Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Trailer Online

Perhaps it would take something this wild and crazy for me to consider liking Michael Cera in a film again, but this Scott Pilgrim Vs The World trailer just looks crazy good.

Scott has to fight - sorry defeat the 7 evil ex-boyfriends of his new love so they can move forward with their relationship. The zany look of this had me at kapow.

I can’t wait for this.

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16 Responses to “Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Trailer Online”
  1. Ken says:

    Epic,simply just EPIC(Cera,Kendrick,Winstead and Evans)
    Think i even glimpsed a light-saber duel.
    an pure hilarious at the Kroww/KO part.

    Cannot wait-this is a must see

  2. 420BAND says:

    Holy Moly Batman! I mean Pilgrim.

    This looks like a blast.

    and Cera fits the role

  3. AARON says:

    Cera actually fits the role!! He’s still playing the same dude but this looks like it could work. Epic trailer, humor was used in the right places too.

    “Next time we don’t try to date the girl with 11 evil ex boyfriends”


    “oh thats not that bad”


  4. James says:

    Am I the only one who didnt dig it?


  5. Shinobi says:

    Wow, I wasn’t prepared for this!!! Looks very good. Should make me wash out that awful YEAR ONE aftertaste I still got.

  6. oz says:

    I don’t like Cera at all (he always does the same thing over and over and over again) but this looks really entertaining! I’m all in!

    • cltmikey says:

      Most actors/directors/writers do. If it aint broke (and more importantly your still getting work/paid) dont fix it….

  7. MandarinOrange says:

    I started watching the trailer and thinking “oh no, Cera!! This is going to suck” then “Oh great, it’s an underdog-meets-hot-girl-with-jerkish-boyfriend-and-ends-up-with-hot-girl-even-though-that-would-never-happen-in-real-life movie” to “This can not be a real movie” and finally “THIS LOOKS AWESOME!!!!” that last bit actually took about 5 seconds after the trailer end as I realized my mouth was slowly but uncontrollably forming a smile of childish delight.

  8. Lily says:

    Anna Kendrick? One of the few good things to emerge from the Twilight “Saga”? I’ll go.

  9. Toshio says:

    this is just crazyyyyyyyy

  10. David Lopan says:

    Edgar Wright does not wrong! Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are outstanding. I’m not surprised that this looks great too.

  11. joe says:

    i cant beleive this is happening i cant belive there is acually going to be a michel cera movie that looks interesting to me the world has now gone to the dogs

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