Clash of the Titans 2 is Coming

Clash of the Titans 2 is going to happen and this time it wont have Louis Leterrier involved, but Worthington is along for the ride.

ScreenCrave shares:

Along with Warner Bros, their partners Legendary Pictures are looking to have the next Clash in theaters sometime in 2012. The bad news or good news (depends on how you look at it) is that Louis Leterrier will not be returning to direct. He’ll still be involved as one of the executive producers and Greg Berlanti will pen the story. The studio is currently looking at various agencies trying to find a new director and screenwriter to get things started.

I am actually encouraged by a sequel. I didn’t hate the remake, but it did seem awkward at times. But the action and effects were good, so I enjoyed most of it.

While most of the complaints about Clash seem to come from how it doesn’t line up with the original (the rest coming from the disjointed storyline), at least we will have something fresh and interesting to look forward to without having anything to compare it to. Get over the rough patchy start and lets hope for a smoother ride from here on out.

I mean, it can’t get worse right? Did I just jinx it?

I wasn’t overly impressed with the script of the remake, and I wish I never heard about what was planned before the re-writes. I think the movie could have been much more fluid with the original script.

As long as there are great effects, some great action and a good story I am there.

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8 Responses to “Clash of the Titans 2 is Coming”
  1. cloud7_20 says:

    Lets hope they film this one on 3D or don’t use 3D at all.

  2. MBanno says:

    I loved the Clash remake, and am going to definitely see the sequel. Kinda sucks Luis isn’t directing it, but maybe it was his choice not to do the sequel. He’s still involved so that’s good.

    • joe says:

      who knows though they might get a better director (lets hope that is the case sence they are replacing Leterrier ) i for one also really liked andd cant wait to see what comes out expecially sence it is going to be original

  3. Matt Keith says:

    I have no interest in this sequel, unless they bring back The Kraken, and there’s no chance of that happening. Clash was just utterly boring til The Kraken was seen, that’s the only time I showed any interest in the film.

  4. Toshio says:

    get zack snyder to do will rock!

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    I hereby hold the severed head of the great Gorgon Medusa and turn all who converted the 2D version to 3D to stone. I will then send over Charon the Boatman over to instill woe with WB so he can have his cameo in the sequel.

  6. matty says:

    I thought the movie was only ordinary, but there is plenty of potential for a sequel. Just get a coherent story, some decent actors to aide Worthington, a couple of interesting monsters and most things will take care of themselves. Or, failing that, just rip-off God of War as much as possible.

    Just don’t go down the Transformers 2 path!

  7. 420BAND says:

    was hyped to see until I heard it was Blah Blah…That and the parts I looked at with Medusa seemed cheesy and Rushed.

    Still not on this directors bandwagon either.

    Hulk was half-way good. the action nicely paced, but CGI overload tookover at the end and lost itself. the best scene in that movie was the end with Hulk running off and the helicopters light following him as he swings and jumps over buildings….Nailed it! too bad it was like 8 seconds.

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