Review: Hot Tub Time Machine

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 03. 2010in News Chat

Thanks for checking out our Hot Tub Time Machine review.

Genre: Comedy
Directed by: Steve Pink
Staring: John Cusack, Clark Duke, Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry, Crispin Glover, Chevy Chase
Released: March 26, 2010

When three old friends (and a nephew) who have lost touch with each other - and their own lives - get together to relive the glory days at a party ski resort they find themselves in a Hot Tub and spill a Russian Energy Drink (Chernoblee) on the control panel transporting them back into their younger selves.

Trying not to trigger a butterfly effect and screwing with time, they attempt to relive the weekend and start to realize their party weekend wasn’t as glamourous as they thought.


There is a LOT of laughs in this film. This ensemble of guys work so well off each other and they are a funny bunch of guys.

The 80s era presented in the film is realistic and not some neon glossy image of what it was. As someone who spent his teenage years in the 80s I can tell you that it wasn’t like living in a Duran Duran video. But the outfits, the hair and makeup and the music were certainly 80s and it really took me back.

The cameos are great. Even William Zabka makes an appearance (Sweep the Leg Johnny! That guy.) and even little bits like the 16 Candles nod sitting on the counter and kissing. Crispin Glover is far more than a cameo - but even his most famous character McFly is referenced in conversation.

And the pop culture references are even more real. While they are trying to figure out what’s going on, they refer to their extensive knowledge of time travel which includes Ashton Kutcher’s (who they call Ashton Coat Check) Butterfly Effect, Back to the Future, Time Cop and Terminator.


The movie railroads you into the plot a little too quickly. We know what the movie is going to be about because of the trailers, but that doesn’t mean we just gloss over the setup. It takes away from the character development.

There were a few gags that I thought didn’t play out so well, so its not pure laughs, but it does keep you amused. Chevy Chase was completely wasted. He plays the Hot Tub Repair man who knows about the time travel and serves as “the guide” who just shows up, deliberately says something cryptic and leaves. So wasted.

The supporting cast is mostly forgettable and aside from Crispin Glover none of them matter. I know the movie isn’t about them, but when I can’t remember the main adversary (Ski Patrol jerk) name then I guess he really wasn’t at all important.


The movie was funny. And at the end of the day no matter what else it does, if it makes you laugh then it succeeds. There are some predictable parts, and some jokes that didn’t fly as well as they could (like all of Chevy Chase’s scenes) but it did manage to entertain with enough gags and nostalgia (that you don’t have to be 40 to appreciate) and a lot of laughs.

The movie made me stop and think about what it would be like if I could go back to the 80s, and while it sounds like a good idea, I couldnt live without my cellphone or the internet or debit cards.

I give Hot Tub Time Machine a 6 out of 10

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Rodney who has written 7994 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “Review: Hot Tub Time Machine”

  1. 420BAND says:

    How’s does the kid from Sex Drive hold up to the ol’ guys?

    can he hold his own?

  2. James says:

    Rodness you saw this and not How To Train Your Dragon??

    Please see it its a really good movie. Its a great family movie as well. And really touching. I could write a paper on how much i loved it but… just go see it =p

    Im glad you liked Hot Tub Machine though

    • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

      I know! I loved it, too, it’s SO good…..

      I saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid, as well. It’s just about ok. Nothing great. But the girl from Kick-Ass kicked ass…..she’s AMAZING!

  3. Mike Mai says:

    i’d see this for crispin glover

  4. Doug says:

    Very disappointing. A few minor laughs for me, but no laugh out loud moments at all. Funniest line for me was Craig Ferguson in the commercial. Oh well, to each his own.

    • AARON says:

      Craig was in this? LOL

      The movie looks bad to me but idk it might be good. Only one funny line in the commercial

      “Im talking to my future wife!” and then the look on the girls face

      • Doug says:

        I don’t even think that scene played well in the movie. It was more uncomfortable than funny for me. From the commercial, for me it was
        (Kinda spoiler if only if you haven’t seen the commercials)

        “It must be some kinda…Hot tub time machine,” followed by that look straight at the camera. That’s what sold me. I thought it was them saying, look, we made a movie about an f-ing hot tub time machine - if it’s that stupid it must be hilarious.

        Aside from some minor laughs here and there, it wasn’t. At least IMHO.

    • Bjon86 says:

      wow…hmmm strange… cuz the theater I was in was in uproar. And so the fuck was eye. cried laughing the whole fuckin time.

  5. Greg says:

    I don’t think I’ll see this movie. To me its really stupid. Sorry. I’d rather go see How to Train your Dragon.

  6. Ken says:

    most likely be catching it on DVD,but a 6/10 is good considering what i thought it might get.

  7. Mykrantz says:

    Hot Tub Time Machine succeeded in its goal better than How to Train Your Dragon. Hot Tub worked in the constraints of what it was, an adult goofy comedy. It wasn’t the funniest movie of the year but it was solidly funny. Whereas Dragon was supposed to be a family movie, but actually was pretty basic kids movie. The movie is almost nothing but 100% eye candy, with a very basic story which failed in most of the emotional scenes (and I am an easy crier in most animated movies, especially those with a cute animal). It isn’t a bad movie, it just isn’t up to that standard set by Kung-Fu Panda and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. The movie looks beautiful, but 3-D was wasted, so don’t waste your money on a 3-D ticket. I still enjoyed Dragon, and would recommend it, but more as a rental, unless you have kids.

    To answer the other poster’s question, Duke did fine, he held his own in pretty much every scene with the “old guys”.

  8. bigsampson says:

    haha funny that people say they wont watch this movie. ok here is how it works for the younger people pre 30′s. The 70′s and 80′s represent a time when a lot of us where children or in the latter days of junior/high school. For this 1 reason we love to remind ourselves of that time. This movie was better then a 6 IMHO, more like a 8. Only reason why its not higher to me is for reasons rodney stated on the “The movie railroads you into the plot a little too quickly”. I have seen many films try to depict the 80′s with out a doubt this was one of the best. The cameo’s are great to me (cant realy waste Chevy because he has lost his talent) and the styles they use in the movie were pretty common in most area’s in America for the 80′s. The best part about this movie was the consistence in straight up laughs and the chemistry ….i swear cusack will always be one of the top 5 80′s stars for me.

    • bigsampson says:

      btw i havent seen it but from what i hear from all my friends the Dragon movie is pretty fucking sweet =)

  9. 420BAND says:

    Cusack IS at the top IMO. (80′s-90′s and even today)

    only other 80′s movie that hit the mark (for me) was Adam Sandlers “Wedding Singer” That was a good one.

    still love the bit in Better Off Dead bit with the Asian Howard Cosell…
    that and “gimme my 2 dollars!”

  10. Royal says:

    HTTM was fantastic! I know the review above comes across as lukewarm, but the movie will completely entertain you if you enjoy the absurd. To be fair, my girlfriend was only ‘ha-ha’ about the pic, but she’s not into goofball humor. 6/10 is low. I’d say 8 or 9/10, but you gotta be willing to laugh at the ridiculous.

  11. Valis says:

    I believe there’s a typo on this page. It says 6 of 10 shouldn’t it say 7 or perhaps 8 out of 10.

    • Rodney says:

      Its not a typo.

      You dont have to rate the movie the same as I did, but please dont imply that my rating is a typo because you disagree.

  12. Schulzy says:

    I’m in the camp of people that wasn’t quite sold on Hot Tub, but saw Train your Dragon instead. I loved Train Your Dragon. I thought it was amazing, and that it came close to brushing fingertips with any of Pixar’s films.

  13. Luchismo says:

    Boo hiss! This is an 8/10! I laughed all the way through this flick! LOVED IT!

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