First Look at The Destroyer in Thor

One of the main sources of opposition for Thor has been The Destroyer, an enchanted suit of armour forged by Odin. Often deployed by Loki as a mindless but very capable warrior, it has one purpose. To destroy.

And now we get our first look at how the Jack Kirby inspired design might work in a feature film… and its pretty spot on.

With the exception of adding some muscle definition this character looks almost identicle to its comic book origins.

I suspect however, that the suit will be animated with CG, and that this is just some placeholder prop. I hope its convincing!


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10 Responses to “First Look at The Destroyer in Thor”
  1. Pman-67 says:

    It looks pretty good, even if it is a little on the lean side for my taste. I’ve always imagined the Destroyer as a large hulking mechanism, more big than defined. I’m impressed with their attention to detail as I had no idea the Destroyer had a part in this movie. I wonder if that means the Celestials will be mentioned as well? Since Odin originally created the Destroyer to combat the Celestials. I doubt it, but it would be cool. Can’t wait to hear more info on the movie, a plot breakdown would be nice.

  2. tzaylor says:

    the image on the left looks straight from mighty morphin power rangers

    • James (Hazmat) says:

      Its morphin time!


      ::::plays flute::::


      • Rodney says:

        Kirby predates Power Rangers… if anything the Rangers look like his stuff.

      • James (Hazmat) says:

        Power Rangers are an American treasure!

      • Rodney says:

        And like most American pop culture, its stolen mostly from someone else’s creation.

        Power Rangers are sad.

      • James (Hazmat) says:

        Thats because you did not grow up in the 90s. I dont know how old you were in 1994, but most likely Power Rangers werent for you.

        I was five years old.

        All we need is a Christpher Nolan/Michael Bay version of a live action Power Rangers movie, before 2012 comes.

  3. Shupes says:

    Special effects and a good movie plot , even a bad director can make or break this movie. We all have seen what happened with the first hulk movie. Super Hero/ Villain movies have so much potential for greatness, spider man is an example of that.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Is that Ultra-man?

  5. darren j seeley says:

    Thou hast seen a a side-villain enforcer. Thor will then smite the foe and will require thine bounty to witness the battle. Thou art required to marketh thine calendars and go opening night.

    I got zero problem with this.
    You should have zero problem with this.

    Freakin’ DESTROYER. What else should the character look like?!

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