Transformers 3 will NOT be in 3D

With all the 3D films coming down the pipe, I was actually shocked to hear this bit of news. Michael Bay doesn’t want Transformers 3 to be in 3D!

Worst Previews says:

Bay found the 3D cameras too heavy and cumbersome for the fast pace action scenes. “I shoot complicated stuff,” he explained.

“Studios might be willing to sacrifice the look and use the gimmick to make $3 more a ticket, but I’m not. ‘Avatar’ took four years. You can’t just sh*t out a 3D movie. If this isn’t going to be excellent, I don’t want to do it. And it is my choice.”

Michael Bay is Awesome.

And awesome means that no matter what anyone says about your films, you keep smiling, get a hot chick to wash your car as an audition - make her a star and you just keep pushing on.

And since he appears to have a lot to say about it, it looks like Transformers will NOT be in 3D.

3D is a gimmick, but then so is using computer generated characters. But you use what works for your film. Bottom line is that while the gimmick might earn you $3 more a ticket, imagine how much more the production costs would be to make the film 3D in post?

While I wouldn’t mind seeing this in 3D, I can respect Bay taking a stand.

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17 Responses to “Transformers 3 will NOT be in 3D”
  1. James says:

    Yeah, Bay isnt a God like Nolan (who i would literally frame my mother for) but the guy is up there as my 2d fave director.

    3D is impressive only if you’re 3 years old or have a mental retardation.

    Its so annoying, whats MORE annoying then 3D is when the 3D movies are obvious about it, like when they throw shit at you in the movie breaking the 4th wall…. and it looks MORE retarded if its being watched in 2D.

    “Oh hey… the hand is reaching at my face but we decided to watch this in 2D so the hand is frozen in the screen for 5 minutes. Great, two more hours of this. Oh watch out! the gator is attacking… the screen.”

    • Rodney says:

      There are plenty of cinematic techniques that place you in the viewpoint of a character that are not used in 3d.

      Yes, the “gator attacking the screen” is obvious, but there are lots of movies that make you jump by having something pop at the screen that are not 3D movies. When its effective, things can be thrust at the screen. But when they do it simply to show off the 3D, it doesnt work.

      Its the obvious “object thrusted at you” gimmick that I can do without. Monsters Vs Aliens did it ONCE with a spinning a yo-yo at the screen in the opening segment. But that was the last time they used it so everything else just had added depth.

      • James says:

        YES. yes yes yes yes.

        Bingo. The stupid fucking SPINNING YO-YO.

        I remember that.

        Another bad one was in Journey to the Center of the Earth. I forgot what it was but theres a really bad one in the opening scene of that movie as well.

      • James says:

        The end of Jaws 3 as well. That one made me laugh for like… 7 years nonstop.

  2. AARON says:

    Good! This would’ve just been wasteful because the graphics for transformers are great enough

  3. Lawrence says:

    Actually, the ILM renders on these robotic characters are good enough in the first two films. Right now, I think, introducing a better storyline and new characters that the fanboys love (e.g. Laserbeak, Omega Supreme, The Dinobots, The Aerialbots) would more than make up for Michael Bay’s reluctance to convert the entire film in 3D.

  4. cloud720 says:

    Wasn’t Clash of the Titians shot in 2D?

    Who’s to say that someone won’t convert one scene that will change his mind? Bay has change his mind about Transformers before. I remember when he was pissed about the first one originally being released on HD-DVD only until he saw the quality of the picture. Didn’t he also say he needed time off before he did a third movie?

    Nothing wrong with him changing his mind. Just saying that nothing is set in stone.

    And with a 400 million dollar film even if only half the audience payed and extra 3 bucks wouldn’t that be an extra 60 million? That’s assuming the average ticket price is 10 bucks. I think its about 7, so it would be more than an extra 60 million.

    • GODFATHER says:

      Bay was pissed about the Blu Ray, not HD DVD, but good point. I agree that if someone showed how it could improve (if it could) his movie, then he’d probably do it.

      More so, I agree with Lawrence that the story has to improve. I’m hoping that with the addition of Malkovich and McDormand, the acting will get better. PLEASE! Do not bring back Torturro!

      And Rodney… Was there a story about Shia in the past week about his left hand being prosthetic (from that accident last year in LA)? I heard rumblings on the radio, but was getting out of my car when the story started so didn’t catch it.

  5. kingl says:

    He does like to shoot a lot of the stuff handheld and using the Steadicam.

  6. David Lopan says:

    Its a double edged sword. It sucks another one of these is coming out. But, with this movie coming out, usually something I want to see comes out the same weekend. The congestion isn’t so much in the film I want to see because everyone is watching transformers. I’ll be excited for this to be released once i see the schedule of movies that same weekend.

    • WholeBlack says:

      What you just said is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous. It sucks because the crowd isn’t a result of the movie you want to see, but a result of a movie (that is expected to open huge- so why not wait another weekend to see what you want) that is opening that you’re not attending. That I can understand, but the only other thing I’m getting out of your statement is from the first sentence, it sucks that a 3rd one is coming out. So how is this related to the article that was posted by Rodney?

  7. Unforgiven says:

    I’m glad it won’t be in 3D! I hate those annoying glasses you have to wear and a movie like Transformers 3 would probably do nothing but induce a headache.

  8. Andrew says:

    I personally don’t care if it is in 3D or not. It’s Transformers, and that’s what makes me want to see it.

  9. Dina says:

    Right on! I think 3D is totally annoying.

  10. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I give credit to Bay for taking a stand against this 3D gimmick.

  11. Minic says:

    I’ve disliked each of the Bay films that I’ve seen - Armageddon, Transformers 1 & 2 - with a passion, but I respect him for having a visual style that he can lay claim to. It’s more than you can say for most indie and direct-to-DVD directors. That extends to this case. He’s clearly making a calculated decision in line with his sensibilities, so good on him.

    If he can do the same for the horribly offensive and downright lame attempts at humour and characterisation that plague his movies… well, there I go. I’ll wrap this up before I start ranting.

  12. 420BAND says:

    I still got a headache tring to tell who was who in the dessert battle free-for-all in ROTF!

    3-D would just make it worse!

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