Joss Whedon to direct The Avengers?

Looks like the short list for directing The Avengers that we are told includes Louis Leterrier, also has a very interesting name revealed today.

Joss Whedon.

CinemaBlend says:

Joss Whedon, best known for his work on cult TV shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Firefly, is being looked at by the Marvel brass to helm the superhero team-up flick. Whedon already has a major fanbase in the geek community, having also written stories for X-Men and Spider-Man comics in addition to his television work, and is currently working with Thor star Chris Hemsworth for his horror/thriller The Cabin in the Woods.

This is something that I thought at first might be a joke, but considering he already has a good reputation with Marvel comics, and he knows how to handle ensemble casts (all of his works revolve around the strength of a group of personalities, not just one star) Joss sounds like he would be a good pick.

Whedon knows action too, which would be great for The Avengers who are going to hit the ground running with their film.

The more I think about it, the more I think Joss would be a great pick to direct.

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21 Responses to “Joss Whedon to direct The Avengers?”
  1. Slushie Man says:

    It defeats the purpose of doing an April Fool’s joke when it’s way too obvious that it is one. Same goes for the Spider-Man article.

    • Rodney says:

      Except this is NOT an April Fools Joke.

      Its being reported as real everywhere, confirming that he is in consideration for the job.

      Doesn’t mean he will get it, but he IS being considered.

      • Bob says:

        This is why I hate April Fools on the web. The sites that participate in it are rarely, if ever, funny or clever, and if you try to find real news, you can never be sure if it is an April Fools prank by the site, if the site fell for another persons April Fools joke, or if it is real news.

        On the web it is even worse, since the jokes hang around in archives and are linked back and forth on social networking and news aggregating sites, so every piece of news for the next week or so that is a little odd, you have to lok at the date of the article or drill down through the source links (if they are there) to soo if somewhere down the line it wasn’t a joke that got repeated as news.

  2. Stormy says:

    Damn. I almost got excited about this until I remembered what day it was.

  3. Roman says:

    This is cruel! I just finished watching my Firefly on blu-ray and then I see this! April Fools is an evil day on the internet. I almost have to avoid the computer on this blasted day.

  4. Danny says:

    I should have expected this to happen. So many posts I can’t tell joke from real. I’ll just wait a week and see which ones are still circulating and which ones die off to tell the real one from the fake ones.

    • Rodney says:

      Time will tell if he gets the job. But the story is real.

      • cloud720 says:

        Maybe this isn’t your joke but any chance that you got caught by someone elses joke?

      • Rodney says:

        If it is, then a LOT of people were taken by it. IESB broke the story, and they have lots of gags on their site already, this one is specifically prefaced saying its NOT a joke.

        If a news source is pulling a gag, its usually revealed in the article somewhere, but they are insistant this isn’t and they are not the only ones reporting it.

  5. liendre says:

    well, if it’s not a joke, then it’s a great news. I think Marvel have nailed the perfect guy for this kind of project

  6. bigsampson says:

    why does every one like this guy so much. IMO every thing this guy touches is watered down junior high grade stories.

    maybe i just missed something but w/e firefly has a fanbase of zombies that wont let that horrible series die.

    • Ryan says:

      Give Dr. Horrible a try. It’s free on Hulu (well, at least it was) and relatively short, so you can easily watch it in one sitting. If you can’t see his genius then, well, different strokes for different folks…

  7. Dude772 says:

    Whedon is a great writer, when he’s not all wrapped up in his own little world of self-love. Some of his work has been astounding, but some of it is, imho, pretentious and very forced.

    As a director, I don’t think he’s anything special. If studios thought he was, I’m sure they would’ve signed him for something like this a lot earlier, like back in his Buffy/Ange/Firefly heyday. It happened to JJ Abrams, so I can’t imagine they’d blow past him.

    Also, as a person, he strikes me as a major bag of ‘D’ in every interview I’ve seen or read.

  8. darren j seeley says:

    Not a huge fan of his, but I can understand why he would be considered. It isn’t a lousy choice, let’s say that. However, I’m putting my bet on Louis Lettier- esp. if this weekends Clash Of The Titans makes massive coin for the entire month.

  9. Ryan says:

    If this were to happen, I think we can be assured of two things:

    1) It would be an awesome, awesome movie and a huge cult hit.

    2) It would flop at the box office and probably be the end of the “Avengers.”

    Personally, I think the potential of #1 way offsets the almost inevitable #2.

  10. Austin says:

    LOVE whedon. His shows top my list, along with x-files and family guy, as being must see. Too bad all but one is over/cancelled. I think he’s pure genius, personally. “Hush” alone from buffy is more ballsy than anything on tv right now. Great writer,

  11. Jon says:

    I think Whedon would be a very good pick for the film. He had two major tv shows, Buffy and Angel, that were very successful and grew a huge fan base. I hope they go with him because his abilities are so diverse he could really bring something new to the upcoming franchise.

  12. 420BAND says:

    Louis is a cookie cutter choice (IMO), this might be more inspired, especially that he KNOWS Marvel from the inside.
    he’s a very small knotch ahead of Joe Johnston in my book but thats not super re-assuring either.

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