. Kevin Smith is what Robert Downey Jr. could become if he stopped working out and shrunk a few inches.

  2. Federico says:

    Actually it’s not a new AC/DC song, it’s Shoot to Thrill from Back in Black!

    • Rodney says:

      I know I worded that poorly, but I meant the new song they are featuring on the AC/DC dominated soundtrack for Iron Man 2.

      I am going to adjust the post to drop the new… the song isn’t the soundtrack is.

  3. Devon says:

    Rodney, your links for Apple trailers is the link to this article…what gives?

  4. 790 says:

    Lol, awesome!

    I can’t wait for this film! :)

  5. 420Band says:

    Nice! and these clips in HD always look better than the local movie theatre’s.

    Yeah they do have an uncanny resemblance.

    Now I’m gettin blue balls with this film

  6. 420Band says:

    Oh yeah, Happy Bunny-Day guys……. and Gals(if your out there)

  7. Cinema Phreak says:

    I didn’t like the film clip, In my opinion the one from the trailer was better. I like the scene with Gwyneth Paltrow. This scene seems to be different he just jumps from the plane, then the extended flying scene is fine but he spends a little too much time on stage waiting for the girls to stop dancing. if this scene is in the movie I hope it’s not one of those scenes that brings me out of the movie and slows it down. Did they really need to take a scene that was 30 seconds in the original trailer and extend it to 2 minutes? Just my general observations on the clip, I’m probably way off base here.

    • Rodney says:

      Clearly the scene where she kisses his helmet and throws it out of the plane is from a different part of the movie.

      I don’t mind the grand entrance, and frankly the dancers on stage don’t take so long that it slows the film down. In the context of his entrance and the show presented at the “Stark Expo” publicity event, this is completely acceptable. He is on stage for about a minute with the dancers and his suit being removed. Hardly a pacing issue for a whole film.

  8. Lawrence says:

    This Iron Man 2 clip is cool… Robert Downey Jr. can play Tony Stark/Iron Man for a long time.

  9. Malvin says:

    I can’t wait for this film! :)

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