Dark Tower Movie Closer than you Think

Looks like we are closer to seeing Stephen King’s Dark Tower being made than we thought.

I kind of hope it never happens, but this is the news so far:

Obsessed with Film says:

It now looks likely that Imagine trio Akiva Goldsman (‘Batman & Robin’, ‘Lost in Space’) would adapt, Ron Howard would direct and Brian Grazer would produce King’s seven novel series for screen, in conjunction with Universal Pictures.
However, there are two conflicting reports tonight over Imagine’s planned execution of King’s work. Mike Fleming at Deadline hints at a big budget movie trilogy ala ‘The Lord of the Rings’ with potentially a t.v. series to follow, whereas Borys Kit at THR say only the first in the series ‘The Gunslinger’ will be adapted as a big screen movie, with the further six stories adapted for HBO, or another t.v. network soon after.

Despite Stephen King’s elaborate library of horror, this is still considered to be his Magnum Opus.

But its a tough peice of meat to chew in any format. Its one of those adaptations that are just frought with problems before a single word is typed for the screenplay.

The Gunslinger (first book of the seven book series) is a confusing mess of questions, many of which do not get answered until much later in the series. At its core its a journey of a gunslinger hunting down another man. The why unfolds as the story goes. The story is revealed in chronologically jumping mini stories, but still no questions are really answered. The Dark Tower itself is barely explained, and this world he lives in makes no sense. Don’t even get me started on Jake.

But if you JUST read Gunslinger, there is no movie there. Its a massively detailed prologue to the real story. If they make the first book into a movie, they will have to change so much to make it Hollywood appeal that it wont be much of the Dark Tower’s appeal.

I predict this will be a lot like Watchmen.

This amazing peice of work will be made in one way or another (faithful or adapted), people will either love it or hate it. But it will have narrow public appeal and flop critically and financially.

And I don’t have a lot of faith with Batman & Robin and Lost in Space writer Akiva Goldsman with the pen either. Ron Howard gives me some hope.

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8 Responses to “Dark Tower Movie Closer than you Think”
  1. Matt says:

    I agree with you. I don’t think this is a good book series to adapt to movie form, and I’m a huuuuuuge fan of the series.

    And Rodney, let’s remember: i before e except after c!

  2. MadClawMann says:

    I love the Dark Tower series. I only read the comic book adaption though. If they do the comic version it could be a good adaption.

  3. Ryan says:

    Why not just make it for HBO from the start, or do it on Sci Fi? Sci Fi has made some fantastic miniseries and I’m sure some similar deal could be done for a source material like this as when they got Steven Spielberg to do Taken for them. And Taken was one of the best miniseries ever, IMO. That way you could do the miniseries over 10-15 episodes, have plenty of time for everything and actually have a decent enough budget to make it look good.

  4. Tristan Camacho says:

    Before bashing on Akiva Goldsman, remember that he also wrote “A Beautiful Mind.”

  5. Bryan says:

    Why not just let them do it, see it or not. It will not destroy Stephen King’s writings. Bring it to theaters, it could be a good time.

    If anything it will heighten the audience to The Dark Tower series.

    At least it’s not another remake or reboot.

    • Rodney says:

      How is it different from a remake or reboot? Its still a film based on a pre-existing work. Just because it hasn’t been a film before, its ok?

      Adapting from a book is no different than adapting from a movie.

  6. Beejag says:

    This is leaving a bad taste in my mouth already….

    • Beejag says:

      The Dark Tower series was an odd read for me. On one hand, I enjoyed the first three novels and found them to be brilliant, if not somewhat confusing and lacking in clarification and details. However the series quickly spun out of control in my honest oppinion, and by the fifth book it was just a drag to get through them.

      Now barring my personal oppinion of the series, I have to agree with your comments in the main post. This is not a series, which I can see easily translating to the big screen without huge, (and I mean huge) changes.

      If nothing else I am at the very least interested in seeing what the series does end up looking like when it translates to film.

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