8: The Mormon Proposition Doc Trailer Online

Ever since they reversed the law that recognized gay marriage, a small part of my faith in humanity died. So I find it very interesting to see a documentary created trying to expose just how this happened.

As with any doc, there is potentially a bias so while I won’t be crusading this as absolute fact, I am very curious to see it.

Chud shares:
8: The Mormon Proposition exposes the Mormon Church’s historic involvement in the promotion and passage of California’s Proposition 8 and the religion’s secretive, decades-long campaign against gay rights. The film takes place in California and Utah as Mormons, following their prophet’s call to action, wage spiritual warfare with money and misinformation against gay citizens, doing everything they can to deny them of marriage and the rights that come with it.

I am not a big fan of documentaries, but I am particularly interested in. It looks very interesting, and I am baffled in a world like today that such hate and ignorance can be labeled as law.

Now I suspect the documentary will be thought provoking, but perhaps not as entertaining as the musical.

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37 Responses to “8: The Mormon Proposition Doc Trailer Online”
  1. MBanno says:

    Proposition 8 was the only abomination. Personally I’d fight to have it removed.

  2. David Lopan says:

    This is why I’m against organized religion. The idea of religion is nice on paper and using it’s values to mold your own values and views on life is one thing. But getting something evil out of what is meant to be good and force feeding it onto others is what fanatics do. These are the same cretins that are tantamount to those bastards in the midwest that are part of that “gad hates fags” church. How can people like that spread so much hatred and speeches of “my god has a bigger dick than your god”, destroy good people’s lives, and actually expect to get into whatever after life carnival they think is up there waiting for them!?

    • Jake says:

      Many pro-gay rights propositions I have heard, such as would make it mandatory to hire homosexuals who applied for certain jobs, and make preaching against homosexuality against the law, are just as twisted and biased.

      When is religion NOT organized? Atheist scientists join together by the thousands to put an end to ID theory, preaching from their own equivalents to pulpits. In this day and age, scientists are almost the exact equivalent to what priests and prophets used to be. And think of how many New Age activists have been hanging on to Oprah’s every word for the past few years. Everyone has a belief system, and they always act based upon that belief.

      And who says anyone’s against homosexuals? It’s homoSEXUALITY that is considered to be the problem. It’s a major contributor to AIDS, which kills millions upon millions of people every year. If that’s not a problem, I don’t know what is.

      Also, homosexuality has never been disproven as a psychological disorder. Clinical Vampirism, a psychological ailment that causes the mind to associate sexuality with blood, is not looked upon well, as it often leads people to drink their own blood, as well as the blood of animals and in some cases other humans. Neither is Masochism, which is when people get off on pain and hurting themselves. Both are dangerous and should be treated. But homosexuality, which is when the mind associates people of your same gender with sex, isn’t classified as a psychological disorder?

      If you saw a guy eating from a pile of human feces, would you really think he wasn’t insane? From a sanitary standpoint, sticking your penis in another man’s ass is just as bad an idea. In fact, it’s stupid.

      These are objective, scientific, factual reasons why homosexuality can be a very negative thing.

      What I’m trying to say is that people have reasons for their actions. There’s a lot of homosexual-haters out there, but not every one who opposes gay rights is one of them. Some of them are ex-homosexuals who understand the problems with the lifestyle and don’t want it so encouraged in society. A good part of them are probably anti-homosexuality without being anti-homosexuals at all, and they’re all probably just trying to make the world a better place. And I don’t think people should jump to conclusions and make moral judgments based on feelings when there are real arguments against homosexuality out there.

      • Im Not Gay my Boyfriend is says:

        There is nothing “harmful” or wrong about same sex relationships.

        You equate being gay to masochism, eating feces, and sexual arousal over eating blood. Being gay is NOT a psychological disorder. Despite the trendy scapegoat of gays to say “i was born this way” it simply isn’t true. Its a choice - a social lifestyle option. Its never been proven that people are “born gay”

        Being gay is not harmful, and gay people are not doing anything to each other that a hetero couple would do.

        Its ignorant and narrow minded people that have to fabricate long winded and exaustive explainations as to why they fear and hate something they don’t understand that bring about these hurtful laws.

        Gays are not hurting anything, but there are a lot of gays who are hurt by blind judgements and ignorance. Maybe ignorance should be illegal. It offends more than gays ever will.

      • Jake says:

        First of all, I stated a number of ways why homosexuality is harmful, none of which you addressed. Yes, homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. No, it’s not a smart one.

        I know that many heterosexuals participate in anal sex, but it’s still not smart. And according to studies, the anal cancer rate for homosexuals in specific is 50 times above normal. Gay men are often at risk for death by prostate, testicular, and colon cancer. Sexually transmitted diseases occur at a much higher rate for homosexuals than heterosexuals. In fact, monogamous heterosexuals don’t get any of them.

        And let’s not forget AIDS. Like I mentioned, it kills millions of people every year, and homosexuality is the cause of a good part of those deaths.

        “Not harmful”? I think not. It’s very unhealthy. Homosexuals, on average, have a lifespan shortened by 20 to 30 years. This is aside from sexually transmitted diseases.

        This means that homosexuality kills people at 2 to 3 times the rate of smoking. How come there’s so much activism against smoking, but not homosexuality? You said it yourself; homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Well, so is smoking. If the consensus of our society is true, and smoking is bad and should be fought against, homosexuality should be opposed three times as much.

        Just saying. These are facts.

      • Rodney says:

        Ok Jake, I have to interject here. How is being gay “harmful”

        Yes, just like any other group there are extemists that will ask for stupid things like hiring a gay automatically or making it illegal to publicly speak against homosexuality.

        People against homosexuality ARE against homosexuals. These people are preaching that their lifestyle is wrong and that isnt supposed to be directed at the individuals participating? That’s like saying they are not attacking rapists, just that they disagree with rape in general.

        “If you saw a guy eating from a pile of human feces, would you really think he wasn’t insane? From a sanitary standpoint, sticking your penis in another man’s ass is just as bad an idea. In fact, it’s stupid.”

        Your words. Tell me how being gay is at all like that. How is it any different than a woman enjoying anal sex, or a man being sexually aroused through a massaged prostate. Medical fact. Anal sex is not harmful, and your ass is not stuffed to the brim with feces. Also, the assumption that gays spread AIDS is just dead wrong. Its not a disease that was created from homosexuals, nor is it transmitted more by homosexuals. You can make everyone on the planet straight and there would still be AIDS.

        “These are objective, scientific, factual reasons why homosexuality can be a very negative thing.”

        Again, your words. Name one. You can’t. Nothing a gay person does is harmful or at all comparable to the acts you describe above.

        You say to the above poster that you “stated a number of ways why homosexuality is harmful”. But you didn’t you claimed that there were many ways, but still cant name them.

        You admit that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, but not a smart one? You have yet to illustrate any reasons why its harmful.

        Go nuts. Please enlighten me how a man can have sexual relations and an emotional connection with a woman and its fine, but a man has sexual relations and an emotional connection with a man and now its objective, scientific and factually harmful?

        You cant. You are just blindly hating like the rest standing on your pulpit of imaginary wrongs of same sex partners.

      • Jake says:

        A pulpit it is, but not one of “imaginary wrongs of same-sex partners”. I never said anything about right and wrong. My whole point was that people are obviously going to oppose homosexuality, and it’s irrational to assume that everyone who is opposed to it is doing so out of “hatred” or “ignorance”. As sure as people are going to be against smoking, they are going to be against homosexuality. And when it comes to homosexuality, they have a much stronger case; a very small section of the tip of the iceberg of which I have outlined, but has apparently gone in one ear and out the other.

        That, or you are under the impression that sexually transmitted diseases aren’t harmful. Or that a shortened lifespan of 20 to 30 years isn’t a negative thing. Since I, for one (apparently), value life, I beg to differ.

      • Rodney says:

        It isn’t irrational to draw the conclusion that contradicting their innocent acts that have ZERO effect on any one else is anything BUT fear and ignorance.

        Much like your assumption that gays have shorter lifespans or are responsible for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

        You constantly equate being gay as harmful using references like “people are going to be against smoking” Well smoking affects more than the smoker, and is harmful. Medical fact. There is no medical fact that a guy liking a guy or a girl liking a girl is medically harmful, that their sexual relations are harmful.

        You outlined myth as fact and claimed that gays are harmful based on nothing.

        It is this exact baseless thinking that leads to people assuming there is something wrong with gays to begin with.

      • seaslug says:

        Totally agree with you Rodney. I have yet to hear one valid reason why homosexuality is wrong. All the reasons people give on why homosexuality is wrong seem to be misguided, ignorant, or just plain mean… even when they claim not to be. :(

        I guess I can understand if people are personally opposed to homosexuality. I personally don’t agree with them, however everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

        The problem I have with people against homosexuality arises when they actively try and prevent other people who are not hurting anybody, from being happy. Why do they actively intrude on other people’s personal lives and prevent them from getting an equal opportunity???

        I honestly just don’t get that.

      • thematticus says:

        I’m sad for you, Jake. I know you are saying that it isn’t about hating homosexuals, just homesexuality, but that’s one in the same. That’s like saying I don’t hate black people, just black skin. The people who hate often don’t realize that what they feel is hatred. Your arguments above show that at the very least you are ignorant of teh actual facts.

        “In this day and age, scientists are almost the exact equivalent to what priests and prophets used to be.”
        Yeah, except scientists have these little things called ‘proof’ and ‘evidence’ to back up thier claims.

        “It’s a major contributor to AIDS, which kills millions upon millions of people every year”

        HIV and AIDS is not a gay disease. African-American and Hispanic women together represent less than one-fourth of all U.S. women, but account for more than three-fourths (76%) of AIDS cases among women in this country. Women now account for 43% of all HIV infected people over the age of 15. In just over a decade, the proportion of all AIDS cases reported among adult and adolescent women tripled, from 7% in 1985 to 22% in 1997.

        “If you saw a guy eating from a pile of human feces, would you really think he wasn’t insane? From a sanitary standpoint, sticking your penis in another man’s ass is just as bad an idea. In fact, it’s stupid.”
        Rodney already said it best in an above comment, so I’m not even going to touch the stupidity of that comment, only to say that if you believe every ass is a mud pit, obviously my ass is a lot cleaner than yours.

        “Some of them are ex-homosexuals who understand the problems with the lifestyle and don’t want it so encouraged in society.”
        This is my biggest issue with your diatribe. How is allowing someone to marry the person they love ‘encouraging’ homosexuality? It’s not like they weren’t already homosexual. This isn’t going to spawn and entire army of gay people just because they can fill out a joint tax return. It’s friggin Reefer Madness all over again with this thing. Fear mongering at the least, hatred at best. People fear what they do not understand, so why not try to understand what homosexuality really is instead of laeling it to be some horrible plague that will claim your children? News flash - people have been gay for centuries, and the world hasn’t ended yet.

  3. RonSalon says:

    I thought I would add a second positive remark before all the hateful ones were written with flying stones. John, thanks for posting this! MBann, thank you, too. Unfortunately, some of live under this ruling.

    Gotta love the Preacher Men, must’ve gotten God’s cell number from Joan Osborne, or was it the Pope? Surely he has it…

    What I find most frightening is that the amount of money used by both sides could have built a new green power factory, employing multiple people who are out of work, saved foreclosed homes, feed the starving, or pay for therapy the mentally and sexually abused children need coming from churches. And we call ourselves human. Phff!

    • Rodney says:

      John has not been with The Movie Blog for months now. Been a while since anyone called me John by accident.

      And you are right. Those self righteous organized religions could have done as Jesus would have done and love thy neighbour and feed the hungry.

      • tzaylor says:

        Before you make any other uneducated remarks about charity you should take a look at some facts about how much money has been spent in Haiti alone by what you call “useless” orgainized religion. I’m sure it’s nothing compared to what you have been able to contribute as you have been unhindered by religion.

        Here’s the truth, pro-gay marrieage will eventually be accepted in every state, it’s just a matter of time. But those with religious values will fight it the whole way down.

        You keep saying homosexuality is not hurting anyone. The thing that worries me is that the more careless society is with the traditional family structure, the more children will suffer. In divorce, children suffer. In single parent or broken homes, children are under more stress than in traditional families. Look ahead 30 years at a world where children are raised by same-gender parents. It’s going to be a mess.

      • Rodney says:

        I like how you use a “quote” to say I called them useless, which I never said, then continue to make presumptions about my charitable involvement.

        Its not uneducated. For every dollar they spent sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong, that was one MORE dollar that isn’t spent on the charities and organizations that need the help.

        But their efforts would be better served doing as their faith teaches instead of passing judgement on people that are not hurting anything. Those who fight against two people willing to commit to a relationship are the ones that are worried it will ruin what a marriage means?

      • thematticus says:

        Does your concern over where gay marriage will or will not lead us make it okay to oppress someones rights? I could easily say I am worried where R-Rated films will lead society, but I would be oppressing the filmmakers rights (and missing out on some of the best art of our time) and that is not for me to decide.

      • tzaylor says:

        I wasn’t quoting you, just paraphrasing the general discussion. So you do think that religions are useful then?

        The R rated movie is a good example. People can do what they want, people with cameras can make whatver art they wish, noone really cares. But you aren’t going to expose children to all of it. Or are you? That’s when people start caring. A person can have sex with whoever they want, regardless of what the Bible teaches, it’s our God given choice. But what I do care about is that legalizing gay marriage will lead to gay parenting. So we restrict kids from R rated movies, drugs, etc… but are you ok with allowing them be adopted into same sex unions? Do you have kids? Would you want them raised in a homosexual house? Society trends toward thinking that absolute moral abolition is actually liberating. So in the name of liberation and equality we may be hurting those who have the least defense.

        That’s what worries me. It’s a touchy subject. People should not be ostracized for their lifestyle. But as the traditional family structure slips away, our society will suffer.

      • seaslug says:

        You seem to have a big misunderstanding of the “general discussion”. No one said religion is useless. People are commenting on the percieved hypocrisy of some of the religious views, and that the extremely large amounts of money spent by the churches to defeat gay marriage could have been better used for issues such hunger and poverty especially of children.

        Regarding the analogy to an R rated movie and sexual content. It doesn’t matter whether its gay sex or straight sex. No one wants young children to be subjected to either.

        And what does sexual orientation have to do with parenting, as far as im concerned there is only good parenting and bad parenting. The insinuation that a gay parent cannot be a good parent is just offensive. It doesn’t matter if you are a single parent, straight parent, divorced parent, or gay parent. All that matters is that you are a good and loving parent.

  4. hamiwill says:

    I’m curious. Will the documentary examine the other religious factions that also contributed to the downturn of prop 8? I doubt it will because Mormons are too easy a target. I have very little doubt that this will be monumentally skewed in its presentation of “the facts.” Prop 8 failed because of all the riders that were attached to it-many which truly were abominable in their inception-not because of one religious groups vendetta against alternate life styles.

    • thematticus says:

      Prop 8 passed because of hate, pure and simple. No excuses. You are correct that it wasn’t just Mormons. It was also heavily supported by Newt Gingrich, John McCain, The Roman Catholic Church, and the rest of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. However, the LDS was the biggest factor in this measure passing, with over 80 percent of early donations coming from door to door solicitations.
      Thanks for posting this trailer Rodney. I realy look forward to checking this out.

  5. Bobby says:

    Sure the Mormons funded the campaign but it was still the blacks and latinos in Cali that voted against it, especially in an election that had more of both groups voting in 2008 than the previous elections. Both groups are staunchly anti homosexual and Im pretty sure there are more of those 2 groups in Cali than mormons. why do dems never blame these groups? I feel that gays and lesbians should do whatever they want and should be allowed to marry.

  6. shane_c says:

    Ironically the key was larger than usual turnout of black voters because Obama was the Democratic nominee. Blacks tend to more anti gay than other races, so therefore Prop 8 won. They voted for as a block for Obama and they voted a sa block for Prop 8. Had Obama not been the Democratic candidate its very likely that it would have lost.

    • Pman-67 says:

      Wow! So now it was the Blacks and Latinos that passed prop 8? It’s just wrong to lump any group of people together. Exit polls showed that pre vote assumptions that blacks mostly supported prop 8 were way off. Those who described themselves as RELIGIOUS were the strongest supporters of prop 8. Young voters were more likely to have voted against the ballot measure than older voters and Republicans were more likely to have supported the measure than Democrats. Blacks and Latinos are just like our Anglo-Saxon counterparts, we have our own minds, opinions and we don’t all think or vote alike.

      • shane_c says:

        I dont know where youre getting your information, I think you just made it up, because exit polls that showed that it did happen. People can Google it if they want, theres plenty of stories about it. Try “Prop 8 black voters”.

        Blacks voted for Prop 8 much more than any other race, and because there was a larger number of black voters in the 08 election (becuase of Obama) it played a major role in prop 8 passing. Thats just a fact.

      • Pman-67 says:

        The thing that you’re missing is what most of those stories failed to report, the number of black voters in California is relatively low. There are between 2.2 - 2.6 million blacks living in California, making up roughly 6% of the state’s population. Take away children and felons, you’re left with around 1.5 million eligible to vote. If 80% of those eligible were registered voters, that leaves around 1.2 million. 2008 saw record voter turn out, but the numbers were still only around 60%. Let’s estimate high because of the Obama factor and say 80% of black voter turned out. That’s around 960,000 voters. If 70% of those people voted for Prop 8 that’s only 672,000 votes. Over 7 million people voted for the proposition and it loss by over 600,000 votes. Blacks made up less than 10% of votes Prop 8 received. The facts are that there simply aren’t enough black voters in California to have made much of a difference. If you don’t trust my numbers, Google them. Exit polls don’t mean jack if you’re not looking at the total numbers.

  7. Zach says:

    This comment section really can become a huge debate lol. And to the whole “gay” situation, there is something wrong with being gay.. it was intended for a male and female to engage in love, not male and male. Why do you think we got the parts we have.

    • Rodney says:

      Sorry Zach, your attempt to use the “parts” argument as your proof is not going to prove how wrong it is.

      You can argue that procreation is only possible because of parts, that much is provable. We have those parts for reproduction. That’s why. But to suggest that a person cannot have a meaningful relationship with someone of the same gender based on their “parts” is just not correct. There is more than one compatible interface on a human body for all sorts of parts.

    • thematticus says:

      So you realize that is your opinion, right? It’s not a fact. My opinion about onions is I dislike them, but I’m not trying to enact laws that ban anyone from eating onions. I would love to see the faces of the people who voted for this measure if they had to go home right now and look at there wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend and feel the same intolerance as homosexuals. I cannot fathom the feeling I would have if I was told it would be illegal to marry my wife because certain people think it’s wrong.

      • Pman-67 says:

        Not so long ago it would have been illegal if you and your wife were of different racial backgrounds. People used the bible and religious beliefs to support that hate filled practice as well.

      • thematticus says:

        Exactly. Well said.

  8. Matt Keith says:

    @”I have yet to hear one valid reason why homosexuality is wrong.”

    That’s because there is no valid reason for it to be “wrong”. It’s perfectly fine to a homosexual. There people as well, and deserve the same rights as heterosexuals.

  9. Chris says:

    As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I would like to add my view in this discussion. Please note that I do not officially represent the Church.

    Let me start by saying we do not hate gays. Is homosexuality a sin? Yes (as the Bible teaches). So is adultery, premarital sex, masturbation and bestiality. These are all sexual sins. As stated in “The Family: A Proclamation To The World,” published by the LDS church in 1997, “We declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife. The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”

    Here’s the thing: no law has been passed that says gays can’t have sex. Do we believe such an act is an abomination? Yes. But it is the God-given choice of every man and woman to have sex with whomever they choose. And gays still have the right to live together. In fact, the LDS church backed legislation in Utah that makes it illegal to fire someone from their job or evict someone from their residence based on their sexual orientation. That’s right: Mormons backed gay rights.

    We also affirm that marriage should only be between one man and one woman. Which is why the Church supported Prop 8 in CA and Prop 102 here in my home state of Arizona. Gays can do whatever they want to, but we belief that, as a society, we need to protect the definition of marriage.

    One more point: why is it that everyone seems to mock the LDS church for its former practice of plural marriage? And, yes, it’s a former practice (any LDS member who practices plural marriage is excommunicated, and those in Utah who practice plural marriage are not part of our church but of splinter groups that have no affiliation with the LDS church). But the point remains: why is it that no one came to our defense when we were persecuted for this practice? Why was it even less socially accepted than homosexuality is today? But, in any event, the LDS church, as is our belief, submitted to the governing law of the land and discontinued the practice of polygamy.

    Just something to think about.

    • Rodney says:

      I would come to the defense of a polygamist if that is how he and his wives chose to live their lives. If they were to introduce a bill that removes the clause that a person could have plural spouses and I had the ability to cast a vote, I would vote in its favour. It doesn’t hurt me at all nor does it make my world unsafe. Why would I go out of my way to oppose it? You cry about those people who didn’t defend the rights of polygamists (their own faith says adultery is a sin.. but only until a Prophet says God says you can) and you complain that no one was defending them.

      Guess by that very standard, you should be supporting the homosexuals right to union then. Wouldn’t want to be petty.

      That the church disagrees with homosexual and lesbian lifestyles is not the debate. We know how restrictive organized religion is on lifestyle. Its all about deeds and rituals. And your “Mormons backed Gay Rights” is like saying you are not racist because you have a black friend. Its weak posturing for a group (including all organized religion) that actively speaks out and protests against things that contradict their teachings. That they backed a law that says you can’t be fired for something not work related has nothing to do with “gay rights”. Those are HUMAN rights. They can’t fire you for liking an out of State sports team either.

      No one is telling the church they have to approve of gays. They can preach their rules all they want. But there is a reason that there is a division of church and state. Mormons are attempting to protect THEIR definition of marriage. Marriage is the union of two people. The law books in some states used to say a Black person couldn’t marry a White person until 1967. Laws change. All of Canada recognizes marriage as “two people” as do many other major countries and a number of states.

      My government is not a church. Keep your social opinions to your own social groups and judge each other. Let the rest of the world live without persecution. Spend your efforts on things that please God. I am certain that this is not one of them.

  10. Jules says:

    I only have one problem with the trailer. The movie looks like it is generalizing all Mormons as homophobic and that is simply not true.

    • Rodney says:

      No, it shows homophobic people who also happen to be Mormons.

      A documentary is almost always going to be biased toward their point. But I see nothing in there that illustrates that ALL Mormons have these qualities.

      The doc is about a group of Mormons who made significant efforts to lobby this campaign.

      • Jules says:

        After looking at the trailer again, I see it is focused on what you’ve said. Hopefully the movie will include not just the homophobic Mormons because there is a small group in Utah that does support gay rights.

  11. Thomas says:

    Only cults recruit members…

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