Redband Survival of the Dead Trailer Online

Immediately following the events of Diary of the Dead, (spoiler - everyone is a zombie but a scrap of humanity survives - surprise!) SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD is the 6th film of the “of the Dead” series from George A. Romero. We have the redband trailer of what actually looks like… well every other -of the Dead movie he has done.

I just can’t get excited for a George A Romero film anymore. I think the guy is just coasting now.

I don’t dislike a good zombie movie, but seriously this is getting tired.

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17 Responses to “Redband Survival of the Dead Trailer Online”
  1. Flyer71 says:

    Sometimes we should just keep our opinions to ourselves.

    • Rodney says:

      Then maybe you should go read a website that doesnt express them!

      Do you go into grocery stores and say “Sometimes you should keep your groceries to yourselves”

  2. Dirk Anger says:

    I completely agreew tih Rodney. This looks like another direct to video special. Diary of the Dead was pretty average at best with bad acting and a lame story. I think in a day and age where movies like 28 Days/Weeks Later & Rec(regardless of whether they’re technicalhy zombies or not) have reset the horror bar for zomblie flicks, the movies that Romero is cranking out now seem severely outdated and low quality. I’m not hating on the guy because he is a pioneer, I’m just stating what I think most of us are thinking outside of those hardcore Romero loyalists who will praise anything the guy makes.

  3. bigsampson says:

    this movie blew hard. Everything about this film sucked including the actors and acctresses. Rodney is right he is coasting….no hall pass from me. This movie is so bad that u see everything in the trailer.

  4. Ben says:

    So disappointing. Why does it seem like artists, especially filmmakers, get WORSE instead of better? Most directors’ best work is their amongst their early efforts.

  5. Hdpunk says:

    so… they put out the dvd before releasing it in theatres???

  6. David Lopan says:

    It’s a shame. The guy is definitely getting worse as he ages. This movie looks quite rotten. Also, in the trailer alone…I’m thinking “so the world is nearly done, but iphones still work? and internet is still up to put youtube videos?”

  7. Geno says:

    Why? Why are we giving this movie any attention at all? This genre is being way too overplayed much like the vampire and werewolf films. There has got to be something else out there besides zombies who walk slow yet people can’t run away from them, vampires that glitter or werewolves that turn into giant dogs?

  8. Devan Price says:

    I personally like his zombie movies, but he needs to venture out a bit more. This whole grandfather of the dead thing just isn’t working anymore. If I remember right I don’t think he has ever tried anything besides horror movies (which calls for a bad director in the first place).

  9. garyc says:

    yep its bad and cheap, poorly directed, badly acted without any suspense or thrills or anything i would call entertaining, full of the old tired clichés that go with any romero “zombie universe” movie. but i still enjoyed most of what i was watching, some of the zombie deaths/effects are still pretty entertaining for the best part of the 80mins or so. But the script is absolutely terrible in every way possible, the situation on the island is ridiculous, stupid people making stupid decisions which leads to stupid deaths, they are all asking for it from the first reel.
    its like having an old friend over for diner, and i haven’t seen them for a while, yes they’ve changed got a little older, the stories are all starting to blend into one another but it was nice to see them again.

    i can understand that romero doesn’t feel comfortable with doing a contemporary version and likes to keep it small and low budget, but i just wish he would watch some of the more recent zombie/virus/rage movies he has helped inspire and create, and maybe take a few hints. but if i really need to see a fast paced romero movie i could just watch the the remake of the crazies.

    2 out of 5 and thats being generous

  10. mozi premierek says:

    I love Zombie movies ” Shawn of the dead” my favorite. Though i don’t like this series particularly. Boring. My personal opinion. Though there will be many who might like this series

  11. mozi premierek says:

    Though i wonder whether it is last movie in the series or we can expect more?

  12. oz says:

    one word.. boring

  13. michael says:

    ….. thanks rod i guess people still can’t state an opinion that’s not in line with your own

    • Rodney says:

      The full review that you posted here was not “opinion” it was an article. If you want to post reviews, feel free to start your own website.

      And if you want an explanation as to why your comment was removed, grow a spine and use your own email address when posting.

      • michael says:

        I presumed that you had my e-mail address from the halloween competition. I don’t like entering my e-mail into a database that’s easily hackable…

        What I posted wasn’t an article (even though I take it as compliment that you think it’s worthy of that description). It was similar to what garyc (which reads like a review to me but what do I know) posted but just coming from a more positive view point and a bit more fleshed (pardon the pun) out. I just wanted to point out the positive things people can expect to see from this movie and there are plenty if you put aside some of the awful production values. I was hoping you might respond with an opinion but it seems more okay for people to post insults (isn’t that breaking rule no. 2?) like “Sometimes we should just keep our opinions to ourselves” than to actually post something that might give people some real insight into a movie.

        ps. maybe you should add “don’t post your own reviews” in the rules section

      • Rodney says:

        I dont keep a database of emails, nor does the site. Which means its not “easily hackable”

        Using your email here is “required” to post, and while I do not enforce it, you can’t expect to be communicated with if you don’t use a real one.

        Your article was a blatant review and did not read like Gary’s observations above. It was laid out specifically like an article intended to spark discussion based on it. Just like you would do in a blog.

        Retail stores don’t have to put up notices saying you can’t sell your own stuff there, and blogs dont need to either. If you want to discuss, thats fine. But if you want to blog, you can do so on your own site.

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