Jonah Hex Trailer Online

I was really looking forward to Jonah Hex. I even liked the idea of less than conventional technology and the supernatural involved.

But this trailer takes all the wind out of my sails.

I can’t believe any shred of anticipation was washed away in minutes.

As if the non-western font wasn’t bad enough, we have to have electric guitar power chords for soundtrack… to a western.

I want to like this, I just don’t think they want me to.

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19 Responses to “Jonah Hex Trailer Online”
  1. MBanno says:

    I liked it. I will definitely be seeing this.

  2. James (Haz) says:

    Dude, are you fucking serious?

    There are 10,000 things wrong with this, and the font and music are your pet peeves?? lol

    I will be HONEST- two tiny parts that i liked in the trailer. The band that plays the music, and i like horses (? lol).

    But the gatling guns on the horse? Megan Fox’s horrible accent? the dialogue is already great, the part in which the dude comes back to life, Hex’s “transformation?”,Megan Fox jumping out of an explosion, Megan Fox, and the fact that I just saw the whole movie

    BUT THE WORST PART (which i cannot believe you didnt mention) is that, this is (SADLY) the only time that i think Jon Molkovich looks horrible in a role.

    P.S. I dont give a shit how the comics was.

    BY THE BY:
    Consider me an IDIOT for thinking this would be a cool western like 3:10 to Yuma… since i never read the comics, i thought it would be a cool western… you know.. one of those we havent seen in decades? WE NEED MORE WESTERNS!

    Besides Yuma…. everything western has SUCKED lately… Apaloosa!? are you serious, hollywood!? Jonah Hex!?

    This will be worse then Outlaws

    • Aaron H. says:

      I have to agree with you Rodney I had such high hopes for this movie but it looks like they just re-hashed wild wild west with uglier people. I havent read the comic either but if I was the creator I would be ashamed right now

    • David Lopan says:

      Don’t worry, the Coens are gracing us with a western. They have the remake of True Grit slated to come out at christmas this year. I can’t wait for that.

  3. sal says:

    I didn’t have any hopes for this movie and it looks watchable. maybe a possible dvd rental for me though.

  4. Lawrence says:

    I’m not gonna watch it. It looks like a direct to dvd movie.

  5. Jon says:

    How does he eat with that piece of skin connected from the top to bottom of his mouth? Lol

  6. Cinema Phreak says:

    I wish Nevaldine/Taylor would have stayed with the project.

  7. Roman says:

    wow this is horrible and Megan Fox well lets just say in contemporary films her bad acting was able to be ignored because she wasn’t asked to do much besides look good, but giving her an accent was a bad choice because the level of her horribleness shows.

    This is a straight to DVD movie…actually this is a wait till it hits the loop of bad movies on the action channel before i watch this mess.

  8. Arthur Davis says:

    It never fails to amaze me how people complain about music in trailers because they expect the same music to be the soundtrack of the film. This practically NEVER happens, except when the film being promoted is a sequel and the music has already been released. Brand new commissioned soundtrack music for a film will not feature in its trailer.

    The same confusion happened on your review of Clash of the Titans, “the MUSIC was a great relief. Not one chord of that misplaced heavy metal power rock played in the trailer was found in the soundtrack. The movie was appropriately scored with dramatic orchestrated score that fit the setting.” Well… duh!

    Now, you can rant as much as you like that the music was inappropriate for the TRAILER, but do not complain about it as though we will hear the same music in the film. 95% chance is we won’t.

    • Rodney says:

      Except that Mastadon is credited for doing the soundtrack and this is their style of music.

      In most cases, the trailer music IS the music from the movie, or at least the same style.

      • Arthur Davis says:

        Ok, so in in this particular case it may be different, as the person/group credited for the film’s soundtrack composes this sort of music.

        But generally speaking, I have rarely come across a trailer that uses the actual music from the movie. Do you have examples?
        And as for same style, in my understanding, the director/producer of a film often have little to no impact on the creation of the trailers, so just because the trailers use ie. heavy metal music does not mean that this is the sort of mood/atmosphere that the film’s makers intend to give to the final project.

  9. Will says:

    I know a lot of you have already said you didn’t read the comic and don’t care because you thought this was going to be a cool movie anyway (although I don’t know how if you didn’t know anything about it) But the comic itself is kind of wild-wild westish. The first two comics take place in a dystopian future where Hex has been transported in time for some nut jobs private collection. He escapes, meets up with some Vietnam war vets that were accidentally transported in time, and it doesn’t get much better from there.

    That being said, Megan Fox is always a mistake in any speaking role.

  10. Yamo says:

    Josh Brolin fits the part, but why is over-rated Megan Fox is in this?

  11. 420BAND says:

    To be honest I kinda expected it to look ALOT worse.

    and was that Will Arnett?
    (Now I know it will suck)

    Still looks better than GhostRider.

    Ho Hum

  12. Geno says:

    The only real thing I know about Jonah Hex is the Batman: Animated Series episode that had him in it. The trailer really does leave a lot to be desired and not cause of the guitar riffs and heavy metalness. And I’m sure in the comics Johan goes through some weird stuff here and there. But I am not digging Brolin and that piece of dry putty they stuck on his face. Meagan…. please just stay hot and don’t speak, ever. After seeing this trailer I think I’d be much more inclined to view dat der movie Solomon Kane rather than dem der Jonah Hex. I reckon Kane not be a western movie but its seems to be the lesser of two evils so far.

  13. Ken says:

    Same thing here Geno, i know of Jonah hex mostly from batman:animated series, justice league unlimited series, mostly all from cartoon cameos.
    The trailer doesn’t do much for me, nor am i a huge fan of the hex. I definitely am not anticipating the movie but it looks to have just the type of corny to draw me in so I’ll definitely go see it.

    Also bad acting or not its hard to RESIST watching Megan fox -_-.

    • Geno says:

      So true about Megan Fox, but I gotta admit she isn’t even trying to sport some type of southern/ western accent. I did laugh when the guys approaches Hex at the bar and asks “What happened to your face..BOOM”, “Cut myself shavin, what happen to yers!”.

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