Batman and Superman in 2012?

Ok, I know that title sounds like I am referring to the DC Team-up title of Batman and Superman, but there was no other way to write that. I mean the two separate films may both come out in the same year.

With Marvel Films setting the pace and proving its the right path to a massive character ensemble superhero film, WB/DC Entertainment have to be looking at that plan and hoping to copy its success.

Speculation on the releases of those films that might lead up to Justice League point to Batman and Superman both coming out in the same year!

WorstPreviews offers:

Christopher Nolan will direct “Batman 3″ and will have it ready for summer of 2012. And since Warner Bros will lose their rights to Superman unless the cameras are rolling by next year, the site says that the reboot will be ready by Christmas of 2012. That’s right, Batman and Superman the same year.

The goal is to eventually make “Justice League of America” and Warners is already mapping out the whole strategy. Since Nolan believes that Batman cannot exist in the same world as Superman and other actual superheroes, Warner Bros is trying to figure out how he can.

While I am encouraged by this and the logic does make a fair bit of sense, its not fact. As well, WB doesn’t have to have a Superman film out by then, just have it past a certain point of development to show good faith that they are using the property - which could mean a later release for Supes.

This is just well meaning speculation. There has been no announcement. And their source is IESB who I tend not to trust on the breaking story front.

If they do announce this plan however, I wont be the least bit surprised.

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19 Responses to “Batman and Superman in 2012?”
  1. thematticus says:

    Could this be the end of Nolan’s Batman?

    • Party Marty says:

      In a way I think its best that Nolans Batman leave it at a neat trilogy. They would be untouchably good, and then the series could sort of reboot, but not go back to an origin story again. With Nolan you cant do great characters like Mr.Freeze, so I think the series should go more fantasy but not fully camp. Like the Arkham asylum game, that kind of tone.

    • methos84 says:

      More than likely Batman 3 will be the end for Nolan. He already stated in interviews that he has an end in mind, and views Batman 3 as the conclusion to the story he wants to tell.

  2. Lawrence says:

    Hope this happens. I’d like to request Chris Nolan to use a villain other than Lex Luthor or General Zod for the Superman movie. People are tired of both of them. It’s high time that the likes of Mongul, Brainiac, Parasite, Metallo or Darkseid be used for this “Nolanized” Superman reboot. Yeah, I’m all for the JLA teamup movie or a “World’s Finest” movie.

    • Pman-67 says:

      I agree with being tired of Luther, but Zod is a different story. Done correctly, I think Zod would be an excellent villain and we haven’t seen him on a movie screen in 30 years. I don’t watch the TV show so maybe Zod has been on the series and you were referencing that when you said people are tired of him as well.

      • Lawrence says:

        Zod’s on Smallville played by Callum Blue and previously by Terence Stamp in the Reeve movies. Luthor’s overused too (Gene Hackman, Michael Rosenbaum, Kevin Spacey). It’s about time the other villains in Superman’s rogues gallery show up in this reboot by Nolan.

      • Jon says:

        I completely agree about Luthor. His character has been played out to death and I dont understand why they went back to him in Superman Returns. Plus, that movie was practically like the original Superman with certain new additions. I also agree that Zod is a different story. He is a villain worth bringing back if they were to go there. However, I desparately want some other villain…any other one. Not since the Reeves versions have we seen Superman in a fight. Although I & II are classics the special effects and fight scenes were fairly simplistic. With todays technology it would awesome.

  3. cloud720 says:

    When is green lantern supposed to come out? 2012 isn’t that the year for avengers and spider-man. That has to be the biggest possible lineup of superheros. We will probably get a ghost rider and x-men movie in 2012 also.

  4. Roderick says:

    i dunno. WB is trying to force Nolan into making his Batman availible for a justice league movie… that kinda sucks, becuase Nolan isn’t someone who’ll give into big corporate demands. He makes whats that he wants to make. I dont think the pressure will get to him.

    I think if they make a Justive league with Batman, it’ll be a completely new batman, NOT Nolan’s Batman.

  5. Eddie says:

    There is no freakign way that the Bad Ass Batman, can take orders from that sorry ass superman!!! i really dont see a justice league movie coming out, marvel has done it perfectly involving their superheroes, which we know most of them, justice league really has no known super heroes

    • Danny says:

      I presume you mean that justice league has no known characters as far as movie franchises are concerned. In that respect you are right and DC will have a major uphill battle against Marvel’s Avanger project. The Avengers are already assembling whereas except for Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern the Justice League is not really on the map.

      On the other hand if you are trying to say Justice League has no known characters in terms of overall appeal I have to disagree big time.

    • Rodney says:

      You might want to pick up a comic book.

      Justice League has MANY known superheroes.

      Even people who dont read comics know who Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are.

    • Varun Lella says:

      I think Eddie is more referring to the movie universe. The characters they are building for the Avengers (Iron Man, Hulk, and the upcoming Captain America and Thor, and maybe Spiderman?) are going to feel more familiar than a second new Superman, probably a new batman, and a bunch of new characters.

      If he IS trying to imply that Avengers Heroes are more famous than the Justice League. Well….. that is just subjective but most of those DC characters are pretty dang famous

      • Eddie says:

        yes i meant in the movies!, Marvel can put anyone they want to in the Avengers because we laready have movies about them, even the X-men.

    • Jon says:

      Yes DC does have an uphill battle against them but I think they can definitely pull it off. If the new Superman and Green Lantern movies are a success we’ll see a continuation of their storylines plus new characters. Ultimately, there will be Justice League movie. All of the DC characters are related in one way or another just like the Marvel ones so it makes sense that there will be a Justice League movie. As for Superman being a sorry ass I gotta disagree with you on that big time.

  6. Matt Keith says:

    The whole speculation around Batman 3 is getting annoying. I’m just gonna wait til Comic-con when the DC is supposed to make their big announcement.

  7. 420BAND says:

    I dont see a BIG issue with Bats and Supes in the same movie.
    this whole “Nolans” Batman cant exist in the same universe as Supes is silly. Would it be Akward? F-yeah! but these are Comic Book flicks afterall. Dark Knight was a crime-drama that happened to have Batman in it. this whole “supernatural” element that would tarnish the “Nolan” batman is phooey.

    the first one had a guy wearing a burlap sack and made everyone see monsters and shit with his poison gas or whatever! that was pretty lame-o in my book. and fast forward to the Dark Knight(liked it BTW) and the same dude(Scarecrow) is for some reason jacking a hostage for money with dudes in Batsuits.(gotta keep the “Nolan” Bats credible)so this is all blah blah. I think the third can’t come near the second one. Heath took the movie to another level, part greatness by his performance and part good storytelling using the best(if not only)interesting villan in Batmans rouge gallery.

    Bring on the SuperFriends already(oops I meant Justice Leauge)

    And to all the “Nolan” Batfans the clocks ticking and this decent run is almost over

    Nuff Said

    • TheReyningDevil says:

      i watched TDK more than a couple of times… but i didn’t see the “jacking a hostage for some reason” part at all… maybe i missed it completely…

  8. TheReyningDevil says:

    i personally think a JL movie is such a bright idea right now… if Nolan believes his Batman can’t possibly exist in the same world as Superman, he’s probably right…. ‘cuz he’s the one who created the Gotham we’ve seen in the previous two movies and if there’s someone who should know what makes sense or what does not in that world, it’s him. his work so far has shown credibility in his decisions and choices and taste, so i personally trust him. Sony twisted Sam Raimi’s arm and we’ve all seen the result in Spidey 3. i don’t see the need to rush things up, let kids like eddie there watch individual movies of the members of the JL first if they don’t know them already…

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