Clash of the Titans Sneak Peek: Medusa

With Clash of the Titans less than two weeks away we are treated with a sneak peek into the action that this film promises to deliever.

Here we see part of the battle with Perseus vs Medusa.

The original Clash of the Titans Medusa battle was anticlimactic, but this looks to be upping the ante as our hero looks like he has a different plan for dealing with an enemy he can’t even look at.

I can’t wait for this.

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26 Responses to “Clash of the Titans Sneak Peek: Medusa”
  1. joe says:

    awwwww now way it stops right at the good part lol

  2. Soggie G. says:

    Looks really good so far!

    And it looks like Rodney can calm down about the music lol.

    • Rodney says:

      Still not at all happy about that rock soundtrack in the trailer.

      But its the only place I have seen that soundtrack, so I am holding out hope that its not in the movie.

      • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

        WHY is Medusa half-serpent? That’s just messing with Greek Mythology right there…..she was a complete humanoid, just with the small detail of her having snakes for hair.

      • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

        *completely humanoid

      • Rodney says:

        Medusa had a serpentine lower body in the original Clash of the Titans as well.

        While it might be “messing with mythology” it is in line with the first film’s depiction of Medusa.

  3. Roman says:

    Dude seriously your going to get all up in arms over her body being a snake? ITS MAKE BELIEVE creative license calls for tweaks like this or your getting the same story over and over with a new gloss of paint. Besides lots of spins on greek mythology use a serpent body on medusa

    • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

      Not going up in arms, but if this film claims to be based on Greek Mythology, it just makes sense for it to stick to Mythological fact.

      • James (Haz) says:


        I am neutral in this argument. I agree with you, but on the other hand, she looks cooler when shes got a snake body. Maybe she can turn back to legs if she wanted to, its kind of different with her.

        What makes me mad is the fact that Pegasus is BLACK in this movie. That is an OUTRAGE.

      • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

        There, Mr. James, I gotta agree with you :-P She DOES look wicked cool…..

      • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

        Dunno, they were appealing to all races with this one? Didn’t wanna piss the stallions off? Who knows?

        I have a feeling they mixed up the scripts for two films, though-Clash of the Titans and Percy Jackson. In the Percy Jackson books, the pegasi (also the name of any children the original Pegasus had), were nearly all black, including the “main” pegasus…..

        So is this just lack of research on their part or is it coz someone mistakenly read Percy Jackson and decided that all pegasi must be black? or both?

      • James (Haz) says:

        This is one of those things which cant be discussed. Pegasus is not black.

        Its got nothing to do with race… Spiderman is red and blue, Batman is black, oranges are orange, and Pegasus is white.

        They got the MAIN idea of Medussa. Serpent head (check) dangerous (check) somewhat woman, maybe attractive (check) made her look more serpent-ish and cooler. The idea stays the same. Percy Jackson the movie made her look laughably bad.

        But the black Pegasus thing is coming off as almost offensive to me right about now

      • Rodney says:

        Really? That pegasus is a black horse is OFFENSIVE to you? Like suddenly this deep and insightful personality of a flying horse is completely ruined because of the colour of his hairs?

        Its a detail. Not a deal breaker. You guys are obsessing over the dumbest tiniest details.

      • James says:

        Oh okay. Thats cool.

        You DO know by the way, that when Zeus made Pegasus… the whole point of making him white was to show his pure heart, right?

        Like- if they want to change Pegasus’ color… black would be the LAST choice.

        So if you go to an EB Games and see Captain America wearing a Russian colored uniform, im guessing you wouldn’t mind.

        Pegasus - black equals to

        Green Lantern - orange

        Batman- Naked

        Spiderman - wearing a “fuck uncle ben” shirt

      • James says:



      • Rodney says:

        Aside from traditionally seeing Pegasus depicted in white in artwork, there is no record in any of the text indicating his colour.

        White is just speculation.

        The only “facts” carried in the Greek Myths is that Pegasus was born of the blood of Medusa as Perseus beheaded her, mixed with the sea foam implying Posiedon’s involvement.

        Clash of the Titans does not follow this tradition either since Pegasus was around before Perseus slays Medusa.

      • James says:


        Pegasus is black.

    • Rodney says:

      The original Clash was the only depiction of Medusa with a snake body.

      That being said Clash of the Titans has never claimed to be a strict and accurate depiction on Greek Mythology, simply strongly adapted from it.

      Big difference between “based on” and “is actually word for word and visually accurate to the letter of”

    • Jinn says:

      truz up, a little creativity wouldn’t hurt…

  4. vargas says:

    Looks good to me! Too bad they stopped right at a really good part!

  5. Krazie835 says:

    I do wish that Craig Armstrong was doing the music.

  6. 420BAND says:

    Medusa on Steriods!

    I for one, dont mind tweeking the “MYTHS” of Mythology.

    This my be a tad too much, but it’s all good.

    It’s a Fantasy movie after all

  7. mh17m3 says:

    looks similar to God of War..Medusa is an enemy in that game and looks exactly the same as this 1..nice clip

  8. Mike Mai says:

    i’m a sucker for greek mythology. this is a must watch

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