J.K Rowling may write Harry Potter Again

J.K. Rowling has stated absolutely that Harry Potter is the last book. But Rowling now admits that she hasn’t written of the idea entirely, and perhaps at a later date she may return to writing Harry Potter book - which you KNOW they will make a movie out of even if it is 10 years from now.

Washinton Post quotes J.K. Rowling:

Though she said she doesn’t plan to write any offshoots of the Potter series, she didn’t rule it out “maybe 10 years from now,” depending on how she feels. But she told one child she does want to write more books.

“Yes, I do, and I am,” Rowling said. “I’m quite sure in the not-too-distant future I will bring out another book.”

This is going to be a big shoe to fill for JK to follow up on Harry Potter with another book. But she does have a built in fanbase that will buy it just because her name is on it.

Her writing did mature as the seven book series grew, which is the most fascinating thing about Harry Potter. As its readership got older, the writing grew with them as did the main characters of the book.

The inevitable translation of those successful books to film have suffered similar problems other book adaptations have seen, but all in all the films are pretty faithful to the books, and are clearly leaping her literary fame to the point of an entire theme park area dedicated to her fabrications.

Should she write a new story that is as well received, movies will follow. But I would like to see her eventually return to the Harry Potter world. There is so much that is introduced in the books that could branch out into new stories. Just like the Star Wars Novels, they should license out the brand, and allow others to write stories from other parts of the world, or other jobs.

Just the Aurors alone would make a great action adventure story as they hunt down magical criminals. Not everything has to revolve around Hogwarts.

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13 Responses to “J.K Rowling may write Harry Potter Again”
  1. 420BAND says:

    Cash Cows will live forever (even on life support)

  2. tzaylor says:

    I love the Potter Series, but I don’t want any more. Just let it be what it is/was.

    If she allowed it a floodgate of off-shoots could happen, in any genre. Animation especially. This story is perfect for a saturday morning cartoon. Can you tell how old I am from that comment?

  3. casey says:

    I love Harry Potter Books and movies. It is hard to see the series end, so I would like to see more books and movies. Just Hope she doesnt take it to far and die out a good series, which I doubt she will.

  4. MichoPower says:

    I would personally love to read another HP book. This series is one of the few that stayed interesting and captivating as it moved along. Most series I have read get boring or repetative as hell after the first two or three books (Drzzt series, Wheel of Time, Twilight!!!) I hope this happens!!!

  5. Ryan says:

    I would love to see the series continued. I think she put herself in an unreasonable box by saying the Deathly Hallows would be her last. I think whatever comes next could and probably should be a bit different — I don’t even think it necessarily has to follow Harry Potter — but I do think there’s plenty left in her “world” that I’m interested in reading about.

    (All that said, I like to pretend the epilogue in Deathly Hallows never happened, so if she decides to ignore that in her future writing… she has my complete blessing. Harry Potter would never crash on his couch for decades and be a stay-at-home dad… he has way too much of a hero complex.)

  6. Overly Butch Cassidy says:

    J.K Rowling is hot!!

  7. James (Hazmat) says:


    1) Its perfect the way it is.

    2) Itll mean that we will get another HP movie

  8. David Lopan says:

    Great….that would mean more of those annoying movies too…

  9. matty says:

    Screwed the pooch with the final epilogue.

    • Rodney says:

      That epilogue just closed the door on Harry. It doesn’t screw anything up.

      If anything 10-15 years from now, Dan Ratcliffe COULD play Harry again, but this time he would be in the epilogue sending his own kids to Hogwarts for the first time.

      They can “pass the torch” to new kids that are the children of the Potters and Weasleys and essentially reboot the series with a next generation.

      Or just leave Harry’s story as done and pick up new characters out in the world already for an Auror’s adventure.

  10. AW says:

    The whole Harry Potter thing failed to light my fire but it makes sense for Rowling not to close the book on things completely. I am sure that if what ever she writes next fails to reach the critical acclaim that the Potter series did the draw of returning to familiar territory will be tempting, especially after a break from writing about the same characters for so long.

  11. Andrew says:

    Personally, I would like to see a book series set in the same universe, but have it flesh out in more detail how Tom Riddle became Lord Voldemort, sort of how like Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, only hopefully it can be done better than what George Lucas did.

  12. vargas says:

    I’m still awaiting the “Scottish Book”!

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