Iron Man 2 IMAX Trailer Online

This new IMAX ad for Iron Man 2 shows a tiny bit new footage. Can you spot it?

So aside from Happy Hogan driving the wrong way on the Monaco Indy track (likely rushing to Stark’s aid to deliver the suitcase suit) I didn’t see anything that wasn’t in a previous trailer.

Still groovy.

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4 Responses to “Iron Man 2 IMAX Trailer Online”
  1. Lawrence says:

    Cant wait for this movie… awesome awesome trailer.

  2. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    AMAZING! Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait!

    I just saw Lost In Translation again-and my love, my deep, pure, profound love for Scarlett Johansson has increased…..

  3. Jon says:

    So psyched for this movie. I’m very happy that Favreau incorporated the brief case armor (last scene in the trailer) in this movie…so true to the comic. Although, I really like Don Cheadle as an actor I still think Terrence Howard was a better Rhodes. He’s taller and more built. Cheadle can act theres no doubt about that, but he doesn’t bring the physcial presence required for the role. Also, his head looks so small in the helmet. Still I cant wait.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Bring it on!

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