The Good Heart Trailer Online

I caught this trailer for a small film staring Brian Cox & Paul Dano online, and it looks like a really interesting little tale.

I like how it looks like the “pay it forward” model of kindness seems to get challenged here. The sick old man wants to carry on a legacy and picks a depressed man he meets in the hospital to take a chance on. But when that guy shows a kindness to a girl he is interested in, he is challenged on it.

Looks to be ripe with character interaction and might be worth a watch. I was also interested to see that this film is going to be getting a Video on Demand, Amazon, XBox and PS3 on April 3rd. But then see a theatrical release on April 30th?

I will try to catch this when I can as it really looks like a great character film.

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2 Responses to “The Good Heart Trailer Online”
  1. Ken says:

    Looks like a good story.

    I’ll definitely be checking this out on my 360 when it becomes available.

  2. gypsydreams101 says:

    This looks BRILLIANT!

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