Man is Stabbed for Complaining about Talking Movie Patron

While I tend to agree that there is a special hell reserved for child molesters and people who talk during the movie, there is just a line that needs to be drawn here.

A disgruntled film patron who complained about a woman talking on her cell phone during the film was stabbed for turning in the offender.

/Film shares:

According to the LATimes, a man was recently watching Shutter Island at the Cinemark 22 in Lancaster, when he complained about a woman talking on a cell phone during the film. The woman left with two men. The two men returned and one of them stabbed the complainer in the throat with a meat thermometer.

“It was a vicious and cowardly attack,” said the LA County Sheriff.

I agree that this is the most cowardly off acts. Bad enough that you have to KNOW you are in the wrong to be talking during a film. Its just common sense.

Any idiot would know that talking during a movie - especially ones that repeatedly tell you to turn off your phones out of courtesy of other patrons - is just plain ignorant. Even if you don’t care what other people think, you still have to recognize that what you are doing is just rude.

But to take it THIS far? Sorry, there is no excuse for that.

They were ignorant to be disruptive to begin with, and even MORE ignorant to premeditate a retaliatory action this severe over it. I mean, who carries a MEAT THERMOMETER with them??

Much like the man that was shot for talking during the film, I would wager these people were not right in the head to begin with.

Sad that this patron, who is standing up for common courtesy was treated this way.
(Also ironic that this occurred during a film about mental disorders!
And I liked the picture /Film used with Leo looking behind him so offended like… had to use it)

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27 Responses to “Man is Stabbed for Complaining about Talking Movie Patron”
  1. Devan Price says:

    jesus christ people are idiots.

  2. James says:

    I love hearing stories about people dying because they were talking in a movie theater.

    But this is just horrible, why would HE get stabbed? He was only trying to get her to shut the fuck up.

    i HATE teenagers. Im 19, and i hate teenagers, like, despise of them. I only like my close friends, but overall teenagers i hate.

    In malls, in movie theaters, in any place were socializing is proper, they come along and fuck everything up.

    Anytime i see more then 2 teenagers in a little group i wish a had a hand grenade close to me.


    Youre in a movie theater, and the movie hasnt started. youre sitting down eating popcorn maybe with some friends or family and everyone else seems civil and quiet.

    You are satisfied that this theater is filled with quiet people that respect movies, you smile and sigh. Good thing you came on a tuesday night.

    then the doors open and you see four 14 year olds (its rated R) walk in- all wearing jerseys, tilted hats and fubus. theyre talking and laughing very loudly about something fucking stupid and juvenile.

    you close your eyes, and either whisper, or think “FUCK!”

    • Rob D. says:

      You and me are very alike.

    • Stazia says:

      I could not agree with you more but I’d caution you not to specify a type other than people who are just plain idiots. I wish it wear that simple, then when I went into a theatre and i spotted a jersey or tilted hat, i’d just go home. I went to see the re-release of The Shawshank Redemption some years ago and after shushing a patron seated near me, he attempted to relieve himself on me. Apparently his usual XXX spot was closed and he thought Shawshank would do the trick. And I assure you, he was not wearing a jersey, a tilted hat or fubus. Like I said, some people are just idiots. I guess I should consider myself lucky his meat thermometer wasn’t sharp. In any event, since then, if people are too loud, I don’t bother. I just leave.

      • Stazia says:

        sorry for the typo. meant to say were not wear. I wish it were that simple…

      • James says:

        No i know some teenagers who are good friends of mine who are wonderful. But those little pricks who go to all the places i go make me aggressively angry

        He tried to do WHAT to you? Ewwwwww. Oh my god i feel horrible. I have like 45,000 questions. If you want you can explain what happened in more detail, you dont have to if you dont want to though. It just sounds like one of those weird stories.

    • ken says:

      Couldn’t have put it any better James. I feel the EXACT same way about those types of teens an i too am 19.

      love that hand grenade idea.

  3. Rob D. says:

    Wow. Hearing things like this makes me want to push the reset button on the human race.

  4. cloud720 says:

    I’m going to remember this story the next time a date tells me I should do something about someone talking during a movie.

    • James says:

      “can you please tell that little girl to stop texting?”

      “What- you want me to get fucking SHANKED in the neck? think twice before asking such absurdities”

  5. Iam Wright says:

    Being in the theater business as long as I have, I’ll just say this: Every theater manager I have met(including myself)tends to carry protection of some form of fashion due to the high count of questionable customers

  6. Art says:

    Ok. Really? Nobody noticed that Rodney just quoted “Firefly?” Where my nerds at? I can’t be the only one that noticed.

  7. David Lopan says:

    When I saw brooklyn’s finest, there were two girls and the one next to my girlfriend, wouldn’t stop answering her phone during the movie. I mean, 5 minute conversations!!! The kicker…her friend goes to the concession stand for her, and CALLS HER WHEN SHE’S AT THE CONCESSION TO SEE WHAT SHE WANTS!!! I leaned over and I said “Do you pay 10 dollars to ruin the movie for yourself? or for everyone around you?” In response, she got worse, started droping trash at my girlfriend’s feet, slouching into her side of the chair and my gf couldn’t use the arm rest. It was absurd, I went and told a manger and she got escorted out and then guess what? she threw shit at us because she was pissed she was being thrown out. Worst movie going experience ever.

  8. thematticus says:

    I think the real issue here is that they thought this was worth stabbing someone over, and they thought they would get away with it. Usually crimes come for reasons that, while still not justified, are desperate acts. The fact that it came from something so small is what baffles me.

  9. Reuben Agboola says:

    Worst experience I ever had in a cinema like this were the three complete and total buffoons who ruined it for me, my girlfriend and everyone within earshot when we went to see ‘The Village’. One of them had seen the film already and proceeded to tell his two idiot friends, ‘Oh, they’re not living in the past, it’s present day all along!’. He said it loud enough for the next three rows in front to hear. I honestly thought there was going to be a riot.

    They were kicked out, and the cinema manager let everyone who had complained see the film for free, which was good of him.

  10. kingl says:

    Reminds me of the guy who shot the father in the movie theater in Philadelphia.

  11. Lily says:

    Meat thermometer eh? Maybe they’d been shopping beforehand.

    I’ll admit: I talk in the theatre. During trailers, when everyone else is, and nobody’s really bothered by it. I leave questions and smartass comments for outside. Please remind that to the couple who were talking about coming in early (if you get my drift) when I was watching Valentines Day.

    Good choice of picture, Rodney. It will remind me not to talk in the theatre when Leonardo is there, especially with that face.

  12. 420BAND says:

    F’n Scary! WTF? I take it the guy’s not dead cause there’s no mention of it. A neck stabbing sounds fatal though.

    That’s why I avoid friday nights in general at the cinema, I take my kid all the time to see animated films and these idiots are present as well, with the cell phones and texting DURING THE MOVIE….WTF?

    BUT now that I’m trying to be a good example to my kid, I just swallow it and breathe like Ed Norton’s Bruce Banner to help stop the inner rage.

  13. vargas says:

    This is one reason why i don’t go to the movie theaters. Too many idiots to deal with.

  14. 790 says:

    This is why I go to the movies during the weekdays when these loosers are passed out hungover, picking up trash on the freeway or struggling to pass their GED test.
    I wouldn’t say these humans are idiots, they are immature. That’s what gang bangers and tatted out thug types are, immature.
    Chances are were looking at 40% of the younger population today that act this way.
    The cause bad parenting, drugs you name it. These loosers don’t care because they were never taught basic respect and nobody ever gave them respect as they were growing up. So their constantly looking (like infants) for attention and have 0 empathy for anyone weaker then them.

    There’s a huge amount of these looser types coming out of high schools these days.

    Take a look at some of the high schools these days, they resemble something out of Shawshank Redemption. There basically daytime prisons for kids.

    Yeah I hate immature people, they will find ways to fuck with you.

    When society breaks down most of my ammo reserve is for them.

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