Singleton to Direct Lautner’s Abduction

Looks like John Singleton will be directing the Taylor Lautner thriller Abduction for Lionsgate, and the premise sounds pretty good.

Dark Horizons gives us:

Lautner plays a teen who comes upon a baby picture of himself on a missing persons website. The discovery that his parents aren’t really his parents soon leads to a chain of violent events that have him running for his life

And I am sure that baby picture will be adorable.

Nothing like waking up one day to find your own face on a milk carton?

I really have high hopes for Lautner, and hopefully he will be able to outrun his Twilight success in a good way and not fade to obscurity after that phenomenon fades.

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8 Responses to “Singleton to Direct Lautner’s Abduction”
  1. Ken says:

    Yea Lautner has a good future if the right roles come his way.I actually seen of this yesterday during AOTS(G4’s attack of the show), didn’t know Singleton was to direct though,not a big fan of his films they all kinda similar but he does alright i guest.

  2. iris says:

    nothing like a remake 2.0 version of faces on a milk carton

  3. MEDavidson says:

    The script is pretty poor. Sort of a Last Days of the Condor meets Rear Window (or Disturbia, if you’re a little younger).

    Lotta of people trying to capitalize on Lautner as the kid-of-the-moment. He coulda picked a better script.

    • Rodney says:

      Do you mean Three Days of the Condor? Because that movie has NOTHING in common with this plot… nor does Disturbia, or Rear Window or any combination thereof.

      I have NO idea what you are trying to get at there.

      • NoLa says:

        Notice how he said the script is poor. Not the plot. People don’t tend to criticize the script specifically unless they’ve read it.

  4. MEDavidson says:

    Ha! You got me! THREE days of the Condor! I’m a f’n moron! And if you say the script has nothing IN COMMON, you’re not correct.

    So here’s what I was trying to get at: it’s a poor script (in the vein of 3 days and rear window…) that plays on the it-boy of the moment.

    Singleton directing is a step in the right direction. Hopefully they can get the script into shape.


  5. SnakeEyes says:

    I have to admit the premise does sound good, although not sure about Lautner’s acting chops. Never saw Twilight or anything, so it’ll be interesting to see how he does in a more serious film like this..

  6. 420BAND says:

    Singleton to me, peaked too early with Boyz. that movie still rocks you to this day. Poetic Justice and Higher Learning were good as well but not as powerful.

    this sounds like a good premise and could be very interesting

    we’ll see.

    I just really praised him out the gate and haven’t been wowed since.

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