Top Five Movies that Made Me Cry

Posted by Rodneyon 12. 02. 2010in Favorites, Features, News Chat

Given that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, here in the film chatting world everyone gets expectations of taking their loved ones or special gal to dinner, and maybe a movie.

So while this typically ends up being some sort of Chick Flick, that has always been about guys strategically gaining favour with their girls for doing something just for them. Or at least going to see that movie they wanted to see, and have the perfect excuse to go see it without getting teased. Its a win-win.

But while everyone else is ranking their best Chick Flicks, I am doing something a little different. I am simply going to rank the top five movies that have MADE ME CRY.

Yes, I have a soft side to this snarky exterior and trust me guys, that scores more points than taking them to see Twilight. And while not many films have broken down this hardened war torn exterior, there have been some films that have jogged my emotions enough to spark a response.

This list is going to share those exact moments the waterworks were too much to contain, so this could have spoilers. Just to warn you.

#5 - UP!
During the whirlwind scene setting the premise of the film, we see young Carl being befriended by the spunky Elle, and they grow up together and find a life together. That was a beautiful introduction and montage scene done right, that illustrated elements of their very long life together.

When the bouncy trip through their life slows in pace and eventually shows the news that Ellie is ill, it gets sad. But seeing her pass and him at the funeral were not what tripped me off. It was him going home to that empty house. I was done. I dodged a look at my wife, not to see if she got misty too, but more to see if she would catch me wiping my eyes.

#4 - Power of One
This movie had me in choked up moments more than once. I really felt a strong connection to the character as the film is so well done to illustrate. But the variety of misty eye moments in the movie were enough, and they are offset by a number of feelgood victories in the story too.

When the well meaning and beautifully warm love interest Maria (Fay Masterson) is senselessly slain by an evil Nazi (Daniel Craig) I was horrified. When PK shows up at the funeral, her father is outraged blaming his rebellion and forward thinking for her demise - and the dozens of Africanners she touched step over the horizon singing I was done. Weepy city right there.

#3 - Braveheart
I went to Braveheart knowing what the movie was about, but not knowing the specifics. I knew that a freedom fighter would stand against English oppression and free Scotland, but what I didn’t know was that Wallace throws away his chance at a quiet life after a British Lord kills his woman. That detail was never revealed to me.

So in that scene, where Murron is captured and set as bait for Wallace, and she looks hopefully over the horizon with utter fear in her eyes. I am waiting for the textbook Hollywood rescue scene, but instead he slits her throat.

Oh my, that was effective for me. Seeing that trigger such a change in Wallace was powerful, but watching her fade away got my throat making with the lump. But I was also moved deeply when Wallace drops to his knees in front of her father, and he struggles to reach out a consoling hand in a gesture of forgiveness. Ahem… I think I got something in my eye…

#2 Best of the Best
Eric Roberts is joined by a number of other misfit martial artists in this late 80s action flick to enter an Exhibition Contest against a Korean Team. Each of these 5 athletes has his own quirks and emotional burdens entering into it, but the secondary star of the team is Tommy Lee, who has his own grudge to face as the man he is paired to fight accidentally killed his brother in Tournament years before.

What makes this something more than just a typical martial arts vendetta action flick is that while Tommy Lee’s motivation for becoming the Best of the Best was his brother’s death. And he is fully aware that the power and strenth he has is literally lethal. He struggles that the grudge he carries may cause him to lose his temper and seriously injure or kill this competitor.

The surprise ending finds Tommy holding the victory point to win the tournament for his team right open before him and rage fills him. He forfiets the win fearing what he may do next. Noble effort. But that wasn’t it.

During the award ceremony, the man Tommy did not take down gives a moving speech about his brother, and shares his medal with Tommy. Damn that came out of no where and messed me up.

#1 - Lion King
All full of Noble strength with a name that sends chills down the spines of lesser quadropeds in all that the sun touches.. Mufasa stands as a Warrior King to be feared and respected. He only has to speak to envoke automatic loyalty. And to see him frollicking about and chuckling with his dear lion cub Simba is heartwarming. But that just perfectly set me up for the fall.

Even more emotionally triggering is his death. Seeing the desperate efforts of this stalwart king to save his young son from a stampede, and the fear in those eyes… then while Simba is swept to safety, he dies. When lion Cub Simba pleads at the still form of his fallen father, my heart broke.

But when he lifts his giant paw and curls into his chest whimpering, its over. Puddleface.


I got a little weepy writing that last part. Not ashamed to admit it. Interestingly enough James Early Jones was in both of the top two films I mentioned, both in supporting roles.

There are other films that have hit me emotionally and stirred things up inside, but this manly man has so far been able to avoid physical evidence of such weakness. These are just among those that really got me.

Is there any film that got you choked?

Edit This is a real discussion, and you are not being funny with the “I cried because I paid to see it” lines. Lets keep this civil.

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Rodney who has written 7865 posts on The Movie Blog

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178 Responses to “Top Five Movies that Made Me Cry”

  1. spence says:

    When I read you post on #1, The Land Before Time popped in my head. When Little Foot loses his mom, very sad. Also, when he is sees his own shadow on the rocks and runs too it, cause he thinks its his mom. :(

    • Kaneda979 says:

      I totally forgot about those parts, been a long time since I’ve watched that movie.

      But ya, I remember now how sad and emotion it was the first time I saw it as a kid. Both my little sister and I couldn’t help cry over it. Think my mom got chocked up too when she watched it with us.

    • anthony chobot says:

      the top 5 movies that made cry was
      5 rocky babloa (alterinde ending)
      3.Lion King
      2.castaway wars esp 3 rots ending

    • THe Only One says:

      The only movie that gets me every damned time is Watership Down. And it gets me twice!

      First, when Hazel gets shot by the farmer and Fiver dances with the Black Rabbit to that Art Garfunkle song ‘Bright Eyes”… even though I know Hazel makes it through, the seen puts me in traction.

      Second, the ending, when Hazel does pass on from old age, and he joins the Black Rabbit’s Ouzler (sp?). Damn, I get teary eyed just thinking about it.

      • Oh God Yes! says:

        ‘All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you: digger, listener, runner. Prince with a swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.’

        God damn that movie. Up has nothing on this Rankin Bass classic.

  2. Matt Keith says:

    “The End of Evangelion” makes me cry every time I watch it. Beautiful, beautiful film.


    Have you ever seen a film thats soo bad it made you cry? Just curious.

    • Rodney says:

      No, people who say a movie was so bad that they cried over it is just silly exaggeration.

      There is no movie that bad that I would cry about it. Complain? Sure. But cry? No.

      If a movie is that bad, it cannot connect to me emotionally.

      • Kaneda979 says:

        I’m not sure if he’s wording it right, perhaps misusing the word “bad”? But also technically there are 2 different endings to Evangelion. 1, the end of the TV series and 2, the end of the 2nd movie.

        The TV series ending was meant to be the true ending, but Japanese fans wanted an ending with more of an action oriented or physical impact to it and to the main characters. So the creator went on and made the 2 ending movies, first of which is more of just recap of what happens in the series. There’s more to why there are 2 different endings, but it’s kind of complected.

        So the series ending is VERY highly emotional on mental level, that really makes you think, but also truly makes you feel for the main characters and all of the insane things they were forced to go threw, in their effort so save what’s left of the human race. Also it gives you a real since of impact from the effects of each of their flaws on both one another and themselves. All and all it’s a complete mind fuck. Can’t say it quite brought me to tears, but it certainly has made me look at life in a more profound way.

        And the ending of the 2nd movie is much more on the physical emotional level. I’d say more, but trying not to spoil to much. It’s hard talking about Eva without giving away too many surprises, because this series is just full of them. But I do agree that the end of the 2nd film is one of the most amazing and beautiful endings to any movie, EVER.

  3. Jeremy says:

    I am Sam. Went with my wife just a couple of months after our son was born, and wept through most of it.

    Return of the King - that final scene when Sam & Frodo say their goodbyes was powerful.

    Phantom Menace. Because I actually paid to see it.

    • Zach says:

      I completly agree with you on Return of the King. When they are all saying goodbye and all the hobits are crying it makes me lose it everytime.

  4. boombocs says:

    Donnie Darko
    The Green Mile
    Amores Perros
    Rules of Attraction
    Lost in Translation

  5. 420BAND says:

    these always get me.

    Life is beautiful (laughed and cried at same time..cried more though)

    Pursuit of Happiness (corny cliche’s at times but powerfull)

    Marley and me (I know, I know)
    but that scene at the end when the kid is re-watching home movies and you see his faithful dog by his side since he was born..if you dont cry there, you’ve got no soul.

    • Geno says:

      I can never watch the ending of Marley and Me, I have to leave the room and act like I’m going to the bathroom or getting something to drink. Meanwhile I go and tears drip down my eyes when I think of my pets that I’ve lost in my life especially reminds me of my one dog that I grew up. Most people have that one pet that they always remember the most.

      Also Man on Fire with Denzel Washington or Saving Private Ryan. Those get me all choked up.

      • Shane (Dragonslayer) says:

        Marley and Me pissed me off because it’s fucking PG and is aimed at little kids (which I have little sisters), and every chance they got they had Jennifer Aniston stripping down and trying to fuck Owen Wilson…in a FUCKING KIDS MOVIE. But the end is sad, I can say that much.

      • Rodney says:

        Then perhaps you should have paid attention to the Rating.. oh right. You knew it was PG - Parental Guidance.

        Meaning it is Suggested your parents excercise discretion as some material may not be suitable for pre-teenagers.

        The movie was NOT aimed at kids. The PG was pretty clear with that.

        Just because it has a cute puppy in the poster does not mean it was a kids movie. Garfield was a kids movie.

      • Shane (Dragonslayer) says:


        Most kids GO to see PG films. And it’s a story about a dog, why wouldn’t they want to go see it and why WOULDN’T it be aimed at kids?

        I didn’t think the film was bad, but it just made me mad that it’s a movie that’s PG that has some sexual content and kids go to watch it.

        That’s just my opinion…

      • Rodney says:

        And your opinion is based on the premise that this was directed at kids. And considering the suggestive public displays of affection I would argue that it clearly was not.

        The movie is rated as PG for mature subject matter. So … not for kids. Cute puppy or not.

      • Shane says:

        It was directed at kids. The marketing, kids wanna go see it. But whatever to each his own.

      • Rodney says:

        You can keep saying it was “directed at kids” all you want, but a PG rating warning of mature subject matter. Its your responsibility to observe these warnings to make these judgement calls.

        If you feel the film was marketed to kids is purely your opinion. It wasn’t. It was labeled as a family romantic comedy drama.. not a kids movie.

        It has elements for kids and adults, but some subject matter may be considered too mature.. they warned you.

        If you are too ignorant to read a simple film rating and subject matter review plastered all over the trailers, then that is your problem, not theirs.

        You make it sound like they advertised a Pokemon movie and then gave them porn. It was PG. accurate and approved.

      • Jon says:

        I see both of your points. Typically, movies that are PG are directed towards kids. However, I don’t think this film was geared that way. This film is for adult and kids. Geno was definitely correct that the sexual implications during the film would suggest something more. However, the general public, especially young kids, are so used to that type of stuff that it doesn’t phase them. I mean can see much more on regular TV these days.

      • Jon says:

        Excuse me I meant Shane (Dragonslayer) not Geno

    • gypsydreams101 says:

      5.) The Pursuit of Happyness
      4.) Rainman
      3.) SIGNS (short film on YouTube-beautiful)
      2.) The Lion King
      1.) Titanic (no shame admitting it)

      • gypsydreams101 says:

        Save for the last two, the others didn’t make me cry, they were just extremely, extremely touching. I haven’t seen Up yet, though, but I guess if I had, it would’ve found mention…..

    • BobaFett says:

      1. Life is Beautiful - What an amazing movie…all this time you think about what a funny comedy it is, and then WHAM…

      2. Old Yeller

      3. Dying Young - Seriously why did they make this movie?

      4. A Time to Kill - “Now imagine she’s white” (I bet Grisham wishes he thought of that line…)

      5. Jerry Maguire - Seriously saw this in Japan with a theater full of Marines, not knowing that the movie was a rom-com…thought it was a Tom Cruise movie about Football…and there was not a dry eye walking out…

      • Lorraine says:

        John Grisham did write that line, but it was a juror who said it, not the attorney. It was actually more effective that way in the book. I did love the movie as well though.

  6. wally.dixon32 says:


    • Shane (Dragonslayer) says:

      In what way did it make you cry?

      • Matt Keith says:

        You actually take a Michael Bay film seriously? The only serious film he made was “The Rock”.

      • Erik says:

        The part where the flight commander, Col. Willie Sharp, approaches Liv Tyler’s character, salutes her, and says, “Requesting permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I’ve ever met.”

    • Zach says:

      I have to agree with you. The part that gets me everytime is right after they land and Chick’s(Will Patton)kid comes running around the cars toward him. The look on Chick’s face when he sees his son for the first time is heart wrenching but in a good way.

    • JJ says:

      haha i thought i was the only person who cried at the end of Armageddon. It was the second time i saw the film, i had been at the pub all night, put it in when i got home and shed a tear when Bruce’s character says goodbye to Liv Tylers character. Yes, a Michael Bay film made me cry, but not because it was bad…

  7. liyo says:

    Tizoc (1957)-
    WALL·E (2008)
    It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
    Titanic (1997)
    Ghost (1990)

  8. SlashBeast says:

    - Titanic
    - Up
    - Cars (that scene where Lightning pushes King across the line, gets me every time)

    • SlashBeast says:

      I also forgot these:

      - Forrest Gump
      - Ghost
      - Paths of Glory
      - All Quiet on the Western Front

      • Jon says:

        I can see what you’re saying with Forrest Gump. Paths of Glory not so much but its a damn good movie.

        Pursuit of Happiness
        I am Legend…only when he kills his dog…that was rough.
        Life is Beautiful

  9. Dragon says:

    -Forrest Gump
    -Lion King
    -Jungle Book - the original
    -Antarctica - Japanese version

  10. James(haz) says:

    Woah! What about Ghost? (the scene in which he gives her a penny)

    I bawled at the end of Were The Wild Things Are

    The lesbian letter in V For Vendetta

    Jessie’s song in Toy Story 2

    The girl in the red hoodie from Shindlers List

    The man-hug in Shawshank Redemption

    Forrest Gump when the girl dies at the end


    • James(haz) says:

      Monsters INC… a little bit.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I was distraught when the girl in red died. I honestly thought she’d be the one who lived.

    • AARON says:

      Or when that crazy general in Schinedlers List just starts shooting people in the camps from above

    • gypsydreams101 says:

      BLOODY HELL! How could I forget The Shawshank Redemption? That’s my favourite film of all time! Damn, that last monologue, the one about “Hope”! Oh my God!

      And there’s “Sunset Boulevard” as well! It’s so touching, the way she faces the cameras in the end, her butler/husband’s undying devotion to her…..damn…..

    • Shane (Dragonslayer) says:

      Schindler’s List was a film I wanted to cry during, but I couldn’t. Still doesn’t take away that it’s the best film of all time IMO.

      Tide with Pan’s Labyrinth, which did make me cry.

  11. Ifaz says:

    5) Lion King
    4) Ladder 49
    3) Saving Private Ryan
    2) Seven Pounds
    1) Armageddon

  12. Mykrantz says:

    Just going to add movies not previously listed.

    Wrath of Khan - Spock’s death & Kirk’s Eulogy
    The Notebook

  13. Anti-Septic says:

    The first movie I ever teared up over was the made for tv movie Brians Song (1971) starring “James Caan and Billy Dee Williams” based on the real-life relationship between teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers.

    I still cant watch it to this day without getting teary eyed.

  14. Jeremy says:

    Oh wow - Schindlers List - can’t believe I forgot that one. When Neeson holds up his gold ring and says how many more he could have saved, guaranteed tears.

    I refuse to watch Marley and Me for the fact that I KNOW what happens and don’t want to be all weepy.

  15. 420BAND says:

    Jessie’s song in Toy Story 2: Yeah thats always a trigger.(and I’ve seen it 100 times w/ my kid and always have to look away)

    Rudy: the scene where they all give their jerseys up.

    The end of Where the wild things got me too..(such an odd but wonderful film.)

    E.T (my kid and I saw it for his first time the other day and cried for the first time in a movie)

    I got more but dont want to seem like a wuss..

    • gypsydreams101 says:

      There, there dear, *sniff*…..I forgot

      1.) Wall*E
      2.) Stuart Little (sue me, I was like 5 when I first saw it)
      3.) I Am Sam
      4.) Forrest Gump
      5.) Castaway
      6.) When Harry Met Sally (my first ever love story)
      7.) Lost In Translation
      8.) Finding Neverland
      9.) Old Yeller
      10.) Ghost

      Bloody touching films, all of them…..didn’t cry (except in Wall*E), but was moved enough to not move…..

  16. Danny says:

    I’ve never cried over a movie but some have broguht me close. The closing scene of A League of Their Own for one. I don’t know exactly what but there is something about that Madonna song “This Used To Be Our Playground” that plays during that part where the players have reunited and are playing a ball game for old times sake.

    • Danny says:

      Oh and for the anime fans. Barefoot Gen and Grave of Fireflies. These two are also ones that almost made me cry.

      Both are stories of children trying to survive after the atomic bombs that dropped in Japan in WWII.


      Grave of Fireflies is especially sad since it actually starts with the main character (a boy barely in his teens) about to die from starvation and in a nod to the “when you’re about to die your life flashes before your eyes” thing he recounts the last few years of his life starting from the day the bombs dropped (sorry I forgot which of the two cites he was in). Barefoot Gen actually ends on a happier note with the main characters actually surviving.

      • bernardg says:

        I refused to re-watch Grave of Fireflies, not because it’s bad anime, far from it. In fact, it is one of the best anime of all time. But because it’s so tragic, heartwrenching flick, that you etched in your memories for sometimes after watching it. I remember once seeing it in a movie festival many years ago, i swear that the first time i saw a whole theater cried, and so many used kleenex around afterward.

  17. Mark Z says:

    Rudy (how can anyone not cry at the ending, the music is the most powerful thing)



    A.I. (the ending for somereason gets me)

  18. Smokey says:

    Gladiator, when they killed his family. That made me think what I would do in that situation.

  19. spence says:

    -Plains, Trains, and Automobiles
    -Dead Poet Society
    -Man on Fire
    -John Q
    -Patch Adams
    -My Sisters Keeper
    -I am Sam
    -The Fox and The Hound (when the old lady leaves Tod(thefox) in the woods. gets me every time.

  20. Jon says:

    i’m glad you put the best of the best up there. saw it when i was pretty young and it made me cry, and you can’t tell if its a happy or sad cry. probably both. i saw it again in my early twenties and i had the same reaction. stranger than fiction had me teared up. but not crying!

  21. Arvind S. says:


    When Bumblebee was captured

    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    When Optimus Prime died.


    When Wall-E died.

    The Notebook
    When Noah fulfilled his promise

    When Jack sunk into the ocean

  22. Aaron says:

    The Royal Tenenbaums
    When Chas watches Royal pass away in the ambulance.

    At least three times throughout its three hour duration.

    Love Actually
    When Emma Thompson’s character finds out she’s being cheated on.

    Little Children
    During the end narration.

    X-Men 2
    When Jean sacrifices herself.

    Lord of the Rings 1
    At the end when they replay Gandalf’s words of wisdom… “So do all who blah blah blah, but that is not for them to decide…”

  23. Steve says:

    1971 Brians Song - first movie I can remember when I got all misty eyed

  24. thematticus says:

    Million Dollar Baby. I’ve seen it twice, and I will never watch it again. Not because it’s bad, but because it is so good it made seriously thibnk about my life differently. It haunts you.

  25. bigsampson says:

    HOLY COW i thought i was the only one that cried watching best of the best!! amazing u too!

    i was going for my green belt the day i seen that movie and it ment so much to me as a 15 year old teenager!

  26. 420BAND says:

    Oh Yeah, Gran Torino got me misty as well.

  27. Jon Freestone says:

    The Patriot - I tear up every time the youngest girl talks to her dad for the first time. Gets me every time I have seen the movie.

  28. Jeremy says:

    It’s hard to come up with just five…but here we go!

    5. Dear John - a great scene between father and son really got me
    4. Toy Story 2 - When Zurg shoots Buzz in the beginning…just kidding Jessie’s Song
    3. Jerry MaGuire - I just can’t help myself!
    2. 13 Going on 30 - Love this movie!
    1. The Passion of Christ - I think the only time I cried more was when my first child was born.

  29. Kaneda979 says:

    So glad you put Up, Braveheart, and the Lion King in there. All of which have made me cry at least the first time I saw them.

    Haven’t seen the other 2 on your list yet, but will soon as I get the chance.

    But Lion King still gets me to this day too. I still start to get watery eyed on Up. Braveheart, I’ve just seen it so many times.

  30. Kaneda979 says:

    Seven Pounds - The ending, when he kills himself to give his heart to her.

    Big Fish - When his dad dies at the end, but he imagines it as all his friends, both made up and real, and his loved ones are there to see him off.

    Finding Nemo - The beginning, where Nemo’s mother dies.

    Man on Fire - The ending, where he sacrifices himself for the little girl.

    Gran Torino - Again, the ending, when he sacrifices himself so those innocent kids can have a brighter future.

    Now and Then, Here and There - I know, it’s not a movie, it’s an anime series. But I have NEVER watched anything in my whole life that has made me cry more from watching something, EVER. Powerfully Emotional. If you are into emotional story telling, then this is a MUST see.

    • Shane (Dragonslayer) says:

      Man, Seven Pounds was strange with me. It was boring and too long, and I didn’t like the ending, but man, it sucked the soul right outta me.

  31. Blake says:

    The Land Before Time





    The Passion of The Christ

    Lassie (1994)

    Plenty of others…I cry way too easily during movies, haha.

  32. opa says:

    recently i watched all the seasons of brothers and sisters (shutup, good show) and what i noticed is that the proper music for a scene is what seals the deal for me.
    i.e.: cold play’s fix you when mccalister has his heart attack. fuck, my streak almost ended.

  33. yamo says:

    Marley & Me always gets me.

  34. T-VO says:

    Hachiko: A Dogs Story is bound to make everyone cry because Dogs rock and humans suck.

  35. T-VO says:

    Iron the end when Vin Diesel says “Superman” as he’s about to crash into the missile.

    • Kaneda979 says:

      Vin Diesel was the voice of the Iron Giant?! LOL, how come I’ve never realized that before?

      But ya, Iron Giant is an amazing movie and that part chokes me up every damn time as well…

  36. 420BAND says:

    Big Fish – When his dad dies at the end, but he imagines it as all his friends, both made up and real, and his loved ones are there to see him off.

    Holy Moly Batman I totally forgot that one and it’s my favorite Tim Burton film!

    dido on Iron Giant!

  37. arnold says:

    5. Sound of Music - when Maria was getting fired by Von Trapp father then he suudenly hears “Eidelweiss” being sung by the kids

    4. Color Purple - Happy tears in the end.

    3. Passion of the Christ - during the scourging

    2. Schindlers List - when Schindler was leaving and he was given the ring and he kept saying he could’ve saved more… his car could’ve bought more lives.. etc.

    1. An Affair to Remember - in the end when Cary Grant visits Deborah Kerr and she won’t get up to greet him and he turns sacrastic, then when he is about to leave he slowly realizes why and starts searching for the painting he did that got sold to a crippled lady. (this one always gets me)

    Honorable Mention:
    Awakenings, Untamed Heart, Mask, The Notebook, the Champ, Love Story, Romeo and Juliet (Zafarelli version)

    • Snughead says:

      Finally!!!! Somebody mentions the champ, i cant believe i had to scroll through so many crappy posts before it was mentioned by you!! Nice one.

  38. 420BAND says:

    I dont know if I cried at the end of Armegedon, I think I actually laughed..

    Mostly anything with goodbyes after investing yourself with the characters….then they part, it will always get me…(most cases)

  39. gkwilley says:

    Brian’s Song. The original, not the remake.
    Pay it Forward

  40. Jericho says:

    “Man on Fire” starring Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning. The end of that movie, at the bridge, and you know the end of Denzel’s character’s life is at hand just as the reunion between captive daughter and her mother commences. Great song at the end and a great movie all around.

  41. Adam Peterson says:

    I can still remember the first times I saw Best of the Best and the Lion King. Holy crap! Hit it right on the head, Rodney! Glad you reminded people of how great BotB really was.

  42. Darek-T says:

    I’ve only had 3.
    Thin Red Line- The part where all the scrawney little Japanese guys get over run
    Up and
    Where The Wild Things Are- pretty much the entire 1st act had me crying, hell I was tearing up a little just when I saw the opening logos.

  43. yoda says:

    Most of mine have been said but 2.

    Transformers: (the Animation Movie, when Prime Dies)
    What dreams may come.

  44. genesiskelsghost says:

    How about the weirdest movie that made you cry? Something not really designed to hit you in that way, but due to some personal circumstance, it brought on the tears.

    For me - 8MM with Nicolas Cage. My first daughter had just been born at the time and at the end of the film when Cage came home from such a horrible experience and he thought his wife had left him. He stumbles to the crib he thinks is empty and sees his baby daughter there and he breaks down. He then crumples into his wife’s lap and tells her that she saved him by being there for him… Man, I was bawling.

  45. josh says:

    I love that you have Best of the Best, that one gets me every time.
    In no real order
    5. A Time to Kill
    4. It’s My Party-Eric Roberts is fantastic in this.
    3. Breaking The Waves
    2. Invincible- I’m an eagles fan laugh it up.
    1. American History X

    Also Running Scared, The Notebook, and Phenomenon to name a few.

  46. Daniel says:

    I also cried when the little girl finally speaks to her dad in The Patriot. But the one that gets me every single time is What Dreams May Come. Some very sad parts in that movie.

    • Jess says:

      Me too, it is so awful. “Don’t go Papa, I’ll say anything you want!” It just rips my heart out thinking about it!

  47. Pedro says:

    Philadelphia - Tom Hanks lying in the bed at the end, just about to die and says “I’m ready”.

    Ground Hog Day - The part where he relives the final moments in the old man’s life, and nothing he can do can stop him from dying.

    Schindler’s List - As someone else mentioned above the scene with the gold ring, the realisation of just how many have died and there was nothing he could do.

    Saving Private Ryan - Lots of sad scene’s in that one, but Ryan as an old man breaks down in front of, although we don’t know it at the time, Capt. John Miller’s headstone. He asks his wife to tell him “Tell me I’ve lived a good life, tell me I’m a good man”.

    The Bourne Supremacy - Scene where he goes to tell the Russian girl that he killed her parents, then the sad look on his face as he limps away.

    Leon (The Professional) - Just after he’s cut the hole in the wall so Matilda can escape, she starts to cry because she doesn’t want to lose him.

    Empire of The Sun - The final scene, his parents are looking for him amongst all the children but don’t even recognise him. Just the look on his face, now aged and saddened by all the horrors that he’s seen.

  48. Rain says:

    My most recent movie that I cried in was Click. The scene where Adam Sandler’s character finds out his dad died. So he rewinds back to the moment before he died. It just makes you think about your dad and you get all choked up. But that’s the most recent movie I cried too.

  49. Dan says:

    Brotherhood is the one that gets me every time. Its the most powerful film i’ve seen.
    Second to that there was Gladiator.

  50. Dan says:

    oh and the Green Mile as well

  51. Rosey says:

    “Life as a House” with Kevin Kline. “American Beauty” as well.

  52. Arindam says:

    lord of the flies

  53. kal07 says:

    Really nice movies everyone…
    Here are few of my picks, in no particular order:

    The Green Mile [cried buckets]
    Grave of the fireflies
    Big Fish
    Lion King
    Forrest Gump
    The Notebook
    The Pursuit of Happyness

    and few more which I don’t remember right now BUT the one no-one has mentioned till now is “Frequency”..great film!

  54. Josh says:

    The end of “In America.”

    The end of the erasure process in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”

    The photo montage at the end of “Pieces of April.”

    The opening sequence of “Where the Wild Things Are.”

    “Milk,” “Synecdoche, New York” and “Up,” in general.

    And, the opening sequence of Abrams “Star Trek.”

  55. Toshio says:

    Quill - its a japanese movie

  56. Tv Sucks/Thats alright says:

    There’s also “World’s Greatest Dad”

  57. Kaneda979 says:

    So many great movies named off so far by all of us.

    But I almost forgot about the movie “Life is Beautiful”.

    By far one of the most powerful and moving films ever made, if not THE most. You’ve got to be made of stone not to be crying by the end of this one.

  58. daspman says:

    1. Lion King
    2. Phenomenon
    3. Iam Legend

  59. Chris Unthank says:

    Two words for you:

    My Girl.

  60. Darren J Seeley says:

    The Notebook.

    It’s A Wonderful Life.

    Superman (Death of Lois Lane; Supey cries, blasts off flying, you know)

    Young Frankenstein (I laughed so hard…I cried)

    Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi (Darth Vader becomes Anakin Skywalker as he saves his son Luke)

  61. Shane (Dragonslayer) says:

    1. Pan’s Labyrinth
    2. Saving Private Ryan
    3. Up
    4. The Shawshank Redemption (just a little)
    5. Prom Night, which bored me to death because it wasn’t scary, had no gore, had god awful acting and a pussy killer. Worst horror film EVER.

  62. Matt Keith says:

    One that I’m kind of surprised hasn’t been mention is the scene in “Avatar” where the Na’vi’s hometree was destroyed. The First time I saw the movie that scene made me cry.

  63. Nifty says:

    In no particular order:
    1) My Dog Skip. (Well, basically ANY dog movie.)
    2) Dances with Wolves (“Dances with Wolves! I am Wind in His Hair! Can you see that I am your friend? Can you see that I will always be your friend?” Waaaah! I sob like a baby, every time.)
    3) The Notebook. I’m not a fan of Nicholas Sparks books/movies, but the ending of this movie is bittersweet and makes me cry but in a happy way.
    4) Chariots of Fire. The scene at the end when Liddell is running and throws back his head rips the tears out of me every time.
    5) Up

  64. Mark says:

    I can’t believe no one has mentioned Glory! The ending gets me everytime. Starts off with Denzel getting shot. From that point on, I’m trying my best to hold in the tears, but when that last shot of them running into the cannon happens, I can’t hold it in anymore.

    • riggs says:

      thank you for mentioning glory, ending gets me everytime (and it also helps that i was part of the choir who was on the soundtrack)

  65. Anders says:

    1) Philadelphia - at the hospital when one of Beckets brothers breaks down when he is about to see his brother for the last time.

    2) Forrest Gump - visiting Jennys grave

    3) Up - the intro scene

    4) Dances with Wolves - when Two Socks gets killed

    5) Gladiator - Maximus returns home in Elysium

    6) Schindlers List - the shower scene, the women wait for the showers to come on and everything goes black.

    7) Crash - when the little girl gets shot (fortunately with a blank)

    8) Jerry Maguire - Rod Tidwell speaks to his wife and childen on the phone just after his big game at the end of the film.

    9) Fried Green Tomatoes - When Ruth dies in her sleep just as Idgie is telling the story about the oysters.

    10) The Road Home - ZhangZiYi desperately tries to see her love interest one last time when he is forced to leave the village. She runs, carrying her home made dumpling in a pot, she falls, the pot cracks and she see him in the distance moving away, she cries…arghhhh!

    • Shane (Dragonslayer) says:

      Oh my God, that was my favorite part of Crash! It didn’t make me cry, but man, you can feel the agony in that guy when that shot of him screaming is shown.

  66. Matt Keith says:

    @”Well I have never cried because I am a dude”

    What the hell does that have to do with it?!?!

    Just because your a guy doesn’t mean crying makes you unmanly or any of that shit.

  67. WholeBlack says:

    Ol Yeller. Very first memory I have of crying because of a movie. Matter of fact, the only one since. However, those commercials with animals being mistreated with Angel by Sarah Mclaughlin playing in the background still get to me.

  68. Derek 8-Track says:

    im getting misty eyed just reading some of these. oh the power or movies.

    the first movie i cried at in the theater was Cool Runnings when they picked up the bobsled and carried it across the finish line. I was a kid and didnt know what was happening to me. it was so weird. it wasnt like i slammed my finger in a door, skinned my knee, or was getting in trouble from my parents. it was a movie that made me cry. i think i grew up a little that day. i was in 3rd grade.

  69. Pedro says:

    Courage Under Fire - The scene where Denzel Washington visits the parents of his friend to tell them the truth of how he died.

    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - The scene where Li Mu Bai has been poisoned and Yu Shu Lien has to watch him slowly die.

  70. Zeb says:

    The Patriot
    I almost forgot about that. When his daughter finally speaks to him, my flood gates are wide open. I can’t help it. “Poppa!”

    The Abyss
    When Bud loses his voice because he’s screaming for his wife to come back to life.

  71. acathla says:

    Field of Dreams
    House of Sand and Fog
    The Rescuers

  72. Pedro says:

    Oh, it just hit me, two that I don’t think anyone has mentioned:


  73. jkeith0207 says:

    5. Certain episodes of Record of Lodoss War (Chronicals of the Heroic Knight)
    4. Last episode of Cowboy Bebop
    3. What Dreams May Come
    2. Last of the Mohicans
    1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (watch it directly after a break-up and dont cry, i dare you.)

  74. Edvin says:


    Never Ending Story - Swamp of sorrows, when Atrax dies.

    The Power of One - to many scenes to choose from, bring tissues.

    Gladiator - The Patracide, Maximus loosing his family, The ending (Mostly being a mixture of sadness and happiness and being incredibly touched.

    Syriana - The end of the movie, jesus fucking christ I was angry and sad at the same time.

    Sunshine - When Mace dies.

  75. Edvin says:

    Honorable mention: The Road to Perdition, the silent scene in the rain. It’s a very powerful scene.

    I cried not because it was sad, but somehow I was very moved by the scene and the performance of Paul Newman.

  76. Tarmac says:

    Into the Wild - the scene just before the end where the film reflects back on the lives of all the people Chris met along the way, ending with his dad, who began being so strong and emotionless, collapsing on his knees in the middle of a road unable to hold back the tears for his lost son. So heavy I tried to fight it but couldn’t stop myself balling.

  77. Peita says:

    Gallipoli - the inevitable, unnecessary death of thousands of soldiers. Stupid war.

    Pay It Forward
    Steel Magnolias
    Dead Poets Society
    The Outsiders
    Life is Beautiful

  78. Audioout says:

    I know it’s probably just me but:

    Jersey Girl. The scene where George Carlin tells his son he’s afraid of being alone. Something about that scene got me.


    Kung Fu Hustle…yeah, yeah I know but the scene where the main character realizes who the girl with the lollipop is just kills me for some reason.

    The only other film I can say got me was Pan’s Labyrinth.

  79. Jimbird says:

    Field of Dreams. That ONE scene of playing catch.

  80. FunkyMunkey says:

    For me, it’d be:

    Grave of the Fireflies - Jesus H. Christ that film made me bawl!
    Dear Zachary - if you’ve seen the film, you’ll know why
    Central Station - the Brazilian film

  81. Kleino says:

    1. Lord of the Rings , Return of the King - where they all kneel down to the hobbits.
    2. Reign over Me - in the courtroom.
    3. Lion King - Mufasa’s death.
    4. Remember the Titans - the funeral at the end.
    At the end of the first Bleach movie where the girl is fading away from everyone’s memory.

  82. Stank-0 says:

    Remember the Titans — from the carwreck until the end of the movie

    Armaggeddon — when Willis’ character volunteers to save humanity; when they arrive and Tyler’s character meets the Air Force captain

    Taken — when Neeson’s character is at his ex-wife’s house and his CIA friend is giving him the grim news; when he finally rescues his daughter

    Y Tu Tambien — when they both find out that she died.

    Saving Private Ryan — the final scene at Arlington National Cemetery

    Gladiator — When Crowe’s character dies.

    • Pedro says:

      In Saving Private Ryan it was the War cemetery in France they were visiting not Arlington National Cemetery.

      But yes a very emotional scene.

  83. Robb Wo says:

    don’t know if anyone is gonna get to read ‘comment 127′ at this point, and I apologize if it’s listed somewhere up there already, but an oldie that always got me was ‘Project X’, when the one chimp sees the other dead on the table and it’s arm just hangs there(think that’s about right-it’s been a while since i’ve seen it, and don’t know if I’ll ever actually watch it again. sniff.)

  84. Will Herc says:

    There are quite a few but the most recent one was Everybody’s Fine. I got all misty eyed and then I turn around, my girlfriend is just crying her eyes out along with the rest of the theater. The story with most of the kids and the performances (Rockwell, Barrymore) were mediocre but De Niro was just excellent in the film and damn…he made you sad.

  85. Richie rich says:

    1. John Q
    2. Shawshank
    3. Castaway

  86. Tenso says:

    Very good list. I haven’t cried in a movie up until a few weeks ago when I watched “Taking Chance,” about a Marine who need to get shipped home after he is KIA in Iraq. I think it was the first time I cried in a movie. Twice.

    • Bentcoppa says:

      It has to be the The Elephant Man for me.
      The ending is proper sad, I remember going to bed and crying, I was only 11 at the time though.

  87. Ryan says:

    I agree with most on here, but one that isn’t mentioned and had me crying the first time I saw it was King Arthur. When Arthur is on the hill watching the people leave just as the Saxons are aproatching and yells down to the guy with many children. And then later when the horses act up and they know they need to go back with Arthur to almost certain death. Then the bird is set free. For some reason those parts make me weap.

  88. Ryan says:

    Oh and when Brad Pitt is on the helicopter being rescued and realizes it was his friend who ordered the special ops to rescue him at the end of Spy Game.

  89. Marlon says:

    The final scene in Seven with Brad Pitt. For some reason I was swept up in the moment and got really sad about his wife, then wanted to shoot Kevin Spacey myself!

  90. Marlon says:

    Oh, and E.T.! But I was seven.

  91. It's Me says:

    Prescious based on the novelSapphire
    Lion King
    I am Legend

  92. Afee Tadeo says:

    My friends call me stupid for this but I cried watching Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith during the order 66 scenes when they killed all those jedi.. And of course, Obi-Wan’s “You were the chosen one!! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not joined them!! Bring balance to the force not leave it in darkness!!” “You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you..”


  93. heyshenanigans says:

    Million Dollar Baby…. So so sad, cuz you just see her deteriorating.

  94. george naing says:

    Brave Heart and Lion King did make us teary.
    What about “From Here To Eternity”

  95. Lisa says:

    Everyone should be sure to watch some of the earlier Classic Tearjerkers from bygone eras:

    Splendor in the Grass (Still makes me sob)
    Old Yeller (I know, it’s a dog, but still)..
    It Happened One Night
    East of Eden
    Roman Holiday
    The Third Man
    Mildred Pierce
    Imitation of Life (Still crying)
    An Affair to Remember
    A Place in The Sun

  96. max says:

    man on fire had the most emotional ending in any movie ive ever seen my whole life. as a male i have not cried in littleraly years but this movie did the job and always will no matter how many times i watch it.

  97. kyle says:

    A time to Kill during Matts final speech to the jurors.

  98. slimmoo says:

    1)grave of the fireflies

  99. kevin says:

    Blade Runner…at the end when Rutger Hauer’s charachter saves Harrison Ford at the last moment,instead of killing him,because he realizes the value of life…and when he states all the amazing things his eyes of seen will be “lost…like tears in the rain” at his own death.

  100. bilal says:

    1. A Perfect World (kevin costner and clint eastwood) If you wanna see a man cry make him watch this movie
    2. Notorious - tears were flowing when biggies mom heard his music
    3. The Miracle at St. Anna
    4. Set It Off - at the end when TT dies and Cleo gets shot up
    5. The Pursuit of Happyness - sleeping in the restroom

  101. DALEO4 says:

    Aw cool link, ok here is mine
    5. In America
    4.Good will hunting
    3.Two brothers
    2.The pursuit of happiness
    1.Marley and me

  102. Sar Gent says:

    Green Berets
    Hamburger Hill
    Casualties of War
    Hurt Locker

  103. roam_along says:

    P.S. I love you
    In pursuit of Happyness

  104. maya says:

    The Pursuit of Happiness was make me cry…

  105. Cardiffballer says:

    The only film I cried to was the ending of American History X. That was deep :(

  106. Roy says:

    In no particular order:

    Marley and Me
    Seven Pounds
    The Shawshank Redemption
    Forrest Gump
    Lion King
    Saving Private Ryan
    Lost in Translation
    One Litre of Tears (japanese; drama series version)
    The Pursuit of Happyness
    Lord of the Flies

  107. hasi says:

    I have only watched Braveheart out of the movies of your list sir. It’s really heart warming actually the final wallace’s execution scene.
    Another great movie made me cry which is “Schindler’s list” . liame neilson’s character finally says “I could have saved more” . at that point i couldnt hold my tears no more. great actor.

  108. rdhutchi says:

    Blood Diamond anybody

    Most of the mentioned have great soundtracks that make it happen.

  109. Tara says:

    ohhhh I am sooooooo with you on the lion king.It’s the only movie to ever make me cry, EVERY TIME.It my favorite movies and I can’t even watch it unless I’m alone. Everything about the movie is amazing and epic.

  110. Corbaaca says:

    Wow! These are all great and just reading them and thinking about when I watched them gets the ol’ tear ducts flowing. Definitely Marley and Me (I’m such an animal lover and have gone through almost the exact same thing), Braveheart for sure, everytime. Especially at the end when Robert the Bruce gives his speech to his army - “You bled with Wallace… now bleed with me!” Hoo boy! *fans eyes* Green Mile? I believe I wept uncontrollably… in the theatre. Then the lights came on… yay!

    Click is another great one listed already too. So sad, but at least ended on a high note. Oh, here’s one not mentioned… The Road. Geez, right at the end when the boy’s father dies… holy crap! I’m a new father myself, so this was heart wrenching.

  111. mutiara says:

    every movies about animal,especially for dogs always make me cry, like Marley and Me…

  112. ardhan says:

    i cry when i watch romantic movie T_T

  113. chai says:

    i haven’t watched thats movie you mention.. only one i have watched, that is brave heart, but i get cool impression rather than sad (just my opinion)…

  114. Wes says:

    I’ve read through more than half of the comments and I still haven’t seen it.
    Can’t believe this one hasn’t been mentioned yet.

    The end of “Field of Dreams”, when he asks his dad to play catch with him.
    Tearing up just thinking about it.

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