Liev Schreiber wants to be in Wolverine 2

X-Men Origins: Wolverine had a lot of bad to it, but it had its good points too. I was split down the middle while most people dwell on the bad. One of those good things was Victor Creed played by Liev Schreiber. He was just awesome in the role. I had NO complaints at all about him as it redeemed the error made with that meatsicle from the first X-Men film that reduced the brilliance of Sabertooth to a hulking grunting mindless pet.

Well recently Liev commented that Hugh has read the first draft of the Wolverine sequel and it is still unclear if Creed will be making an appearance. Liev hopes so. says:

At a press conference for Repo Men in New York, Schreiber had the following to say about Wolverine’s Japan odyssey.

I just had dinner with [Hugh Jackman] last night and Hugh read the first draft of the script and I was really excited about it. It’s still not clear whether or not Victor will be present in the Japan storyline. In the Japan storyline as I remember it from the Wolverine comics, Victor wasn’t there. So I don’t know, of course I’ve got my fingers crossed because I love the character so much, to have the chance to do it again would be a lot of fun, but I’m not sure.

I am conflicted about this. I really loved Schreiber’s portrayal of Creed, and I would LOVE to see him return to the role, but at the same time with Wolverine 2 following Logan’s time in Japan I don’t know if I want Sabertooth involved.

I would really be looking forward to Silver Samurai (you know they have to) and the Hand.

Dammit! I want Sabertooth, but not yet.

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7 Responses to “Liev Schreiber wants to be in Wolverine 2”
  1. Jano says:

    …he would appear maybe in flashbacks??

  2. matty says:

    The most important thing? Ninjas.
    Lots and lots of ninjas.

  3. Jim says:

    Wolverine got lambasted so badly, I haven’t even seen it yet.

    • Kaneda979 says:

      It’s worth watching for most of the first half, which is really good. After that it’s mostly just a big mess of crap.

    • Matt Keith says:

      Wolverine is only good for like the first ten minutes, but everything after that is pure garbage. To me the film was the worst comic book movie since ‘Batman And Robin’, but you should note that I haven’t seen ‘The Spirit’ yet. So that may change, lol.

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    I would not mind it at all if the character were in Wolverine 2, even a cameo. But I think it would be better if he were a foe for The First Class, and we see how Creed went from point A to point B, so to speak. That said, there is one thing that folks have forgotten.

    Gambit has a better chance of making the cut. (Gambit’s connections to Yuriko)

    The Hand has already shown up on film…in Elektra.
    It is still possible: DD/Elektra is still under Fox, Fox is considering and/or will reboot Daredevil, and I’d go nuts if it was the same Hand we seen in Elektra ’cause…they were still at large and I’d geek over a light crossover but…I doubt it.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Origins was half good, Logans origin was nice to finally see complete, Sabretooth was cool also. what killed it for me was the surrounding cast of mutants/mercinaries: Will I Am? WTF?
    The Blob was laughable!(looked like the Krumps)and the love interest was a block of wood. Cyclops was cool to see but wasted, and DeadPool must have sounded good on paper, w/ Ryan Reynolds and all( didn’t they re-shoot his scenes? with the added scenes he had like 10 minutes of screen time!)and the final product(Deadpool) SUCKED!…………MAJOR LEAGUE SUCKED!!

    SHAME. but Hugh was Great and I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.

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