Marvel HAS approached Joss Whedon about Avengers

April Fools came and went, and while everyone else was trying to fool you one website was posting news that Joss Whedon had met with Marvel folks about directing The Avengers. While everyone laughed it off as an April Fools gag, IESB was insisting this wasn’t a prank.

Well a week later and its finally verified. It wasn’t a joke.

Cinematical confirms

Only now is it cropping up thanks to The Flickcast and The LA Times saying … no really — it’s true. So, sorry IESB and to anyone else who dug deeper to confirm that I haven’t tipped a hat to.

So it’s official: Marvel has spoken to Whedon about directing The Avengers. Spoken. Not offered, not signed. He’s just on a list, has talked to them about the possibility, and it could be promising.

I think that Whedon could do a fine job at handing the Avengers for a couple reasons.

1 - He has written for Marvel before and he has a good relationship with Marvel
2 - He handles ensemble casts very well. Of all his successful products, a large cast of intermingling personalities is a strong point.
3 - He is a pure fanboy with a solid head on his shoulders. He would respect the characters and give them life with the balance this ensemble cast is going to need.

Now he just sat down to chat, which means nothing. He is on their radar and nothing more. Hell, he could be offered something else. Many times when an actor or writer is approched, after getting to know their vision, sometimes they are offered a completely different role than they applied for.

Whedon could be brought in with Avengers in mind, but then they use him for something else that they feel he fits better.

I am hoping its Avengers.

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12 Responses to “Marvel HAS approached Joss Whedon about Avengers”
  1. Danny says:

    See now that some time has passed and its still being brought up I’m willing to believe it. I think Joss would do a good job with the Avengers if no other reason that he would bring up little bits of the characters personalities that would likely get lost in typical summer blockbuster full of big names and explosions (like how Thor ended up on Earth, Iron Man’s alcoholism, and stuff like that).

  2. 420Band says:

    As I said before this would be an inspired choice

  3. Geno says:

    The only other choice of film I think Marvel could possibly propose to him would be “Runaways” I believe he did write on that book for awhile and I think he would do a good job if they ever went through with this project.

    • Rodney says:

      He was rumoured to be involved with Runaways (that would be perfect for him, in my opinion) but word has it they have given the helm to Peter Sollett for that Project.

  4. Lawrence says:

    Joss Whedon is a great choice for director for the Avengers movie.. However, it’ll be a whole lot better if the directors of the other Marvel movies, like Jon Favreau(Iron Man), Joe Johnston(Captain America), Kenneth Branagh(Thor), Louie Letterier(Incredible Hulk) and even Sam Raimi(Spiderman) and Mark Steven Johnson(Daredevil) or David S. Goyer(Blade) help out Joss Whedon in directing Avengers. More input will be better .

    • Rodney says:

      All of these directors have had discussions with other Marvel directors (not Sony or Fox franchises as they dont require to line up exactly) about their vision and direction for the films.

      There is a lot of crossover going on to make sure this all stays in line with each other. Joss doesn’t need “help”, but if he gets the gig he will make sure it lines up I am sure.

  5. Lawrence says:

    Wonder if this forthcoming Avengers movie would include Ghost Rider and Punisher? Would be awesome if they did that.

    • Rodney says:

      Why would they do that? Ghost Rider and Punisher are not at all like the Avengers in feel and tone, and neither of them are members of The Avengers.

      • Lawrence says:

        Spiderman perhaps can make a cameo …. Logan Lerman as Spidey perhaps?

      • Rodney says:

        Spiderman rights are firmly with Sony, and Spidey will not make a cameo in any Marvel film so long as Sony owns the rights.

        And Sony isn’t going to give those up so easily.

  6. Roman says:

    I think my head just exploded with the hope this actually happens. If he gets the gig he needs to call Nathan Fillion to play Antman/Hank Pym dude he is snarky sarcastic. If this all happened i wouldn’t survive till the release my inner geek would have a melt down.

    • Geno says:

      I see Nathan Fillion filling in the role of Clint Barton/ Hawkeye over Hank Pym/ Giant Man, Yellow Jacket, Ant Man, etc. I feel if they did Hank Pym his character needs to resemble more like that of Ulimates where he is egotistic and somewhat of a douchebag. Though I have no doubt in my mind that Nathan could pull off either character, I feel him playing Hawkeye would be a better choice in my opinion.

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