Clash of the Titans Reshoots Explained!

Remember how when we were all getting juicy in the loins for The Clash of the Titans remake, and they announced reshoots? Well reshoots are a double edged sword because you don’t know if they are fixing something that was so terrible, or if they are going to mess with something that was fine already.

Well it looks like Clash of the Titans might have just been of the latter!

While I did enjoy the movie and didn’t mind that they changed things, it appears that now we are hearing what could-have-been as we get a peek at the movie BEFORE the reshoots. CHUD has a long article about the changes but I am going to sum it up and comment here:

Nearly two thirds of the business with the gods was edited out of the film, and the very tenor of the god scenes was changed in fundamental ways.
Danny Huston was cast as Posiedon, and as in my review I said it was disappointing to see this court of the Gods and the rest of the major dieties are just standing around like so much decoration. Well it seems there was a LOT of discussion and involvement of other Gods in those scenes that was simply removed from the movie.

Zeus is the bad guy. He’s a god who has sort of lost it, and it’s unmistakably his fault that the humans have turned against the Olympians.
I liked his struggle of “loving the humans too much” but knowing that he was originally portrayed as crazy might have played out better. Give mankind a REAL reason to rebel against the gods instead of just Hades trying to frak things up.

The very nature of Perseus’ quest is quite different in the original version.
In the original cut, Perseus IS jonesing for Andromeda, and while he does take a grandeur viewpoint that no person should be sacrificed to placate the Gods, and this is why he fights back - he still has the hots for her. Gemma had been quoted in interviews that Io had a sibling respect for Perseus, and the romantic storyline was with Andromeda, which would have given her a bigger role. Obviously their romance was added later. This might also explain why some felt they were not that convincing as a couple. Perhaps that Gemma was the bigger name, they switched it up.

Zeus has a mysterious and unexplainable change of heart about Perseus, his bastard son. While Perseus is on a quest to destroy the gods Zeus shows up and helps him out, which doesn’t quite make sense. In the original script (and the original cut) it wasn’t Zeus who showed up to give Perseus the coin he needed to cross the River Styx - it was Apollo. Having Zeus all soft for his creation made sense that he would try to reach out to his bastard son, but in the original script he was looney toons to the end and it was another God who delivers the coin, which would make sense if Zeus’ hissy fit was to stand.

This would all have cleared up a lot. The reshoots were intended to steer the film differently, but without redoing the whole film these “fixes” would still look clumsy at times. And they did. I didn’t notice some of them until now, but there they are.

And the closing scenes would have had far different value and feeling too. Andromeda would have got her Prince, and Io would have died having served her destiny. Instead Io gets the brush off and as a reward, Io (who was once “cursed” with eternal life - her words) is resurrected.

There is also a scene where Perseus goes to Mt Olympus and attends the court of Gods just to stick it to his crazy bio-dad, telling him to step off. Instead the movie ends with Perseus fulfilling Io’s warning that the Gods would give him what he wanted and make him less a man. And they do.

Would you have preferred to see THAT version of the movie?

Maybe they will do a Lucas like Special Edition that remasters those cut scenes and uses the original footage before the reshoot to make a Director’s Cut with the above changes!

And then while they are at it they can make Pegasus white so the fanboy purists can shut up too.

  • Unforgiven

    Up to this point nobody even knew about all those changes so there was nothing to compare it with. I find the fact that Rodney says “the reshoots were intended to steer the film differently, but without redoing the whole film these “fixes” would still look clumsy at times. And they did.” to be kind of funny. How can you say the “fixes” look clumsy when you weren’t even aware what the fixes were? I’m just saying because I enjoyed the theatrical version and did not find anything “clumsy” about it. Now the original version sounds like a better darker story. However, it does not take away from what the final version turned out to be. Hopefully the directors cut will be released and have all of the “fixes” restored to their original intent. For now though I enjoyed the theatrical cut. There is always a better version out there for every movie!

    • Rodney

      There were moments in the movie that I even found clumsy and said so in my review, which turned out to be things that were re-written.

      Just like I said above.

      I didn’t mind that the Theatrical version was different from the original film, but now hearing what they did to “fix” the movie with the reshoots, I kind of wish they had just left it alone.

  • garyc

    i liked the movie juat felt that the 3d added nothing, will watch it in the year on the projector in the den on bluray and have a proper experience without the shades

  • Jon

    There should have been more scenes with the Gods. I think that would have been good. The love story was so dumb between Perseus and Io. I dont know why they even went that way. They should have stuck with the original storyline between Perseus and Andromeda. I could give a shit about the color of Pegasus but I actually liked that they made him black instead of white.

  • JM

    Wow. I want to see Titans 1.0 now. I enjoyed the movie as it is but that sounds so much better.

  • TheLibrarian

    Man.. that story would have taken everything I disliked about the movie out of the equasion. I’m rather bummed that they didn’t present it in that way. I would love to see that one.

  • ramsey

    you know how they have a digital copy on almost every blu-ray sold, well, make the digital copy the original story and the blu-ray the theater version. so we get literally two movies for the price of one.

    • Rodney

      What if I want a digital copy of the theatrical version?

      • Mike

        Ugh, why would you want that?

  • 420BAND

    Crazy man…….Crazy