Behind the Scenes Twilight Eclipse Featurette Online

Hitting the nail right on the head this featurette giving us a peek into the making of The Twilight Saga Eclipse, promises to deliver more action to go with the emo love story.

In reading this last book in the Trilogy (Breaking Dawn is the fourth of a Trilogy as far as I am concerned) the groundwork created in presenting the hidden world of werewolves and vampires comes to a head in a massive battle all sparked by this doomed romance.

This book had the most action and the most potential to draw in a crossover audience to those who see Twilight as just teenage emo crap.

Then the fans can drool over a (potentially two film) epilogue that they call a fourth book.

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4 Responses to “Behind the Scenes Twilight Eclipse Featurette Online”
  1. James (Haz) says:

    Yeah, theyre going to turn the fourth book into the epitome of an epic cashgrab success

    theyre going to squeeze all the juice they can out of Breaking Dawn, and theyre going to make it awesome too. Because the ending of BD was ghastly and so far the changes and adaptations theyve made to the movie version of the books have been great

  2. Meli says:

    Well that sneak peek made me feel a little better after the horrendous trailer. I want Eclipse to be good…it has the best material of all the books.

  3. 420BAND says:

    All this over 1 skinny chick?

    WOW! I guess those hairs CAN move a battleship!

  4. Nadine says:

    I cant wait until this movie comes out! I loved New Moon better than Twilight and can’t wait for Breaking Dawn either! Bringing these books to life was the smartest thing Stephanie did……well aside from writing these books!

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