Wachowskis working on Secret Future War Film?

Seems the Wachowskis have been busy little bees with a new future war film they are working on. But no one knew it was happening until Arianna Huffington let spill that she was involved.

People might have thought she made it up, but she has pictures, and Gov Ventura confirms that he too was involved.

/Film says:

Arianna Huffington (co-founder of the liberal news website The Huffington Post) published a few tweets claiming that she was shooting a part in a secret Wachowskis Brothers film, a movie about the Iraq War, from the perspective of the future. We wouldn’t have believed it but Huffington posted photos from the set, one of which features Any Wachowski and Wachowski brother turned sister Lana Wachowski.

Appearing on Tuesday’s episode of the Howard Stern Show on Sirius/XM Satellite radio, the professional wrestler turned actor turned governor Jesse Ventura dropped word that he just got done filming a movie for the Wachowskis. When asked if he missed acting and would ever consider returning to the big screen, Ventura dropped the bomb shell:

“I just did one with the Wachowski brothers…”

So the Wachowskis have been working in relative quiet to make another movie. From what Ventura says, there doesn’t appear to be a script for it, and that the whole thing was being done on improv.

So Arianna Huffington and Jesse Ventura in a future war political short, or is a feature film? We don’t know.

How anything gets done in secret in Hollywood is beyond me with this internet age.

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10 Responses to “Wachowskis working on Secret Future War Film?”
  1. GODFATHER says:

    It sounds intriguing! Hopefully it will live up to the hype already being built in my mind! :D


    Wachowskis = GOD

    Anything they do is automatically a masterpiece.

  3. chris says:

    this is reallyyy old newsss!

  4. 420BAND says:

    District 9 went almost undetected right?

    Did you say “and Wachowski brother turned sister Lana Wachowski.”

    I forgot about that!

    Speed Racer I tried to like…..really, really tried. but the f’n kid and the chimp were too much to handle.

    that said, I could just stare at that upshot of Trixie flying the helocopter all day long.

    hubba hubba

  5. 420BAND says:

    wouldn’t it be cool if the post read “Working on Secret Wars Film”? (marvel)

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