Two More Independance Day films on Deck

Independance Day was a self contained action adveture alien invasion movie. It started, and it ended - complete story with a satisfying ending. So of course, they are forcing it into a trilogy.

Obsessed with Film shares:

This story has since been denied by Smith’s rep to Gossip Cop, but the “not true at this time” quote tells me that talks are progressing but no deal has yet to be made.

We know Fox and Emmerich want sequels off the ground and have been pretty aggressive in their quest since late last year – it’s just a case of convincing Smith to return which isn’t easy given all his previous big franchises are also attempting to lure him back.

According to an IESB exclusive, Will Smith is now signed on for the long awaited (?) ‘Independence Day’ sequels. Yes sequels – two more movies. That makes it another trilogy we never asked for.

So Will Smith’s camp is denying its not true “at this time” which means they could be talking about it. Or doing it without Smith.

But is there any need for it? Well of course if they think it will make money then there is a “need” for it.

I admit I am curious about what the would would look like with all of its major cities wiped out, and with no tourist landmarks left, I don’t know what they will put on the poster.

Or what kind of story they could move forward with, let alone two. If there are more of the aliens left out there who come back for revenge, I doubt they would underestimate our crop dusters and virus programmers this time!

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7 Responses to “Two More Independance Day films on Deck”
  1. Rafael says:

    Cool. Two more movies to watch on lazy rainy Sunday afternoons.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Blah, The 1st one was cheesy enough.

    get Randy Quaid or no deal!

  3. darren j seeley says:

    Well, y’know something? Here is a short checklist of things when we last left that popcorn film from the 90’s:

    (aside from THE END)

    *It was clear that there were other “survivors” across the globe, including military.

    *It was an ensemble cast of characters.

    How are we doing? Not bad. Now,my question to the int’ friends:

    So what if Will Smith/Smith’s camp says no and/or denies they are going to happen? Yes, Smith was a draw there’s no debate there. But given the above information, in theory, if Smith says no to these sequels and/or isn’t offered them in general…says they won’t happen…

    I hate to point it out, but Smith’s character may not be 100% needed to the plot of the sequels. It’s nice if the character was there, but…

    am i wrong?

    • Devan Price says:

      I don’t think they need Will Smith, but to have his name on the project is a great publicity boost. If they can’t get Will I can see (sorry if I spell his name wrong) Denzel Washington playing the main role.

  4. Matty says:

    Could be ok …… but only if Emmerich didn’t direct. That guy has a nose for shit that would put a gastro-suffering dung beetle to shame.

    Apparently when the 1st Independance Day was originally written it was a much larger story that went for quite a few hours. A lot of it was cut, though, to make a leaner end product. Perhaps it is some of these lost plot ideas that they are using for the sequels?

  5. BigHead says:

    One of the sequels will most likely take place of us attacking their planet.

  6. Lawrence says:

    These ID4 sequels are long overdue. ID4 was simply awesome. Wonder why its taken this long for them to think about making a sequel or sequels.

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