Jonah Hex Poster Online

I find it strange that there hasn’t been more promotion around Jonah Hex lately, and it is just now that I am seeing an official poster for a film that is coming out in little over a month and a half?

Now I don’t mind the picture, and I think the layout is appropriately dramatic for a supernatural western comic book film.

What drives me crazy about this more than anything is that Title.

Oh its the title, and the subtitle is kinda hokey too. Its the font used. NOT AT ALL western-ish.

Even the 80s version had a bit of that serif style that hinted towards a Western feel. This says “X-Men” to me. So not fitting at all. I bet the trailer comes out with some power chord heavy metal distorted electric guitar too. Sigh.


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15 Responses to “Jonah Hex Poster Online”
  1. MadClawMann says:

    It’s not a supernatural western comic book film. Jonah Hex is a bounty hunter. This movie is dead on arrival in my eyes.

    • Rodney says:

      Jonah Hex IS a supernatural western comic book film. That is precisely what it is.

      That Hex’s job in the film is a bounty hunter does not change that.

      I guess the fireball in hand and the hand held gatlin were not enough of an indicator to you?

      You call this film “dead on arrival” to you, but you sound like you dont even know what its about.

      • MadClawMann says:

        Sorry, I wasn’t cleaner. I was talking about the comic book. Jonah Hex in the comic do have some supernatural stuff but it’s not the main story about Jonah Hex. The supernatural element make up a tiny percent of the Jonah Hex comic. I’m just saying, they have a huge source of material and they going with the supernatural stuff. They are more compelling story they could make a movie with.

  2. methos84 says:

    This is a shabby poster.

  3. EZELL says:

    My guess since this film has not had a trailer the studio does not want to waste money promoting it because it sucks. but it could be one they just forgot about and may be amazingly entertaining.

    • matty says:

      Read some reviews of a test screening on another site ….every one negative. Pretty sure the words “Wild Wild West” were used more than once. The film has also apparently undergone some epic re-shoots.

      Me-thinks they have a stinker in the can and are desperately trying to polish the turd before release.

  4. james (haz) says:

    So many things about this poster look pants-over-head retarded.

    And i agree about the cliche font

    The trailer is also reeeeaaallllyy bad. it has a horse with two gatling guns on his sides. And Fox jumping out of an exploding building. CHEDDAR CHEESE.

  5. Luchismo says:

    I think MadClaw meant that the original character in the comics wasn’t a supernatural bounty hunter. I’m not sure, to be honest, I only read the series when he was thrown into a Thundarr the Barbarian type future. That was a great comic, btw.

    Btw yeah, the font actually reminds me of another horrible done tech/western….Wild Wild West. Oh, and also Van Helsing. Two movies with lots of potential completely wasted and ended up el estupido!

    Also, I can understand about a hand held gatling gun (it’s cool and stuff!), but the thing is positioned all wonkey, what the hell is he shooting at? His foot?!

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      That’s correct- the character was changed a bit more into a Mad Max type in the 80’s, then the supernatural side in the Vertigo runs. Like some, however, I enjoyed the character before these story changes.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    Rodney is spot on about the wrong choice of font- and the tagline. But hey, Megan’s showing her bosoms. What do we really want, folks?

  7. matty says:

    And regarding the possible rock soundtrack, Rodney: heavy metal band Mastadon is doing film’s score

    • Rodney says:

      See, now that combined with this completely thoughtless font for the poster has me turned off this completely.

      Its sad when my only reason left to see this is Fox in a corset.


      • Roman says:

        “Its sad when my only reason left to see this is Fox in a corset.”

        And sometimes that is all you need

  8. 420BAND says:

    This Cheddar spectacular poster reminds me of Van Helsing/Mystery Men/and Leauge of Extrordinary men all rolled up into one, with a side of Wild Wild West.(garnish)

  9. 420BAND says:


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