Peacock Trailer Online

Now this looks downright creepy. Cillian Murphy always does a great job playing someone a little unhinged so he works great in this role, but who would have guessed that his other talent is that he would make a wonderful cross dresser?

Peacock is a psychological thriller where a quiet small town man has a cross dressing fascination and one day he is spotted in his female persona, and the town suddenly confuses him as his own wife (that he doesn’t have) and as the coverup for “Emma” gets deeper and deeper, the lies get more complex.

This looks seriously creepy and awesome at the same time.


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12 Responses to “Peacock Trailer Online”
  1. cloud720 says:

    Have you seen Breakfast on Pluto?

    • mandyfan says:

      you beat me to the punch! and I feel like Cillian Murphy always looks a little feminine in his movies-but that might just be because I have Breakfast on Pluto in the back of my mind…

  2. Ruben says:

    This is sort of a Clarke Kent/Superman thing, isn’t it? Hello??? It’s only the guy’s exact twin, only with make up and a wig . . . . . At least BonP was just the one character, in drag.

  3. Mike says:

    Cillian Murphy is turning into Crispen Glover

  4. gypsydreams101 says:

    This looks FANTASTIC! I’ve always loved Cilian Murphy…..and Ellen Page finally looks like she’s grown outta her Hard Candy/Juno phase…..

  5. Lily says:

    Three Words: About Bloody Time.

    NB: The statement of the three words denounced and consequently, this disclaimer, do not count as the three words, per se.

  6. Soggie G. says:

    I’m always a sucker for those Split Personality films. I guess it’s because the struggle between who’s the real person has always fascinated me.

  7. adi86 says:

    holy crap. cillian murphy totally looks like emily blunt.

  8. mandyfan says:

    On second viewing, I’m getting a little bit of a “Psycho” vibe, which I’m loving.

  9. Norberto says:

    Holy sh*t! That was Dexter’s Blood theme!! That’s an amazing piece!

  10. bernardg says:

    simply put, cillian murphy is really an incredible but totally underrated actor outthere.

  11. vargas says:

    This is the most interesting movie trailer I’e seen in years.

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