New Iron Man 2 Poster Online

A new poster is online for Iron Man 2 and it is a little disjointed, but does manage to illustrate all the major players of the game in one poster.

I would prefer to see individual character posters of Iron Man, War Machine, Whiplash and Widow, but this just looks like soup with things in it you dont expect to see floating there, like a banana, or an eyeball.

It just feels uncomfortable to me even if it does adequately illustrate Scarlett’s vixen bustline and ass in one picture.


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11 Responses to “New Iron Man 2 Poster Online”
  1. Geno says:

    Not bad, pretty basic. Still resemebles a lot of the first Iron Man poster which might be with what they are going. Scarlett, sooooooooo hot!

  2. Kaneda979 says:

    A little too Photoshop for me.

  3. Matt Keith says:

    Pretty cool, but the Iron Man and War Machine poster is still the best.

  4. Andrew says:

    Can’t wait for this. May of 2010 can’t come fast enough, as far as I’m concerned. I just hope that my local Regal 10 theater can get more than one print, though.

  5. 420BAND says:

    It’s got ASS! Scarletts Ass…… and thats all I need!

  6. cloud720 says:

    Isn’t this an international poster?

    Individual characters posters make sense when you are spending enough promotion dollars so that most people will be aware of who the other characters are.

    If the poster happens to be in a country that you don’t have the money to promote in, then it would probably make sense to get everything into one poster.

  7. Ken says:

    Scarlett is just to hot.
    also i like the stand alone out front bad-assness of whiplash.
    pretty good poster overall.

  8. CharlesMcgee says:

    Holy shit Scarlett is hot!!

  9. Justin says:

    I like the individual posters better. While this one isn’t bad its practically the same as the first poster. I really look forward to this film and the addition of War Machine and Whiplash. I only wish that Terrence Howard stuck with the role because he fits much better as War Machine than Don Cheadle. Cheadle is just to small in height and stature.

    • Rodney says:

      Terrance didnt give up, he was fired.

      Cheadle is a far better actor, and the 3 inches Terrance has on him hardly changes the stature.

      Inside the suit anyone is 6′5″ and carrying a massive gun.

  10. Devan Price says:

    I love how the explosion is just floating.

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