International Sorcerer’s Apprentice Trailer Online

A new International Trailer for The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is online, and this one has a lot of footage we already saw in the domestic trailer release, but with more peeks at the villain, and a bit of Dave’s mundane life.

I am looking forward to this. This is the flavour of Nic Cage that works for me, so I like seeing him in these roles. I like Jay Baruchel a lot, but I really hope that he grows outside of his typecast of “awkward insecure guy” someday.

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5 Responses to “International Sorcerer’s Apprentice Trailer Online”
  1. 420BAND says:

    “awkward insecure guy” works for Ben Stiller

    Man Nic Cage did how many flicks this year? I’m counting 50 already (seems like)

    pay those bill’s man!

  2. shadess says:

    Looks great. Cage <3

  3. Shane says:

    I actually like Nick Cage, but this looks horrible.

  4. vargas says:

    It looks like a lot of fun.

  5. joe says:

    im in sign me up!!

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