Gears of War Film Stalled Indefinitely

A couple years ago director Len Wiesman was signed on to helm the live action Gears of War film, but that seemed to be the peak of news on the subject leaving fans hoping for a video game movie that doesn’t suck (aren’t we always?) and then stalling to a holding pattern for 24 months…

New activity has shown on that front, but its not good news.

JoBlo shares:

So who is New Line bringing in to replace Wiseman? Slow down, tiger. You’re assuming the studio is still moving full steam ahead on the project. They’ve slashed the budget from a proposed $100 million to something far more modest and have scaled back the epic feel of the original script by Chris Morgan (WANTED) for something more straight-forward and simple.

So everything has ground to a halt on this, and they are looking for a new writer to share their vision. Who knows when or if this will get moving again.

Hey Gears, while you are up on that dusty shelf, say hello to Halo and Bioshock for us!

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5 Responses to “Gears of War Film Stalled Indefinitely”
  1. ThePeter says:

    Yeah,…. i had high hopes that Halo would turn into a great movie. But alas,… it too has been mothballed.

  2. Soggie G. says:

    This is sad news indeed. Though I should have known this was going to happen.

    Not to mention the fact that slashing the budget would have totally ruined the movie in general. You need to have a large budget for a movie like this.

  3. J Cribbs says:

    If “Prince of Persia” makes a lot of money, I’m sure we’ll see a lot of game-movies emerging. I really wish the “Resident Evil” movies didn’t suck so badly.

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