Anna Friel Joins Dark Fields

Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro are starring in the drug thriller Dark Fields and Anna Friel has joined the cast to allure Cooper in his dreams … and shortly thereafter in mine.

In the film Cooper plays a down-on-his-luck writer (is there any other kind?) who’s life and career is given a boost after the use of a mysterious new drug. Things go south when his new-found focus leads him to a financial windfall and public notoriety, which brings him to the attention of some rather unsavory individuals (including De Niro’s character Carl Van Loon). Friel will play Melissa, Cooper’s estranged and beautiful ex-wife (that frequently appears to him in sexy and half-naked dreams).

I fell in love with Friel watching Pushing Daisies, but I did feel a little bad for her because of that whole “Land of the Lost” thing.

Should be interesting to see her in this, though it sounds like the film will revolve more around Cooper and De Niro.

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2 Responses to “Anna Friel Joins Dark Fields”
  1. 420BAND says:

    Her I like

  2. Ken says:

    I love Anna Friel(mostly do to season 1 of pushing daisies).
    I look forward to seeing her in this movie.

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