Predators Trailer Online

I am REALLY liking the look of this. Predators is hoping to stand out as a valid addition to the franchise and not just a remake.

It is interesting that this group of misfits, mercenaries and killers are brought together on an alien planet and not earth. It adds just one more level of hopelessness to the game.

They will be facing off against the Preds on some sort of training ground which I think is a great idea. It gives them a chance to have this story stand on its own and unlike the previous one on one action films this one has a little more of a sci-fi slasher feel to it.

I like it.

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34 Responses to “Predators Trailer Online”
  1. Soggie G. says:

    I’m surprised how well it’s looking! I have always been a fan of the predator series I have all the books and read all the comics. So I’m really hoping they do the series justice with this movie.

  2. Phoenix Dark says:

    Finally, the Bad A**ness has returned to the Predator franchise.

    This looks great!!!

  3. Kaneda979 says:

    Looks awesome. Kind of sucks though we’re just now getting a trailer this late into it’s coming release and that it’s just a teaser, and not much more then what we saw in the featurette. But still, at least it’s something and that something looks REALLY good.

    I love how it’s not taking place on earth. But is it the Predator’s planet or just some other world they hand picked? Either way though, I think it’s going to be awesome.

    Rodriguez said in the featurette that they “updated” the Predators this time, a “meaner, nastier breed”. I can’t wait to see what he’s talking about. And that creature behind the Predator in that part at the end of the trailer, looks crazy. Can’t wait to see what that’s all about either.

    • Soggie G. says:

      I doubt it’s the predators home planet. they need a certain type of atmosphere to survive. It’s said that they can breath any other atmosphere for about a week without their masks. but than again I could be wrong about the planet since the movie isn’t out yet lol

      • Castle91 says:

        No, you are correct. If the rest of the franchise proves canon, the Predator homeworld is a desert planet, which is why all their hunts take place somewhere else. But their breathing capabilities show they need an atmosphere similar to our own, because they breath slightly more hydrogen than we do.

      • Kaneda979 says:

        Oh ya! Didn’t think about that. Thanks for reminding me. :) I love the lore of this series.

  4. Geno says:

    Ah man this trailer is so sweet. It’s cool seeing Danny Trejo, he always seems to follow Robert Rodriguez in most of his films. I wonder if it his persona of Machete or a different character all together, either way Trejo is bad ass. Also was Laurence Fishburne sporting predator gear? It looked like he was holding a predator helmet.

  5. Matt Keith says:


  6. James says:


    I can already tell the Predators wont be introduced in the movie until minute 20.

    And we will only see quick flashes of them, not a whole image until the last fight scene.

    We already saw this movie! It was called the first Predator!


    • James says:

      90% of this movie will be 2 hours of

      “Theres something out there….OH! did you hear that?”

      All this movie will be is a 2 hour episode of “Ghost Hunters”

      We already introduced the origins and the “mystique” of the predators we didnt know about.
      Now we KNOW, so Aliens vs Predators was released, and it showed a real full-throttle less mysterious action movie.

      AVP2 was released and then again Predators and Aliens were more open and fighting people and each other. More like an action movie and less like a horror movie in which we dont know whats out to get us.

      And now we’re going BACK to this shit?

      • bigsampson says:

        this is just a fail comment all together. have you even seen the 2 original ones? i mean you just sound clueless.

      • James says:

        Yes. I did.

        The 2nd one was a piece of shit btw

        This is pretty much a remake. I think its awesome you want to see the same origins story 67 times, i think its cool. I personally dont want to fucking see the same shit over and over.

        I know what happens. They all die, one or two live, and he kills a couple of the predators in the end. Fin.
        Humans get 90% of the screen time.

        Same shit as the first one.

      • Rodney says:

        The first one was awesome because 90% of the film showed ONE guy trying to outsmart the pred.

      • James says:

        I know, youre right.

        That WAS cool… but I dont want to see this whole survival shit again.

        This is the 5th time Predators are on screen, i dont wanna see the “Shh… somethings out there” movie again.

        That was one of the things AVP almost did right, they showed more backstory on the predators and were theyre from

        I want a movie ABOUT Predators. Not how to survive a mysterious blurry Predator attack

      • BamKazaam says:

        i think and hope that RR is gonna surprise us with this one. so far it looks really promising. he did say he wants the original vibe of the Predator movie and this is not a remake of that “shhh whats that” movie. i noticed that theres a new creature in it, which i have no clue what it is. thats just the trailer we have seen so far, with robert im sure theres plenty more in the movie.

        having to reveal more back story to the predators means more screen time of the predators and less with human characters which will sever the connection to the audience just like watching a dog /animal movie without human characters in it. Then again people will say, “this is a Predator movie not a dog movie”. no its not a Predator movie, its about humans ;)
        i think people are a bit confused on the original premise of Aliens and Predators, they are not the main subject matter, we are. Humans.

  7. Castle91 says:

    The trailer isn’t much more than the featurette. But I’m liking the way this is going. He said he wanted to flesh out the characters, and the characters of the Predators as well. Let’s hope that rings true.
    I just hope there’s direction in this movie. I don’t want to see these people just walking aimlessly for an hour before the plot kicks in.

  8. Ken says:

    Reminds me of (Condemned)

    Can’t wait (^_^)

  9. 420BAND says:

    Predator 2 never happened in my book, it was just terrible.
    Danny Glover and Maria Conchita Alonso? WHAT GREAT CASTING!

    This looks great// and I love how they went with the title PredatorS like AlienS (meaning the second).

    Lookin’ forward to this

    • Geno says:

      How could you forget about Bill Paxton? And also the great Gary Busey, getting his head lobbed off by the discus. Best Role ever!

      • Kaneda979 says:

        Actually, he was cut in half, at the waist, by the disc weapon, which was indeed, a truly awesome gore scene.

  10. 420BAND says:

    Also it looks like Topher gets it 1st! COOL

  11. ThePeter says:

    Where in the time line is this movie positioned? Is this movie before or after Predator?

    • MADMAX_007 says:

      If this movie takes place on another planet, then I doubt there was Human extensive space travel in the 1980’s where the first Predator movie takes place. So yea, Predators will be after ALL of the previous Predator movies. Unless, the predators kidnapped the Earthlings and placed them on a remote planet in order to hunt them down, then I have no clue.

      • MADMAX_007 says:

        LOL! I guess I answered my own question. They do get kidnapped. My office pc couldn’t play the trailer. And now I just saw it on my home pc.

  12. 420BAND says:

    What gives you the idea that it’s all flashes and no action till the end?

    I kinda liked the trailer lookin’ that way, cause we all know what he looks like already, and the whole draw is the tension.

    I think we’ll see more action than need to freak just yet…….


    • James says:

      I want the opening scene to be 4 naked Predators ripping apart 13 other predators’ limbs with their incisors and later on feasting on the flesh of their fallen victims, who bravely died in honor of The Hunt.

      Not beautiful shots of the amazon river with developing human characters and the same plot from The Condemned. We’ve fucking seen that already.

      Alice in Wonderland did the same thing. And the Superman franchise has been ear raping us Supe’s origins for like 5 decades now. Bring something new!

  13. Eric says:

    Finally. What the other Predator movies should have been. This will hopefully be a deserving pre-quel/sequel to the first film.

    • bigsampson says:

      idk it looks like the same as the first 2 movies to me….lots of suspense,action, and mayhem. maybe you mean the 2 avp movies that where all action and no suspense/horror.

      and its funny that 420band hates on maria and danny glover…i mean predator 2 came out in like 91 when both actors where on fire. but it also had gary busey and bill paxton. loved the rant but it sounds like you need to make your own movie if u want it made your way =)

  14. Dragon1964 says:

    I completely agree - this can be a great launching point for a new direction or a great stand alone, with a good cast and action sequences - based on the trailer - besides we will get to see different Predator forms - it will be a refreshing break from the past and a great NEW direction. I am curious to see if it will lead into where the first Preadtor picked up - To earn the honor to go on the hunt? Or if there will be more to this storyline leading up to that?

  15. Mike Mai says:

    andrian brody? topher grace? huh? not sure about those castings

  16. 420BAND says:

    F-it after reading what “James” said I’m with him DAMNIT!

  17. 790 says:

    I’m totally down with this film!

  18. SnakeEyes says:

    I think Adrien Brody is a great risk; I’m certain he will surprise people. A lot of people are hating on him, how he doesn’t “look” like a mercenary - but damn, they’re not all meat heads. Plus I think Brody’s casting shows some seriousness to the role, and Topher Grace - no idea about him but I like him, so I’m not complaining.

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