DC Entertainment to Develop Starman

DC Entertainment’s first dip into the DC Comics lesser knowns will come to us via Starman.

Firstshowing says:

Warner Bros, by way of producer Dan Lin (The Box, Sherlock Holmes, Terminator Salvation), is developing a Starman movie about the titular superhero who has energy powers, can wield a gravity rod, and will probably be able to fly, but isn’t Superman. It’s in the very early development stages, so not much more is known about WB’s plans.

Which incarnation of the character they choose to go with and how they handle it will really change how I look at the project.

The Original Starman was a hokey looking pulp hero with goggles and got his power from a staff that he carries. While later versions still donned the staff, but less hokey outfits.

Personally I hope they go with the current Starman or a variation of them who didn’t carry the staff, but had a map of the multiverse in a star pattern on his suit. (Pictured above) His story was the far more interesting one as the hero dealt with schizophrenia.

I’d really like to see more of these lesser known characters getting their own movies.

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9 Responses to “DC Entertainment to Develop Starman”
  1. Doug

    Interesting. Makes me think about a Forgotten Friday review of Starman (Jeff Bridges + Karen Allen one). Whataya think?

  2. middleman

    I would think it would be based on the James Robinson 90’s comic series about Jack Knight, the hipster son of the original who takes up the mantle reluctantly after his brother is murdered. That was one of the best comic series ever and I have been praying that they would make it a film.

    John Cusack would have been perfect for the role, but sadly he’s a little too old now. Cillian Murphy would be my pick for Jack. Zoey Deschannel could play a mean villian in Nash. And I would LOVE to see Sacha Baron Cohen play the Shade. Either that or Rodney favorite Jeff Goldblum! :-)

  3. Anti-Septic

    Regarding Starman, I guess it could be interesting but not my first choice for DC lesser known characters.

    I guess I’ll leave it at that.

  4. Ken

    Sometimes i forget those are your personal pics Rodney. I was thinking it was decided for having the AWESOME looking Starman shown is the corner pic.

    But i agree, the DC universe if filled with lesser know heroes who would make for quit entertaining movies.

  5. james (haz)

    I dont give a fuck about these DC stupid characetrs. As long as they dont make a Shazam movie.

    But MARVELs been talking about Moonknight and thats made my panties wet.

    • Rodney

      I love the irony that all these KNOWN DC properties are stupid, but unknown Moonknight (batman with supernatural moon powers and murder) is enough to wet your panties?

      I still haven’t heard anything at all about a Moonknight movie aside from you trying to make it a rumour. The closest to a rumour was a week ago comicbook movie asked Moonknight writer if he would like to see the character he was working on as a big screen property. What else was he going to say?

      There isn’t one planned, and closest news was four years ago they rumoured a TV series.

      • james (haz)

        Oh thats just my opinion, I like violence and dark superheroes. Some people just cant get enough of these DC superman characters.

        Theyre all the same, all this guy is is the green lantern with a staff. DC characters are all the same.

        “My father was a superhero, and now IM a superhero, and i have his name”

        “I have no powers, but this object gives me my strength”

        Im just saying, a guy with stars on his suit and Shazam are freaking retarded.

        But if you like Starman and Shazam and all these DC characters thats cool. I applaud you. Ill keep Daredevil, Moonknight, Punisher and Ghost Rider.

        I would rather see Moonknight, who rips peoples faces off, gets in amazing fight scenes, and tortures people by tering their skin off, then a guy who colects toys and owns a shiny staff.

        And Star mans schizophrenia is nothing compared to Monknights insane double identities.

        I read that article youre talking about, and i dont want them doing that, i want a moonknight movie based off the older ones.

        BTW Stan Lee (hes the guy who created most MARVEL suyperheroes, you may have heard of him) said that after they get Ant Man and a lot of movies out of the way, theyll make more movies, and Moonknight was on the list

      • james (haz)


        he doesnt have double identities lol

        he just has crazy voices in his head =p

        some crazy shit going on with him. hes crazy. thazts the medical term of his mental sickness; “crazy”

      • Ty



        …same thing?

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