Justin Bieber to play Spider-Man

Word is slowly leaking out on the net today that Sony has been meeting quietly with pop sensation Justin Bieber, and while screen tests suggested they were trying to get him some sort of movie deal, today we find out exactly what.


Variety reports:

Music Industry sources were rumouring that Sony Music trying to sway teenage R&B Artist Justin Bieber away from Island Def Jam has been reported as false. A Sony rep is quoted in a public statement saying “We respect Mr Bieber’s current musical career and Sony Music is not trying to challenge his contract at all. Mr Bieber and his management are currently in discussions for this rising star to play the part of Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Sony’s upcoming reboot of the franchise. Contracts are not signed, but we are confident that

I know they were going to go for a younger actor to play the part, presuming Peter Parker to still be in highschool, but I thought they were going to go for an ACTOR.

It always gets me when they attempt to monopolize on a singer’s popularity to sell a film. Spider-Man will be huge no matter who they cast, but I figured with the current trend of taking the film seriously, they would at least have someone with a shred of talent.

I am cool with having Logan Lerman in the part, but not this guy.

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37 Responses to “Justin Bieber to play Spider-Man”
  1. cloud720 says:

    Only on April 1st

  2. Michael says:

    Got to be an April Fool’s joke?!?

  3. Slushie Man says:

    It defeats the purpose of doing an April Fool’s joke when it’s way too obvious that it is one.

    • James says:

      Right, its gotta be done like… on april 8th

      But hey, good burn, rodney

      What happens if this shit turns out to be true later…

    • cloud720 says:

      I have a feeling that this is just to throw people off. There will probably be another one up today that will not be so obvious.

  4. Lawrence says:

    Nice try Rodney….. It’s April Fool’s Day… Justin Bieber as Spiderman?… lol.. who’s going to believe that? lol… nice try though!

  5. Aaron H. says:

    Damn you had me for a second Rodney but I’m on to your little scheme

  6. Dusty says:

    The title alone gives away this April Fool’s joke.

  7. Ken says:

    OMG i have been deceived. Good april fool’s joke Rodney~(^_^)

  8. Shane says:

    Please be April fools, please be april fools

  9. James says:

    I was just about to go throw up somewhere, then I realized that this has to be some sort of April fools joke. Lets just say I’m hoping it is an April fools joke or I will probably wash my hands of the Spider-Man franchise after this.

  10. Andrew says:

    I know this is April Fool’s and everything, but why is Sony so obsessed with getting a teenage pretty boy to play Peter Parker? Peter Parker is supposed to be the average looking nerd boy who girls never seem to notice. Which is why he needs to be played by an average looking actor. It’s what made people like the comics in the first place. That’s why Tobey Maguire was an excellent choice to play Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the original trilogy, he wasn’t a pretty boy. That’s why he was picked for the role over James Franco.

    So, if Peter Parker is supposed to be this average looking nerd boy who always gets turned down by all the girls, then they want a teenage pop-singer who is always mobbed by girls to play him? Not a good choice, Sony.

    • Rodney says:

      If you know this is a joke then why are you convinced that Marvel wants a prettyboy?

      They said he would be a teen, and Logan Lerman is not a “pretty boy” and he is leading the rumours right now.

      Tobey WAS a good choice for Parker, but that franchise is done with now. No point in crying over spilled milk now.

      They don’t want a teenage singer. I made this up. If they DO pick him, I wont be interested in the movie anymore - but I will ask for a finders fee.

  11. Geno says:

    I laughed when I saw this post. But to be honest I dont know who I would pick to replace Tobey as the new Peter Parker/ Spiderman. I was kinda thinking that kid who plays Kick Ass in the upcoming film I just don’t remember his name.

  12. James says:

    AHAHAHAHA this just reminded me of Johns 2 years ago joke

    “Transformers 2 autobot lineup released!”

    and then last year

    “3 More Star Wars movies on their way!”

  13. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    They REALLY need to get Raimi and Maguire back, joke or no joke.

    This shit isn’t gonna work. Maguire IS Parker/Spiderman. One bad film shouldn’t lead to THIS :-(

    • Rodney says:

      Raimi and Maguire are forever done with Spiderman. Won’t happen and doesn’t NEED to happen either.

      I have faith that if Raimi was let to do his own thing it would have been fine, but bottom line is that the people with the money didn’t want his vision anymore and are trusting someone else. It was just time.

      As much as I would have been fine with Raimi/Maguire, it doesn’t HAVE to be them.

      • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

        Umm, hehe, uhh yeah…..April Fools, anyone?

        *sweats profusely, tugging at his collar*.

  14. Chris says:

    Nice April fools joke.

  15. Hiltzology says:

    Whew. Good thing it was a joke. There are far better actors to play this role. Not this pretty boy. Besides, I think Sony should just be done with Spiderman for at least ten years. Any thing they do will pale in comparison to what they have done already. Give it some time. Then go at it again.

    • Rodney says:

      If they abandon Spidey that long they will lose the franchise rights and they will revert to Marvel. Do you really think Sony is going to let that happen when a reboot is possible and plausible right now?

  16. Mike Mai says:

    bieber or die! :P

  17. HdMovie says:

    can i watch any video related to “Justin Bieber ” here

  18. 420BAND says:

    Ohhhh, O.K.

    That wasn’t funny man

    Just get the 17 again kid and be done with it
    (thats what will probally happen anyways)
    I just saw that flick(forcebly strapped in my chair) and it wasn’t that bad.

    • Rodney says:

      What makes you think they would use Efron?

      He doesnt pass for a teenager anymore at all. And they want a younger teen Spidey for the reboot.

  19. Dragon1964 says:

    That has to GOT to be some kind of a joke!!?? Please???

  20. 420BAND says:

    Just cause as bad as I like to bash these younger guys comin’ up, He actually was good in that little movie and I can see him in this role.

  21. Anti-Septic says:

    whew, I saw this and nearly blew my cool. I forgot it was April Fools.

  22. 790 says:

    Haahaa. That’s pretty good.
    I wonder how many Disney execs are d_idl-ling themselves over that header photo.


  23. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    Random fact: Logan Lerman played Mel Gibson’s younger version in What Women Want…..just finished watching it, thought I’d share.

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