Star Wars Deleted Scene

Since they made Annakin such a whiny pussy, some people feel that the portrayal of Darth Vader was tainted by the emo softy behind the mask.

I think it could have been worse if they included this deleted scene from A New Hope that has surfaced that introduced a potential love interest for the Dark Lord of the Sith

Just remember, no matter how bad it got, it could always have been worse! Count your blessings!

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21 Responses to “Star Wars Deleted Scene”
  1. cloud720 says:

    I don’t get it.

    The idea of this is funny, the execution not so much.

  2. partymarty says:

    Ahh Peter Serafinowicz. Underrated comedian he is, did you know he supplied the voice to Darth Maul, for real I mean.

  3. MBanno says:

    It would be funny if their was a full length spoof of this. STAR WARS as a ROM COM…How Darth Vader truly turned from the Dark Side.

  4. Roman says:

    I laughed everytime he said WHAT!

  5. Matt Keith says:


  6. TheLibrarian says:

    Okay, just so I’m not missing something… This is real? Its an actual deleted scene? This isn’t a spoof and I’m just being gullible right? They wouldn’t actually film this?

  7. bigsampson says:

    this was stupid period

  8. Meli says:

    Sort of funny. A pink female vader suit did’t really strike me as funny or clever.

  9. Shane says:


  10. Iam Wright says:


  11. Col Hans Landa SS says:

    When did Darth Vader turn into Moltar from Space Ghost C-2-C?

  12. chancepassenger says:

    its ok, but this could have been so much better. we need seth green to do one of these

  13. MandarinOrange says:

    This would not have made it worse. The reason Anikin was such a disappointment was because he had so much to live up to. If this was actually in the movie it would just make it a kids film like everyone thought it was.

  14. Ash says:

    My brain refuses to believe this is true.

  15. ΤΖΩΤΖΙΟΥ says:

    I would bet that Darth Vader’s voice was performed by Matt Berry. Especially the “WHAT?!”s are pointing to that direction. :)

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