Clark Duke wants to Write Daredevil

Clark Duke sat down to talk about Kick-Ass and some other interesting things, but all that doesn’t really matter to me. I already know Kick-Ass looks great, and I hope it lives up, but he diverged into a brief talk about which adaptation he would like to do, and surprisingly he talks about writing the reboot of Daredevil!

Are there any comics you’d interested in adapting yourself?

[Pause] Yeah, I wish they’d let me write and direct a reboot of Daredevil. I think there’s definitely a way to do Daredevil correctly that nobody’s figured out for some reason.

What would you do differently?

It’s not really worth talking about.

Oh come on, we’re at a comic convention and you’re starring in a comic-book movie…

First of all just tonally. I would completely… he’s a pulp hero, I think you address it, you have to have respect for the reality of it to some extent. And also I think you play with, the most interesting thing about him is he’s a lawyer who’s committing crime every night, he’s a catholic that dresses up like the devil, there’s all this thematic stuff that’s so fun to play with, that’s so awesome, I think [Ed] Brubaker’s run is my generations’ defining… I think they’re honestly better than the Frank Miller run. And somebody should make that into a film.

And that somebody is Clark Duke.

Like Fox is gonna let me… start that rumor, maybe they’ll call me. I could write the hell out of that Daredevil movie though.

Well I like his respect and approach to the character and I would love to see him get a chance to pitch that approach to the studio and get a new Daredevil film going. I happen to agree that Brubaker’s run is better than Miller’s, and it will distance the reboot from the Afleck version (which I actually liked)

Now I dont know that I would want him to direct, but I would be really interested to see a pitch from this side of things, so why not Duke to write it? At least a try.

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16 Responses to “Clark Duke wants to Write Daredevil”
  1. 420BAND says:

    wooh, wooh, wooh, better than Frank Millar’s?

    I know the movie version had its flaws and he consulted on that film, but the books are another story.

    Agree to disagree

  2. Matt Keith says:

    I just hope they find someone better than Affleck to play the character. I’m not ripping on the guy, but he sucked in that role.

  3. James (Haz) says:

    THIS, is the voice of REASON

    This kid nailed it, id love to see him write this movie

    theyre officially rebooting Daredevil anyway, so i say why not.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Def want to see it done better. I F’n LOVE the character.

    did Marvel get the prop. back?

    If so, it would be nice to see him be a part of that universe there creating.

  5. darren j seeley says:

    I am not opposed for Duke to take a crack at writing a draft of the reboot (which I am against-I only think recasting is needed, but it’s not my call) but his statement is nothing short of stupid.

    “definitely a way to do Daredevil correctly that nobody’s figured out for some reason.”

    I only remember, aside from the ‘03 film, the TV film Trial Of The Incredible Hulk. The DD costume in the TV film was awful to be sure, but the origin story and Matt Murdock as lawyer was on the spot. As far as the 03 movie, the director’s cut (despite Coolio) had everything pretty much spot on. The only thing really wrong about it (and the DC) was on a visual and a misstep in the overall story (the playground fight). Some folks don’t like Affleck- but that’s one actor, good or bad, and he can be replaced.

    As far as te Miller vs. Brubaker thing is concerned, I’m a Dennis O’Neil sort of flavor: I would LOVE to see a DD film that wrapped close to Born Again. BTW, if Duke wanted more towards Brubaker, what does that mean, exactly? First thing that came to my mind was Murdock is revealed to be DD, fakes his death and IRON FIST takes over for a spell.

    Yeah. Good luck with that that Duke.

  6. Geno says:

    The one thing I liked about the film with Affleck was acutally Colin Pharrel as Bullseye and Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin. I liked them both and I say to continue with that if they make a reboot. I never really followed the books that much to know who really worked on DD, I vaguely remember Bendis and David Mack writing Daredevil for awhile.

  7. Jon says:

    i also liked the daredevil movie, but thought it def could’ve been better. i like his line of thinking about how to write the character though. has he ever written anything before?

  8. Anti-Septic says:

    I wouldnt mind Clark writing Daredevil. Just from his comments you can tell he just gets it! As far as the Brubaker vs. Miller runs I dont wanna go there, but I always tend to lean towards Brubaker myself if truth be told.

    Whatever they do they need to do a better job of casting this time around. The best casting choice they made was David Keith as Jack Murdock, after that it was all bullocks!

  9. 420BAND says:

    Has this kid writen anything before?(sexdrive-hot tub?)
    what does he have in terms of credits in Kick-Ass besides acting?

    Cause I know some die hard comic fans that say they can “write the shit” outta Daredevil, and probally could!

    The issue I had with Daredevil (I have yet to see the directors cut)was the choppiness of the story. the origin was cool, Matt Murdock didn’t bother me as much with Afleck at the helm(hell he’s a comic fan and Kevin Smith did a cameo and all-silly!)but to me Kingpin and Electra were off a bit and it just didn’t click very well. the shell was there but no filling. The kid gets it right as far as exploring the whole lawyer aspect of Daredevil and using that to build around(making a certain case the plot point)

    I’d love to see another one though.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Yea, I gotta agree with you mate. I didn’t mind Affleck portraying Matt Murdock it was a host of other characters that bothered me, specifically Kingpin, Elektra, and Bullseye.

  10. Anthony R says:

    OMG Frank miller is a god among comic related life! He makes such ground breaking books! Although i must admit im not familiar with [Ed Brubaker, But i gotta go with Kevin smith.

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