First Look at a Live Action Yogi and BooBoo

With a live action/CG Yogi Bear coming out, I was curious how they were going to look exactly. Well now we get our first peek and I am a little creeped out.

Its kind of like seeing that image of what Homer Simpson would look like if he were real. Very offputting.

I’d have to see them in context to see how they work, see some motion and personality. But just seeing this picture is … a little disturbing.


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12 Responses to “First Look at a Live Action Yogi and BooBoo”
  1. Devan Price says:

    yogi looks like a pedophile who just spotted booboo at a playground.

  2. Slushie Man says:

    Well obviously the CGI is FAR from finished, so taking that into account, I do like what I see. I don’t understand all the hate these 80’s cartoons-turned-movies get. Sure, they’re stupid and are aimed mostly solely at kids, but…um…isn’t that the point? They’re based off cartoons AIMED AT KIDS, so of course the movies will be. Like the Chipmunk movies and all the hate those get for being so childish ect. Like I said, isn’t that the entire point? Kid movies based off kid cartoons, for kids. I don’t see a problem with that AT ALL, and I’d much rather kids be watching stuff like this and The Chipmunks and Smurfs and those kinds of movies then some shit like Brittney Spears’ Anything-But-Clothes Dance Dance Revolution Country Tour DVD or some shit like that where she sings about sleeping with 4 guys and cheating on her boyfriend while wearing nothing but a spiked leather bra and panties. Those kinds of things should be reserved for the dreams of us adults :D

  3. Aaron H. says:

    Not to sure yet, but if any of you have seen the Marmaduke trailer I’m not holding my breath for a good movie

  4. Lawrence says:

    This isn’t an April Fool’s Day joke , right Rodney?

    • Slushie Man says:

      No, I’ve seen this on other sites for the last 2 days now so its original internet-leakage was before April 1st.

  5. Ken says:

    The yogi is meh. its the boo boo that weirds me out for some reason.

  6. Royal says:

    They are kinda scary-looking.

  7. James says:

    I think the characters looks good, maybe just a little creepy in the pictures but still not too bad. I’m so glad that they are actually going with the original designs from the cartoon instead of putting real life bears with computer animated mouths in a movie. You know, like Archie the bear from Dr. Dolittle 2.

  8. bigsampson says:

    who do they look like stuffed animals?

  9. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    They look like the parents in Coraline’s Other World.

    The horror :-S

  10. darren j seeley says:

    You folks are all nuts.
    They look fine.
    Now AFTER they raid the Picnic Baskets, well, that’s another story.

  11. 420BAND says:

    Devan Price stole my thunder!

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