Bill Murray Talks Ghost Busters 3 … Again

David Letterman had Bill Murray on his show and inevitably they started talking about Ghostbusters, which Murray says is “a nightmare”

Forget the crazy outfit or that Murray is in traction… at first he looks like he might get angry at the mention of Ghost Busters, (saying “technically there was a sequel” - no secret that Murray avoids sequels because of GB2) then he brings up that they will kill him off in the first reel as part of an agreement to get him involved.

But he really seems to like Ghost Busters and gets downright jovial over it.

I really want there to be a Ghost Busters 3 with a classy passing the torch. Bring in a new generation. Its either that, or they are going to try and remake it, and that lightning wont strike twice without some serious serendipity.

Murray isn’t optimistic about it, but he is waiting on a script before really throwing his hat one way or the other. Some sites are saying he is against it, some are saying he is the only one not on board.

So far he keeps repeating the same thing. Show me a script then I will tell you were I stand.

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3 Responses to “Bill Murray Talks Ghost Busters 3 … Again”
  1. JeffyDooDa says:

    I would love to see a sequel to Ghostbusters. But, with all of the ten year late sequels and remakes that they are doing I’ve seen very little success. And I do not want to see the Ghostbuster franchise ruined just because Hollywood just HAD to make another. Did people not learn anything from Godfather part three? Or Terminator 3? Jurassic Park? Somewhere in Hollywood I bet there is someone trying to push to make Caddyshack 3. Which is another reason (as much as I love Evil Dead and Army of Darkness) why I don’t want to see another movie in the Evil Dead series. Sequels/prequels with a 5+ year gap are scarcely good.

  2. 420Band says:

    He seems a bit chatty for a normally quiet dude, even on interviews.
    His muscles seemed relaxed though.

    Love Murray!

  3. Andy says:

    I just think Murray is sick of all this talk of “Ghostbusters 3” and knows the movie making industry so well that until things actually get moving he remains sceptical about it. I also think he has moved on from those times and sort of gets cheesed off that people remember him for it rather than many other great movies he made.

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