Chris Evans offered Captain America?

Looks like former Fantastic Four actor Chris Evans has been formally offered the 3 film role of Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger.

If the source is correct (and Evans reschedules his Romcom with Anna Faris set to shoot at the same time as Cap) we could be seeing Evans in the red white and blue this summer.

THR reports

Sources tell us the actor, who once donned superhero garb in two “Fantastic Four” movies, has been offered the role of Captain America.

Marvel has not confirmed the development and CAA, which reps the actor, declined to comment.

Evans’ offer would include starring in up to three “America” movies plus “The Avengers” movies and appearances in several other Marvel movies.

As much as I would prefer Chris Pine or Ryan (Captain Awesome) McPartlin, I think I am ok with Chris Evans in the role.

He has the sharp good looks, the physique, and is a pretty good actor.

And while some sites have their underoos in a twist over this, I don’t mind that he once played the Human Torch since Marvel is already planning to reboot that franchise with someone who looks good as a blonde as Sue Storm. So he wont be playing a double role (because that never happens in superhero films) since the Fantastic Four franchise is done for now.

What do you think of Evans if he does take the job?

I like this a hell of a lot more than John Krasinski.


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67 Responses to “Chris Evans offered Captain America?”
  1. joe says:

    i am fine with it i just wish they offically report it already

  2. Aaron says:

    It’s not perfect casting, but I agree… It would work. However, if you wanna stick with typecasting, he oughta jump ship and head over to DC to play the Flash.

  3. anna f-A-ris says:

    Dear sir,

    Please hire a proofreader. Your posts are ripe with misspellings.

  4. bigsampson says:

    i am with rodney on this….rather have pine but evans is cool to.

  5. Gerard says:

    Oh DAMN I called it a while back…go back and read the post on one of the older posts about Captain America.

    • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

      Yeah, coz we’re that bored.

      Evans is cool…..but will we now get a cocky, smart-ass Captain America?

  6. JeffyDooDa says:

    Ugh. If they make Chris Evans Captain America that means that they are going to bring comic relief to the table. Chris Evans was good as Johnny Storm for the reason that he was a silly guy with one-liners. Captain America is a serious comic book character and they need to make this a serious action movie. Plus, Chris Evans and Chris Pine are both too young and too small. Cap is supposed to be HUGE!

    • joe says:

      how do you know that he cant be series he is an actor after all give him a chance be for saying anything yet

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I may not have enjoyed the film itself, but I’m assuming you didn’t see Street Kings?
      And I enjoyed “Cellular”.

      And you’re suggesting he isn’t a serious actor?

      By the way, as far as your other two requirements, help me out and enlighten me.
      Too young? Too short?
      Chris Evans?

    • Rodney says:

      As mentioned above, there is no reason to speculate that because Evans is Cap that it will be a silly comic relief character.

      Evans is more than capable of playing it straight.

  7. thematticus says:

    Not the best, but he is in shape. Sorry Rodney, but Captain Awesome is one the worst actors I have ever seen. He does look the part though.

  8. Drub says:

    I find it funny that Chris Evans (assuming he accepts the role), will have not only played two characters in the Marvel universe, but also two characters in the Marvel universe that were supposed to be blonde.

  9. 420BAND says:

    I actually Won a spelling bee in school and I always misssssss-spell! WHO F’N CARES!

    This is O.K. by me, and he was the only GOOD thing in the 4 franchise!

    Now get to work on this already!

  10. Stormy says:

    Meh. I’ve been in the Alex Ross camp for months — despite the lack of blond hair (which apparently would rule him out in Drub’s book), Jon Hamm was born for this role.

    • thematticus says:

      Oh, dude, you are so right about Hamm. It never crossed my mind but you are totally right. Aaron Eckhart would be good too.

  11. mandyfan says:


  12. DirkAnger says:

    I’d still rather have Captain Awesome but if locking up Evans means that the “black hole of acting” that goes by the last name of Tatum isn’t gonna get the role then I’m cool with Evans too.

  13. uk poulton says:

    I say Paul Walker would be a better choice

  14. James (Haz) says:

    Actually, now its official. Chris Evans just said yes, and he is Captain America.

  15. Dan says:

    I’m happy with this. I heard good stuff about him in ‘Sunshine’. Fantastic 4 sucked something awful, but he was the best actor in it (not the best thing in it though, that goes to Jessica Alba’s body). I’m just glad that Dane Cook is nowhere near this. As a Brit I also hope they do the Union Jack character well, to give it some appeal over here.

  16. Darren J Seeley says:

    I don’t think t is him, but I do buy the idea that he has been offered. If he takes the job, he joins the ranks of actors who have played two different characters in Marvel related movies. Even the previous Punisher, Ray Stevenson, appears in Thor.

  17. cloud720 says:

    They should just get Ryan Reynolds.

    The “he is already a character in the marvel universe” excuse, isn’t going to cut it anymore.

    • Rodney says:

      The excuse works fine when he is playing a Marvel U character that is still relevant.

      Evans isn’t playing Torch ever again. As it stands Reynolds will play Deadpool for as long as he wants.

  18. joe says:

    I mean look at matt damon and what he did with the informate and then with the green zone so when people are saying that he is big enough is also bogus for myself i dont see him really as captain america and you know what that makes me more excited for it becuase i want to see what he is going to do with it.

  19. 420BAND says:

    No Ryan Renolds anything else PLEASE!

    he’s already got Scarlet, what else doe’s that greedy fucker want! (HA-HA)

    Keep him on that other side(DC)

    that version was weak!

    • Rodney says:

      He is coming back as Deadpool, not Weapon XI DEADPOOL.

      Essentially he will be the version we saw in the first half of Wolverine before he disappeared. In time it will be revealed that Weapon XI was not Wade Wilson (it wasnt even Reynolds who played the Weapon XI/Deadpool) as they already intend to do a Deadpool movie with Reynolds with a very traditional Deadpool “Merc with a Mouth” story.

      • 420BAND says:

        That wasn’t him with the mouth covered and fighting at the end of Origins, it looked like him (eyes)

        He was good in the 2 scenes he was in, but they feel like they lasted less than 3 minutes at best.

        thanks for update!

  20. 420BAND says:

    Jon Hamm ????


    I’d rather stare at Cathrine Hendricks’ Bod!

    That guy (seems) makes Matthew Fox look like Jim Carrey!

    Wax Museum candidates

  21. Castle91 says:

    He did a fine serious role in “Sunshine” although the movie itself wasn’t great. I’m just not convinced Chris Evans has the presence to be Captain America. Hopefully he’ll prove me wrong, though. As the decision has already been made.

  22. Geno says:

    I can see how many people can’t really seem to take Evans seriously and take the role of Cap as a serious character. Most of his films he plays a wisecrack but he can have his moments. I’ll think he’ll do a good job, now I wonder. What if….they make another Fantastic Four movie and Captain America makes a cameo? What! What will they do? I’m so scared! My mind can’t take two Chris Evans on screen playig two different characters!

    • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

      Funny as that sounds, they’re rebooting the Fantastic Four franchise :-) So yeah, they’ll probably have some other blond playboy as the Torch…..your mind can stop getting boggled now.

      I have saved thy ass.

  23. Kristina says:

    I’m willing to reserve my final call until I see the movie. This way, if he kicks ass, I won’t have to eat my words like everyone had to when they saw Heath as The Joker.

    • James (Haz) says:


      Just say it!

      We all look forward to making fun of you if youre wrong. Or you may be right.

      Its a win win.

  24. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    You know what?

    Jeremy Renner should play Captain America…..he’d be PERFECT.

    • Rodney says:

      I don’t think Renner would suit him at all.

      And the position is filled, so they wont be taking any more applications.

      • gypsydreams101 says:

        Yeah, just read :-S

        Still, why d’you think Renner wouldn’t suit the role?

      • Rodney says:

        Renner is what.. 5′9″?

        His physical presence is too rough around the edges for the apple pie image of Cap, and he doesn’t have that distinct “good looking” feel to him.

        He makes a great soldier grunt and/or cop, but I cant see him as Cap.

        I’d like to see him as Hawkeye though. That guy just screams Hawkeye to me.

  25. Roman says:

    Now we are going to see forced jokes with Evans and the Robo tourch in the Cap movie because the invaders are confirmed.

    It took a lot of quasi serious films for people to take will smith seriously in movies like Seven Pounds and The Pursuit of Happyness

    Movies like Ali and the Legend of Bagger Vance built up to those films because they were smaller films.

    For Evans to go from all his goof ball films like scary movie and tourch to a big tent pole character and film like captain america will take a lot for people (even me) to get over.

    I don’t like it and it pisses me off because i love this character. Captain America leads by example thats how he inspires people I just hope they capture his essance as a character but as of now I have my doubts on the whole film

    Just my opinion don’t kill me for it.

    • Rodney says:

      So you use the example that Will Smith was capable of playing it straight despite being known for his smartass charm, but this pisses you off that Evans got the gig because there is no way he could be anything but smartass?

      Sounds a little contradictory.

      I have to have faith that they saw something in Evans that embodied the stoic hero/symbol that Cap is in order to give him the job.

      I doubt he acted all sarcastic in a reading and that got him the job.

      And I dont think there will be any forced jokes if they include roboTorch, but I don’t think they will pass up the opportunity to play a nod there. We know the Invaders are to be included, but we dont know the specifics of how exactly that will play out.

      • Roman says:

        I read in that report that he didn’t read for the part. Did i read it wrong?

        As a fan i choose whether to see a movie or not based on how i feel about it and seeing him casted makes fans like me think that they aren’t taking it seriously.

        I will see it because it is what i do with marvel movies but it might turn off some is all i am saying.

      • James (Haz) says:

        I am sorry.

        I have to go with Roman here.

        Will Smith has shown time and time again he can play a serious role well. He has what it takes to be an intimidating leader. He has the OPTIMUS PRIMEish vibe Captain needs.

        Evans… even when he is serious, he doesnt look confident enough and meanacing enough. He looks nervous and scared when hes serious.

        I would rather see Mr Smith get the role of Cap ANYDAY then Evans.

        Will Smith has that spark. Evans just doesnt have it. Period.

        Its about presence with Cap.

        How can evil superpowered Gods walk into a room and feel scared of a guy in a shield? Cap is intimidating. Will Smith, Sam Worthington all have this trait. Theyve shown it in movies before.

        Someone please pick up a Captain America comic book. Look at his personality. And now tell me with a straight face this kid can pull it off. Ive seen this guy in intense roles, its pathetic.

    • thematticus says:

      Two words - HEATH.LEDGER. Everyone thought he was a bad choice for the joker, how did that turn out? Give the man a chance.

      • Roman says:

        Calm down with invoking the dead, listen even in lesser roles Heath always had a weight to him. Also playing a psycho is completely different from playing an inspiring focal point (though i think ledger could do it). Evans hasn’t shown that level of weight (at least to me) all that i have seen from him was mopey not silent strength. Again these are just my opinions so what do they matter.

  26. 420BAND says:

    Evans is fine. Apple Pie all the way!

  27. Robb Wo says:

    I still don’t get why they’d cast the same actor in similar roles in similar genres - but i know i’m also in the minority, so i’ll move on. BUT - the Cap leadership role seems a bit much for him. I don’t doubt that he can do serious - just because he’s done good sarcastic wiseguy stuff doesn’t mean he can’t do anything else. But just being serious isn’t gonna give them the presence that Cap has and needs. Seems a little young and green for that. But I’m glad they got him cast, so we can start seeing these films take off!

    • James (Haz) says:

      Apparently theres a shortage of actors?

      So they have to make dew with the same ones.

      It’s not like they can audition with hundreds of different guys. No. Not with the amount of actors in Hollywood today.

    • James (Haz) says:

      Heavy sarcasm.

  28. James (Haz) says:

    Seriously guys…

    I dont think Marvel GIVES a shit anymore.

    Marc Webb? Chris Im-Not-Johny-Storm Evans?? Saying “fuck it, just reboot it” every other day?

  29. 420BAND says:

    Why cant Johnny Storm’s actor play another role in the Marvel U?

    I’m a HUGE comic book fan and like many of you guy’s I hold this stuff close to my inner geek heart. I’ve invested time, money and more time reading and following and collecting certain things in this genre and love to rant/comment/read about
    this stuff. BUT I really dont see an issue here. some people even are willing for Ryan Renolds to play Cap. (isn’t the same issue?) THANK GOD we dont get that clown to play him! he’s the biggest wise-ass of these two(and that’s all cool)But I dont see the sky falling on this one.

    out of the dudes that could have played Cap we got a guy that was in the top 3 IMO.

    But again, Cap IS THE Leader of them all so I can see people having issue with age.


    • Roman says:

      I am totally with you on your last line.


      if marvel is doing quality assurance and involved as deeply as they were with iron man i have hope this will be a smash hit. I love iron man for different reasons so i hold out hope this will be a success… All that aside man do i not like Evans.

  30. 420BAND says:

    Sam Worthington was my pick, next was Pine, then Johnny Storm

    But Will Smith? C’mon man you got Sam as Fury, thats good enough, changing Fury isn’t as drastic as changin’ CAP. (not a race issue) Will has the Size though, I’ll give you that.

    But havin’ Will woulda Killed it for me. Big Time.

    its kinda Like making Luke Cage with Brad Pitt…..wont work

    Let him do Black Panther or Iron Fist or even Daredevil at this point….not CAP bro.

  31. Mark G says:

    They’re offering Chris Evans the role of Captain America?I mean absolutely no offense,but he’s already done the role of Human Torch in both Fantastic Four 1 and 2.They couldn’t find another actor to do the role of Captain America?Chris Evans is one of my favorite actors and all,and I hope he feels the same way I do about it.And again I mean no offense,but that’ll be stupid if they get Chris Evans to play Captain America,so I hope he turns it down.It may not be my movie or nothing,but people sure can mess things up very,very bad.No offense to Chris Evans,but they can use the other guy the started to use.Again no offense to Chris Evans,and I rest my case.

    • Rodney says:

      He already accepted and considering what they have gone through to come to this decision I have to have faith that they have seen something in him that qualifies him for the role.

      The link to the article of him accepting the role is at the bottom of the article

  32. aaronite_1 says:

    As amazing and fun as he was as the Human Torch(an inspired choice even), Evans was never quite the Torch as we knew him on the comics page, which was more of a Jensen Ackles, IMO.

    Take note, FF rebooters!

    And no, this is not coming from a Supernatural fan, far from it, lol

  33. LeoGuy says:

    I think that all of people are forgetting that this is the origin of cap…meaning that he will be the somewhat scrawny artist who entered the army and volunteered for the super solider program. So I’m fine with someone who doesn’t scream the qualities of cap just yet, as long as it all comes together at the end.

    • Rodney says:

      And I guarantee 20 minutes into the film we will see a buff and capable Cap.

      • LeoGuy says:

        Thats a bold statement..I would like them to flesh out his history just a little…we didn’t see the Iron Man suit till what, 45 minutes into the film? I get that its all important to have him Captain America as soon as possible, but there’s still the Steve Rogers character that should be at least given some development.

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