Clash of the Titans to be a Trilogy

Seems that when Louis Leterrier was handed the keys to the Greek Gods summer home, Clash of the Titans was born, and if it does well is already planned to be a Trilogy.

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After talking about the possibility of releasing an extended version, Leterrier revealed that: “On top of that, I wrote two other movies… It was three movies. Warners came to me and said ‘we’ll greenlight your movie if you promise us [two more.]‘” He continues, “You can tell that that story the story doesn’t end at the Clash of the Titans

While the planned Trilogy gimmick seemed to be replaced by “lets make everything 3D!” it seems that the plan is still in motion to create film franchises with intended sequels.

Intended sequels have a little more promise for me as they can work hints and foreshadowing into a bigger story instead of having a stand alone complete story do well at the boxoffice and have the money trucks driving another installment.

I am exceited about Clash of the Titans, and if it lives up I would be eager to see more too.

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23 Responses to “Clash of the Titans to be a Trilogy”
  1. joe says:

    if it turnes out as great as it looks on tv i would be totally down for more of it

  2. James (Haz) says:

    There is an unlimited supply of source material for Greek Mythology and the possibilities are endless on what they can do… they could do 20 of these movies if they wanted to.

    • middleman says:

      This is actually a movie that I would LOVE to see have an honest to god PREquel. I want to see an adventure movie like the XMen where the Olympians dethrone the Titans.

      • Robb Wo says:

        or better yet - how bout the X-Men versus the Titans?!?

      • James (Haz) says:

        Yeah- X-Men movies are also high cheese material

        The cheddar in those comic books could fuel 100 movies no problem

  3. Pman-67 says:

    I prefer when they plan more movies from the beginning. What I can’t stand is for a movie to be a surprise hit and someone decides a sequel is needed (see: Paranormal Activity). Every hit movie does not need a sequel. Granted, sometimes it works, but most of the time, not so much….

  4. Roman says:

    I mean just look at a video game like god of war and you can see the possibilities with greek mythology that you can work with. It doesn’t have a lot of cult followings so you can get really creative with the material and not piss people off.

  5. shamsu1055 says:

    I love the idea, as long as it doesn’t end up like revenge of the fallen, i.e 1st= one great movie but 2nd= one of the worst movies ever.

  6. vargas says:

    There is a wealth of great story telling in greek myth so they have rich themes and story lines to work with which means that I’ll be expecting these to be better than the average sequels.

  7. 420BAND says:

    Sounds good! Just one thing: let’s hope they don’t repeat certain (somewhat) failures and film them all at once like the Matrix or Starwars one’s. they seem to get crappier when they do that.

    I dont know, just thinkin’

    This movie does look great though

    • Corey says:

      LOTR was filmed at once, I think they turned out just fine haha

      But I think more would be fine if they’re already planning on it. Just don’t pull a Men in Black and have a setup for a sequel at the end and then go in a completely different direction

  8. cloud720 says:

    I guess a sequel wouldn’t have to have Perseus but if it does then I would hope that they don’t create completely original adventures for him.

  9. Alex says:

    Unless these movies have Kratos in them than I’m not interested :p

  10. JeffyDooDa says:

    This will probably trigger another remake of Homer’s The Odyssey. That is something they should make into a trilogy! Especially if they got someone like Guillermo Del Toro to do it.

  11. T-VO says:

    Plenty of greek mythos to pull stories from. I approve this message!

  12. 420BAND says:

    LOTR was the exception and not even close to the rule..

    those movies are on another planet next to the others I’ve mentioned (in reference to filming together)

  13. Drunken Monster says:

    Sometimes I hate it when studios announce these things when we haven’t even seen the first movie yet. I mean as that guy in Fanboys said: “Hey guys, what if the movie sucks?”

    I mean take Transformers, even if the first one is half-decent, did you ask for the train wreck that was TF2?!

    I’ll approve/disapprove this message after I see it.

    • Rodney says:

      There is no approving or disapproving required. The statement is valid even with your opinion on the situation.

      The point is that when they planned to undertake a remake of this classic film, they did so anticipating it could be a franchise and not just a stand alone product.

      There is nothing wrong with that. If they fail at making a financially successful film, they will cut their losses at one. If not, they can keep going.

      Its the films that are intended to stand alone that they have to force more out of that end up sucking because it doesn’t make sense to go on.

  14. SnakeEyes says:

    I CANNOT wait to see this. It looks EPIC, and hopefully doesn’t end up disappointing like “Troy” did. The Kraken and that scorpion look so damn cool.

  15. Robb Wo says:

    A trilogy sounds awesome. I just don’t want a 3-part, 5-yr movie. Not that the studios ever really take notice, but I would hope they’ll come up with a new, compelling story like the the original they took this from, instead of just cranking out 2 more while the cash is funneling in. Maybe not 2 sequels, but 2 more Greek mythology action movies, with some common elements from the first.

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