Kevin Smith’s Red State gets a Green Light

I love me some Kevin Smith, and his long rumoured Red State film will expand the genre field for Smith as he takes his first shot at a horror film.

I thought Jersey Girl was a horror? No? Maybe it was just me…

Well Red State is next on Smith’s batting order and its all approved and ready to go.

We are Movie Geeks shares:

I talk about lots of stuff I wanna do that either happens years later or never happens at all. Happy to report RED STATE is not the latter.

This was the announcement yesterday on Kevin Smith’s Twitter account, and, to many horror fans, it was a blessing. We’ve heard for years about Smith wanting to do a horror movie, and RED STATE was it.

Smith will be returning to a film he wrote and set to direct as well. Cop Out was his first film that he directed that he has not written himself. Maybe it was the film, but I love Kevin Smith, but I just didn’t love Cop Out. I am not mad at it, but maybe it had something to do with it not being written by him.. I don’t know.

Red State IS written by Smith, and while very little is actually known about it short of the title, Smith spills as he normally does lately.. on Twitter:
“RED STATE? And here I was looking to HIT SOMEBODY” Writing HIT now; shooting HIT on heels of RED STATE.

“Studio deal for RED STATE or going the full indie route?” (*Marches across big lawn, up front porch*) I’m home, Momma.

“cameo for jay & bob in #RedState ?” Be like Kermit & Fozzie cameo-ing in ORDINARY PEOPLE: just waaaaay out of place.

“is Red State going to be so-called torture porn” Nah. Tonally closer to RACE WITH THE DEVIL or DELIVERANCE.

“Are you doing Red State thanks to #copoutsuccess?” Some folks don’t wanna hear that, but yes: #CopOut got us to RED STATE.

“did Warner pony up for Red STATE?” Ah, bless… That made me chortle aloud, sir. Like asking if WB ponied up for SALO.

Me & WB get along great, with understanding that when I’m there, I’m doing their stuff. RED STATE decidedly not their kinda thing. At ALL.

I like that Smith is stretching his wings. He is great at what he does, and is unappologetic when things dont always come up roses. It sounds like from the Jay and Silent Bob comment that Red State will be playing it straight up horror - not comedy horror.

I am looking forward to seeing what he can do in a horror film.

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3 Responses to “Kevin Smith’s Red State gets a Green Light”
  1. Andrew says:

    I remember reading about Red State before, and according to Wikipedia, it is going to be a horror movie with the villain being a religious extremist based off of real life religious extremist Fred Phelps, Sr., leader of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church. That’s what I read anyway.

  2. fullmetal_medji says:

    Finally. Can’t wait 4 this!

  3. 420BAND says:

    Cop-out had me Cop-out early in the film.
    That thing was definitley NOT a Kevin Smith screenplay!

    It was painfull to watch. and mostly not funny anywhere.

    But Kevin gets a lifetime pass from me

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