Never Sleep Again Clip Online - Freddy’s Inspiration

With Nightmare on Elm Street officially being rebooted today, the door is closed on the original series. But that doesn’t mean we have to forget it happened, and the original franchise has a lot of history.

So this documentary has been created that looks at the legacy of A Nightmare on Elm Street covering how it came to be, the cultural impact of the franchise and the films themselves.

Check out this clip with Wes Craven talking about his inspirations in creating the now iconic Freddy Krueger.

I am on my way to see Nightmare right now, and I love most of the series. I hope this lives up.


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One Response to “Never Sleep Again Clip Online - Freddy’s Inspiration”
  1. Nick says:

    Ah man, that just freaked me out, and I was just about to go to sleep.

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