Kevin James Joins Here Comes the Boom

Little is known about the plot Columbia Pictures action comedy Here Comes the Boom, but what we do know is that they have signed Kevin James for the lead.

ComingSoon says:

Columbia Pictures has signed Kevin James to star in action-comedy Here Comes the Boom, which James will produce with Adam Sandler and Todd Garner.

I really like Kevin James, but I tend to like him in ensembles or as the sidekick where he can really play off of other personalities.

In movies where he is the lead and others have to play off him? Not so much.

I will wait to see how this looks though. Maybe James will get that lead that works for him yet.

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2 Responses to “Kevin James Joins Here Comes the Boom”
  1. 420BAND

    Only thing I dug this guy in was “Chuck and Larry” w/ the Sandman.

    he’s O.K. as a second actor but his flicks where he’s the lead fall flat for me.

    (I guess someone’s gotta fill the spot Farley left open)

  2. KofQ87

    Well, good thing nobody is going off this review of Kevin James or the other comment. Fact of the matter is, dude sells! Paul Blart cost a grand total of $26 million to make…Made over $183 million internationally! I’m not the best at math in the world, but that’s a heck of a profit! Last time I checked, that’s what movies are for in terms of the business side of the game…to see a PROFIT! He delivers! Dislike him all you want…dude’s got it right now!

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