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Terminator Rights sold to Pacificor for $29.95m

By Rodney - February 9, 2010 - 09:40 America/Montreal

Terminators just don’t die. You can kill em, but they just build another one. Judgement Day cannot be averted. We thought it was over with Salvation as it failed to save the franchise from bankruptcy, but after a fierce battle with Sony and Lionsgate over the auction for the rights, it appears that Pacificor, the creditors that put Halycon into bankruptcy in the first place have overbid to lay claim to the corpse.

Obsessed with Film reports:

In the end it was Santa Barbara-based hedge fund Pacificor, the debtholder who pushed previous owners Halcyon into bankruptcy. The final bid was said to be $29.95 million, and Nikki Finke has reports that the major Hollywood studios backed out when it became obvious Pacificor weren’t letting anyone else get their hands on the property.

As part of the deal, Halcyon will receive $5 million per every new Terminator movie greenlit, and will keep all future revenue earned from Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Terminator Salvation.

I find it interesting that the company who forced Halycon into bankruptcy to begin with has become the bidding winners of this property.

Sounds like this was their plan all along. Hostile takeover of sorts.

Now what they might do with the property is unknown. Maybe McG will get his chance to make that Terminator 5 he was bragging about.

I was hoping they would let Terminator fade in its bittersweet history, but with this much cash being tossed around to secure the property, I am sure they will do something with it.

Maybe a musical?


  1. joe says:

    just get some one differnt to do it as a director if they do another one i dont want to see McG again

    • R1ZE says:

      I’ll say it again - McG WASNT the problem. It was the script.

      His idea for T5 is TERRIBLE but if they gave him a proper script he could do what needs to be done with it. The action in T4 was by far the best of the year.

  2. Brendan says:

    What’s a pacificor?

    • Rodney says:

      The name of the Hedge Fund that Halycon owed money to. They originally loaned the money to Halycon to keep the Terminator franchise afloat, and now that they have failed to pay back their debts, they were forced to go bankrupt.

      In bankruptcy, the sale of their assets would go to pay their debts, so since Pacificor held that debt, and also bought it, they paid themselves.

  3. Angie says:

    Okay, I know I’m in the minority but I didn’t think the fourth movie was that bad. This might be the fact that I expected it to be horrible after Terminators 3. Sean Connors was a let down. For having a great actor play him… he was meh and definitely not the charismic leader that had been talked about before. I wouldn’t mind if a 5th was made. I don’t know about McG making it, I’m nuetral. I just hope someone would push Mr. Bale into being a decent actor in the next or get him replaced.

    • Brendan says:

      I actually liked the fourth film as well. John Connor turned out to be a douche, but Worthington’s cyborg role totally made up for it. Pretty much the only thing I didn’t like was the randomness of Helena Bonham Carter being in it… I’m 98% sure they could have found someone better.

    • Matt Keith says:

      Salvation was good, but just as a mindless action flick.

    • kal07 says:

      I’m with you.

      • R1ZE says:

        T4 was amazing as a mindless action movie in a great setting. The story was nonexistant and the movie was shallow, but it satisfied me.

        At the very least, since it didn’t affect the story you can atleast ignore it if you didn’t like it.

  4. cloud720 says:

    I wish James Cameron would come back and do Terminator 3, and completely disregard the last two movies and the TV show.

    I know this will never happen and that is why the keyword was “wish”.

  5. oz says:

    honestly, the last 2 movies were a piece of junk. The main problem for me is that number 2 kinda closed the whole terminator story, so anything they try to do afterwards seems flat.
    But the other problem is that even with a bad story, some summer movies are fun to watch for the effects and action sequences.. but this 2, come on!
    And don’t think a well-known director would be willing to take on this one. The best their gonna get is Sommers, and that’s bad enough.

  6. bigsampson says:

    haha i love the fact that rodney loves bashing this franchise….what like u forgot that the story was awesome at one point and that the last one was only bad cause it didnt have what u wanted in it? The franchise isnt dead and it still has tons of fans that will pay for a new movie if its good…sorry u dont have faith in it…but lots of us do…and the price they paid for the franchise it could end up making them a lot of money.

    • bigsampson says:

      or they can fail hard and u can laugh at me!

    • Brendan says:

      I am in agreement. Personally I thought the last one was pretty good and I find most people who were disappointed- it was only because their own expectations let them down.

      I’m not saying that it was a perfect movie or that the franchise hasn’t seen it’s share of troubles… but it’s still an awesome enough story to keep it going.

      Time travel philosophy? Robots and AI? Destiny/Freewill dichotomy? This franchise is ripe with potential, they just need to get a good team together.

    • Rodney says:

      The franchise is dying. They made an attempt at part 3, and it failed. Fans hated it.

      Now 4 was better than 3, but not by much. The franchise is beaten to death and they have hit up every story they could and there is nothing left.

      I dont bash the franchise. I loved the first two films and enjoyed the TV Series (BECAUSE it wasnt cannon) Its over.

      Until someone shows me a reason to find life in this series, I don’t have any faith in it.

      If they make a part 5 and its awesome? Then fine. Call it Resurrection because this is over to me.

      • Brendan says:

        You know in the year 2000 there was a lot of people saying another little franchise was ‘dying’ and were losing total faith in it… then in 2005, a little film called ‘Batman Begins’ came out and blew everyone away.

        Oh and then there was that other not-so-huge franchise that had all been given a time of death in Hollywood around the year 2005 and then a film called ‘Star Trek’ came out in 2009 that made audiences across the world simultaneously crap their pants.

        Sorry Rodney, but pronouncing this franchise dead at this point is extremely short sighted, almost negligibly so for someone running a movie blog.

      • Rodney says:

        So while you are busy proving me right, explain why these franchises that you mentioned REQUIRED A REBOOT to revive ANY interest in them?

        Right. Because they were dead.

        No one wanted to see any more Star Trek movies, and no one wanted to see any more Batman movies. They were dead.

        They waited a while and rebooted the series. If they do this with Terminator… GREAT. I just dont see that happening.

        And I did predict that a reboot would save Trek 14 months before JJ announced he was rebooting it.

      • Brendan says:

        I’m guessing we have a different opinion on what a dead franchise is… to me a dead franchise is something that is you know…. no longer active and can’t come back successfully? To you apparently it means… has had 2 movies within the past decade with the last making $372,046,055 worldwide…

        My point is neither Star Trek or Batman ever ‘died’ because they had their newer films to save the franchise. Something that is dead can’t come back, at least that’s my definition… maybe you live in a world where zombies are real and vampire come out of their coffins at night and live eternally as weird undead creatures… Not me.

      • Rodney says:

        A dead franchise is something I have no interest in seeing more of.

        Anything in Hollywood can be resurrected, but until that actually happens.. its dead.

        Is there potential? Yes. There was also potential that Dragonball was going to be good.

        Star Trek died. The studio, all the actors and even the fans gave up on wanting more from that franchise. The TV shows were not watched enough and were canceled. The films were modest money makers yet the studio wouldn’t risk making another.

        Batman (the films) died. NO ONE wanted to follow up on those films. They let them fade and rebooted. It was the ONLY way.

        Like I have said. If they do that with Terminator - great. If not, its dead.

  7. Shupe says:

    The Terminator movie concept is always going to be a usable movie plot, but its so played out , who in the right mind would keep this going on? It would be like throwing your money in the trash to even go forward with it.

    • Brendan says:

      Why would it be like throwing your money in the trash? Salvation made $372,046,055 internationally… That’s a waste? Ehh don’t think so dude….

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    Why do I think nasty thoughts right now?

    Nasty thoughts:

    Dirty, rough sex? No, not quite.
    Writing/dreaming up scenes of carnage and mass annihilation? No, of course not.


  9. fullmetal_medji says:

    Can anyone say Irony? Seriously though, I think they should just reboot the whole damn thing.

  10. MichoPower says:

    I thought Salvation was a pretty damn good. I will admit I was a little disappointed because I was hoping for MASS Terminator VS Human battles. I was hoping to see a fleet of ships and platoons of Terminators against rag tag bands of humans still holding on…but the movie was still good. Bale was disappointing in that he didnt portray very well the great leader that the first 2 films built him up as…but that was probably the script and not him personally. To me…Worthingtons character made the movie. I hope to see more…I dont know what they will do or where they will go in the T-Universe…but I hope to see more.

    • Matt Keith says:

      Bale was completely mis-cast as Connor, but he did do a better job than Nick Stahl. Although, thats not saying much.

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