Megan Fox to play Red Sonja?

Hoping she will keep up her status as fanboy eyecandy, it seems that Megan Fox has been reportedly offered another iconic role based entirely on her looks.

Red Sonja?

Fused Film offers:

Pajiba, who has been having some sketchy reporting as of late, so take this with a grain of salt, is saying that Megan Fox could replace Rose McGowan as Red Sonja in the remake/reimagining of the pulp fantasy heroine.

The director of the project Douglas Aarniokoski has parted ways from as well and they are also looking for another writer to put the finishing touches on David N. White’s script.

I have the same problem with her as Sonja as I did with Rose McGowan. The approach. This is the same mentality for casting porn.

Instead of finding an actress who is physically capable and good looking, they are resorting to the good looking and not caring about physically capable or even the ability to act.

At least Rose McGowan was a half decent actress. Nothing mind blowing, but she could do the job. Except she couldn’t lift the sword. I could never buy her as a warrior woman, and Megan Fox is even less intimidating while wearing a smaller cup chain mail bikini. Hopefully this rumour will fade like the Wonder Woman and Catwoman “offers”

If this comes to pass, it will get overlooked by me, but I might buy the poster.

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14 Responses to “Megan Fox to play Red Sonja?”
  1. Matt Keith says:

    Pleanse no.

  2. EZELL says:

    I don’t know this character so if its is suppose to be a fun b film I am all for her nut if it is serious no way in hell.

    When do you think will se a Joana Hex traile?

  3. Lawrence says:

    Megan Fox as Red Sonja? Can’t envision her playing that role . Might have been better if Milla Jovovich or Ali Larter were cast to play her.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Mila is Ideal, But I dont think this is ever goin’ to happen anyways

  5. Dragon1964 says:

    She couldn’t even pick up the sword - LOL

  6. Jon says:

    As hot as Fox is she doesn’t have what it takes to play Sonja. Even though Bridget Neilsen’s acting was less than stellar she had the physical qualities that could intimidate her foes, which made it somewhat believable.

    • bernardg says:

      yeahh Bridgette Nielsen really can fill that Red Sonja shoes, to bad it’s in the 80s (bad story, bad acting, etc…), and the costume really ruining the movie.

  7. Anti-Septic says:

    As much as I would love to see Megan in a chain mail bikini, I have to say maybe she isn’t right for the role. She is too much of a “girly” girl for the role. Need someone with a bit more oomph.

    I wonder what Yvonne Strahovski would look like with red hair? Just a thought.

    Regarding Megan or “whoever else” being able to hold the sword. Intense training can fix that. If you look at the Japanese movie “Azumi” (2003) starring Aya Ueto who maybe weighs 90-lbs soaking wet, she was able to make a convincing enough swordswomen. There were times during the movie you could see she struggled to hold the blade in form during scenes but they disguised it very well.

    Not saying I want Megan, but it could be done with the right director and fight choreographer.

  8. Greg says:

    They need to get Beth Pheonix from the WWE. To me she is super hot. She has the attitude to kick some major ass. And the body to pick up a sword. As much as I love Megan Fox, she would be bad to play Sonja.

  9. darren j seeley says:

    Megan as Red Sonja? No way.
    Now if they said she dyes her hair blonde and goes Tonya Roberts in a literal remake of Sheena, Queen Of The Jungle, complete with grave digging elephants, I just might buy it.

    • darren j seeley says:

      Oh, I’m sorry. Nearly forgot something.
      Who would I want to see as Red Sonja.

      Well, the above suggestion of Milla Jovovich is near brilliance. I can kind of see that.

  10. bigsampson says:

    all these women u name are fragile skinny women. None are good for red!

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