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Sean Hood to Re-Write Conan

By Rodney - February 24, 2010 - 12:38 America/Montreal

Seems that Sean Hood is being called up for some last minute re-writes to the Conan script.

And surprisingly enough, Hood has also written a Hercules script being shopped about by the same guys producing this.

With only three weeks to go before shooting begins, screenwriter Sean Hood (who wrote a horror movie specifically for Nispel called Subterranean that got delayed when Conan moved forward) has been brought in to retool Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer’s original script.

In related news, it looks like Conan producers Joe Gatta and Boaz Davidson are angling to finally move forward on their Hercules film. Details are lite on that front, but the Millennium Films duo are currently shopping the Hercules script, also written by Hood, out to directors in the hope that it’ll all come together when Conan wraps.

Rewrites always make me nervous but I cling to the hope that something better will come of it and that we might have dodged a bullet here.

I haven’t formed an opinion on Hood yet, but I hope that whatever he does with this is better than what was originally in the works.


  1. David says:

    My vote is this wont make its budget.

  2. 420BAND says:

    There probally waitin’ to see “Titans” bankroll before they shoot their Wad on “Hercules-Hercules”(Klump voice)

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